RE: Submit Your "Unanswered Questions" Regarding PizzaGate / PedoGate

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Submit Your "Unanswered Questions" Regarding PizzaGate / PedoGate

in pizzagate •  8 years ago 

Awesome thanks for the reply!

A) The symbols were from the FBI source list. The code words were all well known pedophile code words in online communities such as 4chan, where there is a serious pedophile problem in the community especially on /b/, the code words were all well established in places like urban dictionary, via movies such as "chickenhawk" chickenlover = pedophile, these were not created for PizzaGate, but had been well known about beforehand which is why they are such damning evidence. The code words are not FBI sourced, they are well established pedo slang words, that were recognized by 4chan users.

b) I covered both of those pedo busts in a video update awhile ago, not sure which one, but yest I will cover that in a section of the documentary where I discuss similar cases. "Are there similar cases to PizzaGate?" would be the question, and the answer will be yes hence the term "PedoGate's use"

c) Can you show me exactly what images you are referencing, also keep in mind Noble's artwork was never on display at comet, Noble's artwork was merely used as a cross reference for the art that was up in Comet made by other people and the art in Podesta's homes.

d) I already apologized to Ryan for questioning him after I heard the Opperman interview in a video update I did. I believe he is legit and I will cover his story int he section where I discuss the many people who have been threatened and harassed by Alefantis (2 so far Ryan and the ex employee) or possible associates of Alefantis (Including someone who had their truck totaled, and just had a guy in camo arrested who was snooping around their backyard).

E) The Welch thing is complicated, it was a clear false flag, that may have actually backfired in Comet's face. There is a FOIA request in place to get more information on the Police Report regarding the HD in the office that was where the "lone shot" got fired into. According to my source that HD contained the same smoking gun evidence as was found in the comet ping pong protected section via illegal hacking. Therefore allowing the Police to obtain the data legally that they already knew existed, this means the Police should have the smoking gun evidence to put bare minimum Alefantis and anyone downloading that data into jail. I will drop this bombshell int he documentary if no arrests have been made by it's release.

The white house log is real, and shows Alefantis visited multiple times. I believe once at least with Obama directly or twice, I'll have to look at it again, and no I am not sure anyone has done an analysis of the times and dates.

The Sharif Silmi interview with Alex Jones was the last straw for me with that zionist shill Jones. That entire interview is a bad joke, and an obvious coverup attempt. Since that shooting has been used to make the PizzaGate conspirators out to be "victims", which is utter nonsense. They are guilty and they know it, it is just the net is wider than we thought and the entire system is involved therefore helping with the coverup.

As for Trump he is highly connected to all this via DynCorp as George Webb has done a good job of documenting, so this may end up in a big fat coverup, in which case the only people who will suffer are the actual victims the children who we are trying to help.

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Hi Titus
This is the photo that I thought had been used either in a poster or in an Instagram post by JimmyComet - but a quick look around internet for telltale pics and I can't find it (maybe you can), so maybe her artwork came to light only after the Comet Ping Pong poster of the "falling/dissociating" woman (see bottom of the next link) revealed Kim Noble's disturbing artwork, even if genuine and not PizzaGate related - I agree best not to focus on this in the documentary.

But for the record, the poster using her artwork (see bottom of post in next link)- apparently "someone" says the poster was never used and Kim Noble never had any dealings with CPP but the evidence suggests it was used as a poster (see two pieces of indirect evidences) so "someone" is most likely lying - why? did CPP get permission from Kim Noble?
The band advertised on the poster "Teenage Aviation" has a YouTube video dated the same date (April 6 2012) as the poster of their gig at CPP (why would the poster not have been used if the event happened as advertised?)

Also the poster was featured in an Instagram taken at Comet Ping Pong's rec room in 2014 - see 2nd image from the right in top row - seems being portrayed as a bonified CPP add:

I'll leave it at that. Don't think it merits more research now.
Thanks for the reply!