Standing silent, passing silently

in photography •  8 years ago  (edited)

There are times we should keep our mouths closed, times we should protect our thoughts. When should we speak up?

There is a lot to do in this fast paced existence, many places to be. We are often running late for an appointment or to a party, late to a schedule we may not want to keep. But we rush, and rush.

How easy is it to walk on by, to drive on past. How easy is it to justify inactivity with the schedule we must keep or else, we may lose an opportunity, lose face.

There are many chances in this world, perhaps one just got passed in the street. The face to save was not our own, but the possibility foregone was.

There is a lot to do in this world, many needs vying for attention. Maybe the ones that need ours the most, are the ones standing silent, the ones we keep walking by, silently.

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Loving the photo and your words !

Beautiful shot! Great way to start my morning.

Love your pictures. What camera are you using?

An Olympus EM-1 mirrorless. It is small and easy to travel with. This shot was with a 12-40 2.8 lens.

Keep our dears near us... Find out people who care and give them them the love they deserve 😊 the best picture in ur blog 😎👍 liked it. The shade and color tone

thanks :)


I really like the colours and composition.


Thank you very much :)

Really nice:)

Nice reminder xx
