
in poetry •  7 years ago 


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she would rather
rot behind bars
wrists and ankles clapped in irons
for the crime
of violent hostility against you
in defense of herself
than remain
in chains
in a home
of your making
as your slave
in bondage
til death do you part

she would rather
stain her hands with blood
than gently hold you
and cater
to your request
of sweet love
in the morning
after staying awake
all night
in fear

she would rather
burn the bridge between you
and drown
in the river below
than climb
and meet you
across the chasm
that splits
your bed

24 February 2018

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This is powerful and truly fierce @SumayyahSaidSo. I am awed by your tackling such tough subject matter. Beautifully done. May it support many.

Thank you for the high praise!

That is intense and beautiful and sad and maddening all at once. Hopefully this is empowerment coming to life.

One can only hope. Thanks for reading.

Your words have such passion, and so much strength.

Thank you.

Strong images. I loved every stanza, each one free me further into the setting. I assume divorce? Better to be free than live like a slave beaten and afraid. Maybe it is murder of a spouse hurting a child and protecting that child from drunken anger.

The chasm in the bed in the last stanza masterful. It pleases my brain reading it and again my mouth and ears when I read it aloud. Awesome. Thank you! I'm conflicted. Such great poetry and dark painful content.

Thank you for reading and connecting with my work so deeply.

wonderfully composed and deeply moving. I connect with this very much. Thank you so much for sharing so much of yourself in this. Amazing.

Thank you for reading. <3

Sumayyah, this is magnificent. Thank you for sharing your talents and tackling such a challenging issue <3

Thanks for reading.