Situation Normal: The Politics of Self-Inflation and Self-Importance

in politicians •  6 years ago 

So the Down Jones Industrial Average (DJIA, aka "The Stock Market") closed down again today, setting a new low for the year 2018.

Since I'm not an economist, I'm not going speculate on the "implications" of this for the world at large... instead, I found myself having a moment of amusement at the likely "stories" we'll soon be presented with.

One of the few honest "faces" I can think of...

Specifically, when things are going well, and the stock market is UP and the state of the economy is really good, it's always because of the "genius" of the current administration, the wisdom of current economic policy and the savvy of the current batch of bankers, Fed Chairman, et al.

Of course, even if the exact same strategy was being used to carry out the exact same policies, and the result was — for example — the stock market reaching a new low, then all of a sudden it becomes the fault of the previous administration, and the previous set of economists and lawmakers, or the bad alignment of the planets, or God knows what else.

Because — God Forbid — the current people in power would never misjudge or make a bad policy that didn't work out as it should. Would they?

Sun reflecting on water

People often wonder (and I'd be one of those "people") why there seems to be no personal accountability in the world... well, look no further than our leaders, who would allegedly be the ones setting examples for others to follow. When things are good, they call a press conference to bask in the glory; when things are bad, "it wasn't their fault."

Oh well.

Meanwhile, what DO I see? Is that $4,000 Bitcoin?

Interesting to see a little sliver of "life" again, but not holding my breath on that one...

Thanks for reading!

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Created at 181220 15:33 PDT

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Puppetitians are far from being "leaders"


"I'm like a really smart guy" lol

So true, dg