My "3-A-Day" Posting Challenge ~ Color Run After Party

in photography •  6 years ago 

DAY 7 - POST 2: The last few months I have been so wrapped up in helping to launch the new platform that I haven't been posting as much as I used to. For 7 days straight, I am going to publish 3 posts a day, including one color challenge themed post, one post that revisits a topic I posted about in the past, and one new topic.

Color Run After Party

Over the years we have been to several Color Run events in our local area. Each year they have a different theme and varying color gates you run through. We enjoy the run itself, but our favorite part of the event is the huge after party at the finish line.

Everyone is given a "color pouch" with a random color corn starch powder in it to throw in the air during coordinated "Color Throws". The resulting burst and clouds of color is really awesome and of course adds to the layers of coloring you already have all over you. Covering your nose and mouth with a bandanna is recommended. Sometimes they are supplied by the event sponsors, like the ones scene in my pictures below.

I always bring my waterproof Fuji XP sports camera with me to capture the craziness for our photo albums.

Blue and Pink Color Throw using the Flash to catch the particles in motion.

Multi-color throw, no flash used to capture the natural cloud bursts.

Five of the people in the photo above were with our crazy group.

Let me know what you think.
Have you ever been to a Color Run event?

~ PowerPics

Day seven of my daily challenge is almost complete!😁

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