Government and the failure of it, in all countries, with a twist. part 1.

in politics •  7 years ago 

Government as it is now, came about due to the industrial revolution, that time has come AND gone.

Taxation - the main reason for taxation on labour/work/wages, was to fund and pay off first the Napoleonic war and subsequently ww1 and ww2 in the UK at least, in the USA it came about shortly after the non federal - federal reserve was thought up by a bunch of low life thieves on Jekyll island.
federal reserve
UK tax system

The reason in the UK at least, why taxation is paid on wages and subsequently doubled up via 23% value added tax on all purchases, with the little you have left after the initial wage taxation, is to fund the ever increasing in size GOVERNMENT. They can now not stop taxing people as they are out of control.


With block-chains arrival on the scene in 2008 the writing has been on the wall for governments, the open transparency nature of block chain threatens everything government, they (government) have effectively been redundant since the end of the industrial revolution in the 1850's all they have done is grow in size with more and more departments, you know like health and safety bs, licence departments for everything from fishing to farting and everything else in between.

Not only does it threaten government, it makes central banks, who print useless paper money from thin air redundant also.

Whether you recognise them or not, false flags have been ramped up since 2008, as government scrambles to validate itself, and arms the police with semi automatic rifles, check points and cameras on every street corner. Rules for this & rules for that, add into the mix prisons for profit and we now have police on a system where they have to arrest so many people a month or face penalties, the same as traffic wardens in the UK. This only incentives government to make more stringent laws, so they become easier to break, in the end - farting in public may get you a week in the slammer.


I would like to offer my idea or vision for a new society, I am going to do this in 3 posts, this post is the outline, part 2 will be about how to fell government without force, part 3 will be a full description of the new system based on maintaining a government, that we control, and returning government and police to being PUBLIC SERVANTS, not us being slaves and data to harvest. I hope you return and read all three, any input is always gladly received.

A system for ALL.

This is only a brief outline, I will start at local level, and work up to government, the starting point is ending all forms of taxation, so from this point on consider taxation gone.

At local level i.e. council, all mayors are scrapped, council buildings are staffed by volunteers and members of the local community who are voted in by the local community, there is no term limit, anyone who is found to be corrupt or of little use, can be voted out by all other members of the community within a day.

All local people will have a say in all day to day affairs of their community, all people will be required to have some responsibility in decision making for what needs doing, what roads need repair etc etc in THEIR commuinty.

UBI or universal basic income.

A local bank will replace all other banks and be run for profit with that profit being paid weekly to the local community. A central bank run on the same principle of all profits going back to fund community projects, roads etc - and ubi - would print the dosh (money).

Any member of the community receiving ubi will be required to have some input into the community via voicing opinion and or voluntary work within the community or face having the ubi cut down if they add no value to their community.

With people now having more money - they would in theory at least, be more willing to pay small contributions towards street lighting, road repairs etc (voluntarily).

A month or so ago, I read some article about private security guards, that patrol a set amount of streets, in London, that are 100% effective at lowering crime to 0% - that they had made it so police no longer need to go there, the wealthiest in these streets paid for this company, this could be extended country wide.



For government we take the local council model and scale upwards, nobody gets a set amount of time in office, to sit in for 4 years watching porn and using boxes of Kleenex tissues a day.

Free lunch and free all day bars are gone, so we end this situation below.

tv shot.jpg

Part 2 coming tomorrow, on how to take down government peacefully & without force.

I hope you enjoyed reading that, I enjoyed writing it. Peace love & respect to all.

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plural -s
: one that deliberates

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Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.

This is a book on banking that may give you some ideas.

As always thank you my friend, I shall read that today.

Except the rich people who pay for private security don't want to live in the same neighborhoods as poor people who can't afford it. It is already too late for the UK, you have hate speech laws. So if you try to say anything against the implementation of Sharia law there you will be locked up.

I know all about the UK, it is my home country, I jumped ship to Poland as Birmingham is now more like islamabad, though back to the above article, with a ubi and no tax, everyone would be able to contribute towards private security, local people who know the area, not police from other cities, that have no emotion or attachment to the people or place.

your local police live in other cities?

They came from other areas in Birmingham yes, especially for football matches and other events, not here though, in pl, they are all local people, I get on with them okay, some of them have 2 jobs, and do a bit of work for me, like welding or mechanics, why?.

it sounded strange for anywhere to have local cops that are not local.

I decided to come over to read. As usual, I will point up a few weaknesses that always weaken such arguments.

First of all, such idealised states always presume that the majority of people are good. Unfortunately, for that to remain true, the threat of punishment must remain true.

I've seen some really evil people do good deeds or show compassion (mostly for sentimental reasons), so I am not advocating basing our lives on dealing harshly with crime. The other side of the coin is that crime statistics do not follow patterns according (only) to wealth or poverty. It depends a lot on the society and how strong and traditional it is.

People tend to be lazy - not only in matters such as work and duty, but even in matters to do with entertainment.

Fifty years ago, people had hobbies. Now? Texting, or watching tv.

Hobbies do have a civilising effect on people, for people who do something they love doing and strive for excellence, tend to have a more positive outlook (maybe, I am not certain, they also tend to be more family and community orientated).

I need to see a form of psychology used that appeals to the good nature of people, rather than just good intentions enforced by rules.

Sorry, I jumped about like a mexican bean...

Lol Arthur, always the pessimist eh, you would still have rules of law on a common law standing, and take away maritime courts, if you look at some of the countries in the EU they have next to zero repeat offender rates, with more open prisons, not one's that encourage repeat offending, I have researched this, and will present that in a different article, as for tv - I never watch the thing.