Thoughts, Words and Photos (Twenty Nine)

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)

Are you disillusioned by it all, struggling to come to terms with your position in life, at Steemit? Do you really understand your place? For now perhaps, you move around the ground, dig through the dirt, question whether this life is worth it, whether the content you produce and the time it takes to develop it is worth the returns. No, it isn't worth it at all.

Considering there are 250,000 posts here a day, how many of them actually hold value, does yours? Does your content add value to the community at all or is it, 'just some information'? I am not picking on your content, or mine but, this is the problem as for the most part, we are writing and posting either what we enjoy or what we think others will for upvotes. There is personal intrinsic value when we create something for ourselves and that shouldn't be diminished by what the financial return is on it. If it is, do you really value your content itself, or do you do it for the money?

If you are doing it for the money, do you pour your heart and soul into it, do you really connect with it, do you feel before you press 'POST' that it was worth it regardless of the response, even if no upvotes come? If you don't even care about it, why would anyone else? I do find personal value in my work. Does this mean I am not happy with my returns or disappointed if very little arrives? Does it mean I am content with Spam responses even if the value of the post is high. No, it does not.

But, I do my best, every post, every word, and every mistake is mine. Every thought I put in, every attempt to improve the position of myself and others on or off the platform is done with honesty and carries that personalised intrinsic value. The content is mine, I want a return but, I do not ever expect a return. I do not expect that people will comment well, I do not expect they will upvote me and, I do not expect anyone to care about what I write. I hope though.

I hope that at least some of my content is deemed valuable enough to take the minute or two to comment upon and fingers crossed, not just because I reward comments, although I don't mind rewarding regardless as long as it is thoughtful. I hope that something I write about the platform can somehow nudge action to improve it, inspire someone to rethink a little, improve themselves a little also.

I was telling a friend yesterday about my Steemit journey and how much it has affected my life, how much I enjoy this. I used to be a gamer but, this is hands down the best game I have ever played as it is not just improving myself in some narrow, dictated band, I am free to explore all there is on offer and in doing, get a better understanding of who I am. I don't go out to PWN, I go out to build and help others who are willing.

There are many reasons to be here, many ways to navigate experience, improve oneself, help others but, if you only look at the pending payout and you fail to realise that anything you get is a bonus on top of the value you got from developing it, you are missing the value of the platform. I also hope for the material returns on what I write for two reasons, I am tired of a life of struggle for my family, I want to help others improve themselves. I can struggle now for a better future if it has the chance to provide me the base for satisfying improvement potentials in the future.

We all struggle at times, we all get conflicted in many ways by competing desires but, it is this constant overcoming of ourselves that will give this entire platform and world a chance to transform into something better. Do I expect you to join my pathway. Not at all. This is mine, you need to find yours.

If however you are beating your head against a wall and not getting to where you want to be, are you expecting the wall to move? You might want to consider a new path or invest in a sledgehammer. Either way, effort is involved.

[ a Steemit original ]

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Ten years ago, if someone was selling a service where one's words are recorded forever, on the internet; they'd have been able to charge a fortune.
Now, we get to do it for free; and sometimes even get paid for it.
Incredible turnaround in a decade.

Yeah, it is only the first salvos of the shift too I think. This is going to snowball greatly. Btw, are you in under the same name? If so, I will add you into a room.

After i graduated from school, getting a job was difficult. I stayed home for a 2years dancing around social network to keep my self busy. Until a friend introduced me to steemit. So far its been gainful, my whole heart is on steemit, is not just for the money, that makes me happy, but in here there is a big family.
I have meant a whole lot of people, i have learnt in so many ways.
@tarazkp i have actually not had the time to really say thank you. This medium i want to say a big thank you, so far I heart you as my family member.

I have to admit that my content, as of yet is not that good, but I do hope in time that it will get better. I really do learn from some of the people out there whose content is excellent. Back in October when I started with STEEMIT, I didn't really know what to think. Now, I look at my participation with STEEMIT is a way to improve my writing skills.

Agree @simivalleyjeff53 Im seeing that opportunity as well. Good to come across posts like this

Yes, it's a steep learning curb for me though.

I am agreed with your post, but everyone got its own level of attention, I won't lie but to say that there are more than 50% or maybe 70% (no correct figure just a guess!!) people to earn $$$$.
I use Facebook for what I call social-networking, and here all I think is selling your writings, to be approached to as many people as I can do, and get maximum upvotes.
My content is not the best, the reason might be i am too greedy for what I joined steemit. :-) :-/

I strongly agree with you you do not care about how many people drop a comment either you rewad a comment or not only one or two comment or some time no comment on a post is not maatter because only real words and thoughts are posted and only interested people are read it completly and than drop a comment if they like it and if do not like just read it and left this

to join the community is to learn new thing and 2nd option is to earn money i always read your post . you come with a new thoughts and words but in this post i can not understand the picture because you can say about these picture
If you read my comment please drop a repliy about these picture

The pictures are just pictures, they are not about the text at all. They are of a few ground bees doing their thing in life.

