Does The Government Keep You From Doing 'Drugs' ?

in politics •  6 years ago 

The war on drugs has gone on for decades and has failed by a myriad of measures.

This battle has cost billions of dollars, filled jails worldwide with non-violent offenders, and destroyed many lives in the process. It clearly failed at its objective in attempting to make drugs difficult to obtain, because despite the ongoing battle against 'drugs' they seem more readily available today than ever.

Certain authority figures would try to have us believe that the laws against drugs are what keeps people from becoming addicts, but we should know better, that this isn't the truth.

For many people, they simply aren't interested in doing drugs whether they are legal or not. Making it legal isn't likely to persuade a large portion of individuals to suddenly adopt the habit. And despite efforts to criminalize various substances and plants etc, those who have been dedicated to obtaining them have done so despite the threat of violence that would be coming from the state in-return.

After Portugal sought to decriminalize drugs, they didn't see a surge in drug addicts as a result. Since legalization they've seen a variety of benefits, such as a decline in overdoses, a reduction in drug-related crime, and a decrease in HIV and hepatitis infection rates.

In Washington and Colorado, reports came out suggesting the same, that they saw use go down for cannabis after legalization. Turns out, the state wasn't responsible for keeping people from engaging in this bad behavior, despite their legalization of cannabis, it hasn't prompted the drastic surge in interest like you might expect it would.

In Canada, where cannabis recently became legalized just this week, a recent survey suggests that many Canadians aren't likely to consume cannabis despite the recent changes in legislation.

The survey found that 8 out of 10 said they were not interested in smoking once it became legal.

Imagine that, they don't need the government to tell them not to do it, they simply don't have the interest. If they did and the substance was still criminalized, then they probably wouldn't let that stop them. After all, many dispensaries have been operating throughout Canada illegally for years--not without incident however. You can still find many drug addicts as well, despite the continued effort with the war on other drugs.

Drug use is a matter of personal liberty because it is an extension of someone's personal choice and that choice alone shouldn't make them a criminal, worthy of being locked-up. The drug war has failed and can never achieve its intended goals.

Meanwhile, decriminalization in various circumstances has already proven to us that we have nothing to fear. Unfortunately, most of the harm that's endured as a result of the drug war and drug use, comes as a consequence of prohibition and it would lessen the violence and the tremendous waste to further implement decriminalization of not only cannabis but all 'drugs' for that matter.

pic1 - pixabay
pic 2 -JusticeNotJails
pic 3 - giphy

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That's an excellent link about Portugal. Thank you. Decrim works, but the government doesn't want the people to know that. They want to implement a terrible "legalisation" in Canada and then claim it's working wonderfully and the rest of the world should adopt it. Decriminalisation was supposed to happen in Canada in the late 90s, but I guess we had to wait for legaLIEsation instead.

you're right they've turned it into a 🔥 mess 😂 can't expect them to be willing to lessen their web of control any

Does the government keep people from doing drugs? It keeps people from doing some drugs, and entices or forces other drugs on people like caffeine and pharmaceuticals respectively.

drugs have and continue to win the drug war... they aren't keeping people from any drugs, they still find a way

Cannabis becoming legal today in Canada will just allow the people who hid their use due to fear of losing their job or altercations with police to come out and be more open. Maybe now paranoia won't be a side effect of pot :)

It's funny that even when it's legal at the Federal level and the provincial level, there are still cities that are making it illegal and will be handing out tickets to continue their unlawful revenue collection on cannabis. Not to mention the monopoly the provinces are assuming they have the right to have on it as well.

Good Post DIT...

Was wondering, what do You think about the money incentive when drugs are illegal...meaning many drug dealers make a living selling illegal drugs.

If those drugs were legalized, then doesn't the incentive to make money for the drug dealers decrease ?

Thanks Again...

Well done DIT !!

good point! the reason there is so much money attached is because of the risk associated with the criminality of it all

Your reply above was written/posted on EXACTLY 4:20 pm EST !!!

Excellent Timing Sir !!

lol sweet!

Hell it's been several days since I had any drugs - must be the government... Not :)

No government has been able to end the drug in the world

Brother your post are excellent and of very good quality

yup, the drugs are still winning the drug war!
thank you :)

The laws do nothing to stop people using drugs. It just creates an excuse for the state to brutalize people.

