Dear mirror.
I was once my own pillar.
Till I started hating my reflection.
And allowed their words to dissolve my self-esteem.
Robbing my soul of its usual gleam.
Only my skin understands this desperation.
Der makeup.
I am so glad we met.
You've been a joy to have on my planet.
Don't ever leave my side.
Or I'll go back to blaming my stride.
As I claim a fall gave me these bruises.
Please help me cover for his ass.
I swear this time is the last.
Or so I heard him curse.
Dear diary.
I give thee my heart.
Insurmountable details of my past.
My unchallenged demons and obnoxious dreams.
Indulge you in what makes my soul beam.
Explain why I bleed so much intensity.
The craving of my depths merged with curiosity.
Dear body.
You hold my broken together.
While still playing my soul's tether.
You adorn my scars with pride.
Even the ones I chose to hide.
I regret allowing you to be hurt.
Or assuming you are flawed art.
(Image is mine... Taken by a friend in Scotland)
Recent Poetry... Crushing
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