Ohh its ok Thanks for For informing But these are Awesome

Your absolutely right @tarazkp. This by far the best game one can play. It's all about loving what you do here on steemit. The returns come but that should not be our focus.

Freemarket is always the winner. The problem is that "government" or "global elite" control/regulate and inhibit truth art and progression.
However I always really like your pictures. I love the austin culture and appreciate you sharing.
Best Regards~*~

In purely financial terms, I wouldn't consider Steemit to be worth my while at all. I am sure that for most people there are much better ways of generating a living - alternatively, reducing your living costs - than trying their hardest to produce interesting content.

Therein lies the problem, really. In order to maximize profits made you have to be a salesman; a merchant of words and thoughts, ideas simply passing through your hands without much thought on your part. This doesn't mean that everyone successful in their writing endeavours here on steemit is a calculating sell-out, no, as sometimes it happens that the most honest and sincere thoughts resonate well with the public, aided by apt content creation skills.

Whatever you might do, you will see your reflection in your actions. I've noticed writing has a nice activating and vitalizing feeling, helps me find ideas where I'd previously be blindfolded by old patterns, whereas I couldn't go on for very long if focusing on profit alone. Quantitative evaluation of creative arts seems so out of place, disharmonic and square-shaped.

II'm still studying steemit. I came here to find an alternative to my job. I do not want to depend on my place of residence. It will be great if my messages are appreciated. I need to work hard. I would very much like to support the post of a young man. I do not know him at all. I accidentally saw his message in the news line. But the photos attracted my attention. Very touched his words about the bride.
I upvoted and resteemed it, but my strength is so small. That's when I regretted that my voice was still small.

Does your content add value to the community at all or is it, 'just some information'?
There are many reasons to be here, many ways to navigate experience, improve oneself, help others but, if you only look at the pending payout and you fail to realise that anything you get is a bonus on top of the value you got from developing it, you are missing the value of the platform.


If a content is void of value, then it's not worth dropping in this community..

A lot of people are here for the monetary gains, i am not against been here for the money, but that should be "Secondary". You creating and adding value should be Primary.

@tarazkp, I salute you sir. you are a man Extraodinaire


The reason why people seem so obsessed with all these worries is that, they let money come before passion, and believe me, if money comes before passionate, it will be difficult to make it.

People don't know what it means to put out good contents instead they focus on why they don't earn

thanks for the new blog. that is great and nice photography.

One great bunch of hypocrites those politicians. No alcohol, no smoking etc. pffff. And in the end, because less taxes come in, they raise taxes on other products or services to compensate the loss.
My blessings Chef, bottums up!, even with a gin-tonic. CHEERS!

Nice post!!!
Thank you.


this is hands down the best game I have ever played

Yes, I was trying to explain that to a friend the other day. They were talking about the latest game they had purchased and thought I should as well. This is much more entertaining to me and as you said, I get to build something. I don't always get the returns I would like, but I do get the chance to talk about the things that are interesting to me. I also get to make connections with interesting people around the world. If I continue to improve my craft and create compelling content, the rewards might come eventually. If they don't, at least I'll be a better writer! :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Do it to share, to teach, to communicate, to interact, to learn, to make money, etc. I doubt Steemit would be so popular if money wasn't a part of it to motivate people into wanting to "make it big" with their "brand" on the platform ;) The potential for getting rewarded is a key motivator for people to keep putting out posts. It can take time, and isn't guaranteed. Getting a regular job is much more stable for making money though ;)

Since I started blogging seriously here (about 7 months ago) I make sure everytime I click the post button it's something that at least don't makes me feel embarassed. Even my shittiest and most lazy posts that I do from time to time are either something I found uniquely funny or have some underlying message that hopefully the people I am targeting will get. I have no complaints, my earnings steadily increase so apparently people appreciate them.

Wow wonderful. I saw you name on another postm people sharing their favourite Steemians, I am new here and looking for people, but my comment had to do about just this, value. I am looking for real value. Posted a small post today under the tag philosophy myself. A small beginning, I sure need practise on the writing, and even having a clear purpose with what I share. This post was very inspiring. I am following you! Thank you :)

nice 😊
do not forget to follow our account and upvote @ryanrizky.

The photos are incredible!! Great job, great post, meow!

This is real good.
I laughed at the last paragraph.
But I do agree that most of all you need to do it for yourself.
Honestly steemit has made me think, what and how I want to post or comment.
Other social platforms are not like that, you just post a funny comment and you are all done.
So, even if I'm not getting enough returns now, I think I'm learning

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

These are BS comments mate that you cut and paste from a list I assume. I am flagging you from now on.

you are right.
hello mr. @jimmyblack
The steemit environment is damaged due to spam. It's a big wrong. I refrain from these, advise you to stop others.

By the looks off his reputation...,,he hasn’t succeeded in the copy paste game. Lol.
At least know what the post is about. Jeeze. : )

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment