For some reason, the murder of Atatiana Jefferson in her home in Dallas while she played videogames with her nephew sticks with me. The gangster-with-a-badge that shot her down in cold blood in her own bedroom was allowed to walk free for three years, and was only recently brought to trial and sentenced. For cold blooded murder of a completely innocent woman, his sentence was 11 years. With good behavior, he'll be out in 6 or 7. For comparison, the state of Texas has previously sentenced a black man to prison for life for selling 2/3 of one gram of pot. A good lawyer got him out after 9 years in prison. Because he was a cop, the psychopath with a badge that murdered Atatiana will almost certainly serve less time in prison than a man who sold less than a gram of marijuana.
I don't know why I told you that story, because that's not even the story that made me realize that the FOP is just one more gang on the streets, little different than the Crips, or Bloods, or Nortenos, or Gypsy Jokers.
A few years ago, a cop (also by genuine coincidence in Texas) tried to feed a homeless man a dog-shit sandwich. The man wasn't resisting arrest or fighting with the cops, or anything else... he was sleeping. The cop saw some discarded food, picked out a couple pieces of bread, stuck some dogshit in between them, and put it in a styrefoam container of the type used by local charities to feed the homeless. He then set that container by a sleeping man. He (in some sources) is reported to have nudged the homeless gentleman a couple of times to wake him up, pointed at the sandwich, and said "Hey, I brought you something". There are conflicting sources regarding whether he nudged the homeless man awake, or just set the container next to his head where we would find it when he woke up.
That cop never spent a day in jail. That cop was never charged. That cop was never even fired for this. (He was "fired", but three years later was rehired with back-pay at the insistence of the Police Union. Yes, he got a 3-year paid vacation for feeding a homeless man a dogshit sandwich) He WAS eventually fired for smearing feces around the women's room at the police station, but you know how that goes. He just went and got himself hired at another police department down the road.
This is never going to get better. We can't have law and order because the police and their unions have declared that they will (except for limited cases in the public eye), never be subject to law and order.
Because there is a different system of justice for cops than there is for the rest of us, pause for a moment to consider the legal consequences that some kid in a fast-food joint would face for trying to feed a cop a shit-sandwich.
The next time some idiot kid in a fast-food joint in your town spits or pees or defecates on a cop's hamburger, maybe go bail that kid out of jail. Don't bail him out of jail because you approve of the disgusting thing he did, and don't bail him out of jail because you approve of that behavior from anyone under any circumstances (no decent person should approve of that behavior!)... bail him out of jail because fair's fair, and there is precious little justice in the world that we don't personally create.
I have so much video and first-hand accounts of cops murdering wholly innocent Americans in cold blood, but for some reason the story that made me "give up" was a cop feeding a sleeping man a dogshit sandwich and suffering no consequences.
The homeless gentleman was just sleeping, that's all.
Just sleeping.