The war on drugs has gone on for decades and has failed by a myriad of measures.

Failed? I think it's been highly successful, although that depends on the viewpoint. Try looking at it as the powers-that-be stamping out the competition.

The laws do nothing. People will use whichever substance that they want to use despite how harsh a law might be so there is no point in wasting time and money "protecting" people from themselves.

"Drug use is a matter of personal liberty [...]."


CBD OIL saves lives.

So true its just a way of collecting money and keeping people scared. If drug addicts were helped then cost would be lower and people more willing to engage with treatments 💯🐒

In my country the streets are getting safer to wander at night because the drug addicts and pushers are getting killed.

Drug addiction and drug use IS NOT violent,drug use doesn't involve the property of anyone other than the drug user. So, drug users/addicts alone don't make the streets unsafe to walk... does that make sense? I would say that gangs of unaccountable officers who are running around and slaughtering peaceful people because of their personal habits is disgusting, that this is what's truly dangerous and what makes the streets unsafe, it's a crime against humanity.

I beg to disagree.
Illegal drug use destroys lives and the brains of the addicts.
They then no longer function well in society and the cause of most heinous crimes and other crimes.
They do however have to be rehabilitated until too late.
Drug pushers however must be apprehended and then killed if they would fight the law enforcers.

there are many things that can destroy your brain, too much tv time? too much alcohol? a bad diet/eating bad food etc, sitting down for too long on the couch and not getting exercise??... so you advocate that we POLICE the personal choices of other people FOR ALL OF THOSE THINGS? which means that you don't support freedom and personal liberty then.

What about people who don't function well in society because of their physical limitations... should we kill them off as well? Surely, there are some who would use the same arguments you are now to justify such cruelty.

A drug pusher is simply a drug seller and they don't FORCE anyone to purchase their product, people make that choice with their own free will. I don't agree with addiction and i've personally seen how it can destroy lives and families, but it's OPPRESSIVE to suggest that we should kill ppl simply because we don't agree with what they are doing or what limitations they might have (additions/ disabilities etc).

Holy shit. Are you seriously suggesting people be murdered by the police if they use or sell drugs or break the law?

You do realize many illegal drugs have very similar chemical makeups to legal drugs? Like heroin and opiates, or ritalin and speed. So is it the drugs that are bad or simply who sells and profits from them? Would you be fine with people using cannabis or heroin or cocaine if they were legal? You seem to be fine with straight up murder so if those drugs were legalized you should be fine with them right?

I've personally consumed the three main drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, and cannabis, for over a decade each, and cannabis is by far the most beneficial and least harmful, and although not everybody will have such positive benefits, my experience is fairly standard. Cannabis, an illegal drug, is more beneficial and less harmful than two legal drugs. Cannabis also helped me to quit smoking cigarettes and quit drinking alcohol.

Also, you're saying illegal drug use destroys lives and brains of addicts, but what about legal drugs? I see you didn't mention opiates, which are legal, yet kill tens of thousands of people every single year. Nobody has ever died from a cannabis overdose.

And you say people no longer function well in society and cause the most heinous crimes? Seriously where the hell are you getting your bullshit from? Do you just make this shit up or are you spewing propaganda? I can't speak about any other substance but people DO function well on cannabis, and some people function better. Me personally I wrote a book while high and am in the process of writing a second one. I learned how to grow my own food while high. I'm more active and motivated while high. I'm a more productive member of society while high. Just look how much it's destroyed my brain and my life.

Also, you say lives and brains are destroyed by illegal drug use, well, what about people with seizures? CBD, a compound found in cannabis, has been proven useful in helping to reduce or prevent seizures. Some people have dozens of seizures a day. Having a seizure can damage your brain. CBD oil helps them immensely so they can function. Are you really saying people with seizures, including children, should not be allowed to access a substance that helps them immensely and more than any pharmaceutical ever did, and they should be shot and killed by police if they dare to ingest a substance into their own body using their own free will?

Seriously, you should work for the government. What you suggest is anti-freedom, anti-liberty, and anti-human rights. Your cold callous heartless view of other humans would fit right in working for the government.

@doitvoluntarily organisms do not learn more, this is not the way, the forbidden was always more tempting, I do not know what happens that they can not learn from mistakes
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I wish you a great day