RE: Right-Wing Marine Lt. Colonel Posts Domestic Terrorist Threats

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Right-Wing Marine Lt. Colonel Posts Domestic Terrorist Threats

in politics •  4 years ago 

never criticize your military rulers! right? You are a terrorist if you do so!

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I criticize military leaders all the time. That isn't why he's being called a terrorist. He's being called a terrorist because of the treats he's making to unleash upon society. Hell, what did some woman shopping at the market with her child do to him - when the bomb he planted goes off and kills them? Or the people riding on the train to work?

i wasn't asking whether or not YOU ever criticize the military. I was saying that just because this guy was in the military doesn't mean that he shouldn't question what they are doing. The whataboutisms you suggest afterwards is absurd speculation.

We can't call people "terrorists" because of some perceived interpretation of their words that is done for political reasons in the first place. We cannot assume guilt before anything has even been done. This isn't Minority Report and everyone, including you, should hope that we never get to that point.