Smile more!
Smile more I hear everyday,
Smile more, it will brighten your day,
Enlighten me, if you may…
When you say, I should smile more,
What reason do I have to smile for?
I wake up at four,
Not even four, a little bit before that,
just to have more time for me,
for the things that I want to do
and for the things that I want to be.
I go and work 8 hours each day,
for some little pay.
This little pay, this little check,
is good, to be fair and correct,
But it is good enough
to give me everything I want?
What I want is freedom,
and freedom, despite the its name,
is not free.
Freedom costs.
How much? I do not know,
but I know I don’t have enough,
so every day I’m up even before the sun is,
and get to work.
And I work, and work and most of the time
I don’t see any results,
because results need time,
and that I don’t have that as well.
So please, do tell,
when you say smile more,
what exactly I should smile for?
Image source:Pixabay
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I'm writing poems on a daily basis. Here are my latest ones:
- Path of man
-There isn't that big of a difference - Fake photography
- Flash poems -Part 5
- I want to...
- Everlasting peace
- The cup with anger