Winter Walk By The River

in photography •  7 years ago 

I'd put double clothes on and went for the walk the other day. It was minus 14 C and I want to test how that works.


My goal was to reach this bridge.


I'm not sure if she enjoying the winter or struggling to survive. Who knows?


The trail runs among the trees by the river.


The birch is quite common species here in the cold.


Its bark is thin and delicate but it looks like it's doing a good job protecting the softcore.


I'm not sure what happened to this spruce. It's strong and healthy. Maybe it was trying to reach too high to fast.


It took me almost an hour but I made it. Here's the proof. The river is still frozen.


Shoveling snow and hockey is not the only sports in Edmonton.


Picnic time? No thanks. Maybe some other day.

I'm excited. The weatherman promised us a single digit temperature over the weekend. Albertans know what this means.

Have a great weekend, my friends.

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nice city pictures!

Wow awesome nature photography,,,

wow, beautiful post it

when i was lived in the village and there was running a river through the village.Everyday I have walked beside this river.This moment was so memorable.Thanks for remind me. Thanks alot.

sick shots ! And minus 14 damn did you get used to that already?

I'm doing my best.

Are you Slovenian? :D Check my profile for slo photos :D

I disagree with not wanting to picnic. It's tempting to sweep some snow off, and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate with a friend. Did you get a chance to go skiing?

To cold at the moment.

Amazing snow filled images @oldtimer I'm finding it hard to imagine minus 14 C during the midst of an extreme heat wave here in Brisbane, Australia. Your photos help to cool me down .......a little. So Beautiful! (Following)

-26 this morning.

Ooooooh . That’s frrrreezing! ⛄️❄️⛄️

Congrats for achieving your goal for the bridge ... A very fantastic place 😍😘 ... Thanks for posting a great stuff @oldtimer

Four kilometers in one direction.

Nice and lovely post

photography is very beautiful I'm sure moments like this are very rare to be found @oldtimer

It’s supposed to get warmer tomorrow! Yay!

And windy.

Your post @oldtimer makes me more want to go to that place
Because I have never felt how cold the snow

You're welcome.

I really want to communicate with you

Where can I contact you @oldtimer

awesome, you walk winter by the river, but you walk safely, otherwhise you fell cool and you get ill, so please safe walking in the winter dear

Thank you.

mostly welcome dear

and have a nice weekend too dear

White cold February for you.

In Nigeria, the ministry of health is warning us that there would be a heat wave.

Lovely pictures. You enjoyed your walk.

You better stay in the shade.

Definitely. Especially from 12pm-3pm.

Sweet photos!

You are getting some amazing shots there. We sometimes don't notice the beauty that is right in our backyard until we take a moment to look around and really take it all in. We have some beautiful place here in Canada during the wither. The snow although at times annoying can give such a bucolic effect to our surroundings. Thanks for sharing. I should get out this weekend and take some pictures around here. Your shots are really motivating. BTW, what had been your coldest this winter?? We have had -45 with the windchill afew times this year. Buuurrrrr!!!!

-32. But windchill about-45 as well.

Worse for you though I think. You get that dry cold that cracks your skin. No fun.

Awesome journey. The shot of the city is beautiful. Its truly a winter wonderland.

Wow, thats cold for me ... minus 14°C... we have a little snow here in Germany..but the river is black and not frozen and white like yours.
It must be an intresting perspective to stand on a river.

Very beautiful scenery. Stay safe though.

A bele breze tudi v Kanadi rastejo? :)



Wow, that is a real deep winter out there, You need some "kurenti" to call the spring :)

Here we have Halowen on 31. Oct. Maybe that's why the winter is so long and cold. I'll try to sugest them to import some kurents from Ptuj.

woow so soooper cool place and i am seeing first time these beautifull views of frozen river and the around river every thing in beautifull snow and froze ,,
i appriciate it that you went there and your goal completed and share this best beauty from there mr @jaro

Oh my gosh! -14! How far are you from the north pole! ? My goodness. That's just brutal! I remember minus 20 farenheight as a kid growing up in Albany NY. It was just brutal. Stinging cold. However I see you camera didn't freeze up on you and those photos are great. I was just hiking with my shirt off as usual....all over the Galapagos. Now I'm back in Guayaquil for a week going to work my tail off on steemit and hammer out a bunch of great posts then off to Peru!

Hope you are well! I'll be in touch. -Dan

lovely winter time. :D

Wow, it's nice to see that you reached your destination and this is really beautiful place and that snow is reflecting as real magic of nature and also throwing the effect of cherry on the cake effect. Thanks for sharing this beautiful and breathtaking pictures.

Stay Blessed. 🙂

wow, so beautiful photography.I also love nature.

why haven't you retired to some tropical paradise using your crypto earnings!! ;)

I was thinking that maybe cold protect us from aging, hehe.

nice photography

waw very fun, a place so beautiful and cool, hopefully your day please friends

Nema gužve... :) Tako niska temperatura dobro utiče na um i donošenje dobrih odluka? Dosta narandžaste boje u životima Kanađana. Snežna belina, prave fotografije za uživanje.


I recently moved from Calgary to Vancouver, I miss the snow in Alberta! Not so much the cold...
Stay warm!

The more things become possible for you, the more clearly you realize that nothing can be done bypassing the laws of nature.

Beautiful post and photography. Hope you can visit mine too.

Great photos ! :)
Someone can follow me ??
thank you :p

Hello @oldtimer!

I thought I recognized the river valley photos!

Edmonton's river valley is beautiful in the winter too ... but even better in the summer.

Miss driving down there over the winter holidays.

Hope you and your family are well - and yup ... it is an exceptionally cold winter this year!

Even my little muttly refuses to go outside without his booties!

Thanks for stopping by. Stay warm.

It's funny how pics of snow are so beautiful, but when there's a snowstorm here and my car is buried, I forget that beauty!

Nice pictures! I'd like to show you something similar in my country. Nature is really beautiful, perhaps you'll enjoy this.

Hoping that you enjoy it, I say good bye dude.

Greetings from Venezuela.

Manu Rodriguez.