in politics •  7 years ago 

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It was hot inside. My room seemed like an oven
All over me, I could feel sweat escaping the pores
I just had my dinner and needed to rest
But I couldn't bear to endure the scourging heat of my little aboard

Outside my room was the cool night air calling out to me
Beckoning on me with such romance that I flirted with the tempter
It was chilly and I enjoyed the breeze
But then something cut my attention


I saw the inmates of my hostel enjoying a free video game
One organized by a political aspirant.
They were having a good time.
It's was a PlayStation game.

My question was, what's the benefit of playstation game to me as student?

My mind rammed with thoughts...
Until we change our mindset
Until we change our thought
Until we learn to build integrity
Until we understand the place of posterity
Our nation will forever be doomed

We seem to squeeze out the goodness in us at special times
We wait till campaign kicks off before we can pour out our wonderful ideas
We automatically become saints because we seek for votes
We become good Samaritans, rendering help even where it is not needed

The arrogant nature in us becomes subtle
The rogues become gentlemen
The unkept become ambassadorsfor cleanliness

But all these faints away with the speed of light as soon as election ends

School politics is here again.
Now every James n John gives me an undeserved handshake

Football matches are projected for free
Brooms, shoe Polish, buckets, are shared for free
Hostels have been on constant repairs without any student paying a dime
The WiFi is now working
But all these will fade away once the results are announced
All of a sudden our supposed loving and humble friends assume their high places
They sit in their castles and allow us beg for our rights
They turn away their faces to our promises and insist for us to kiss their feet
They exaggerate the budget

As if that isn't enough, they cut off from the real budget and add to the gained excesses of an exaggerated budget
Filling their pockets instead of meeting our needa
Becoming a rogue that you were before your little drama

My heart is heavy with burden for my nation

For until we change our mindset
Until we change our thought
Until we do things the right way without a hidden agenda
Until we begin to ideally philosophize in the affirmative
Only then can posterity and development thrive in this nation..

Nigeria is my home
Nigeria is my fatherland
My root, my birthplace
Nigeria, the GIANT OF AFRICA

I love Nigeria

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