Trump fires Bolton, Weiner the perfect replacement?

in politics •  5 years ago 


With the firing of John Bolton, it may be hard for Trump to find a qualified replacement. No one wants to end up like his last three National Security advisers!

Fortunately, I have just the right candidate for the job - Anthony Weiner. Here's why Weiner is the perfect choice:

  1. Trump values loyalty above all else. So it only makes sense for him to reward the man who did more than anyone else to help him win the 2016 election. Moreover, Weiner will have every incentive to remain loyal at all times, should he be hired. He knows that no one else is likely to offer him a job anywhere near as good! Unlike McMaster and Bolton, he would never dare oppose Trump on any policy issues.

  2. Bolton got fired for being too hawkish. Weiner, by contrast, is all about spreading peace and love! His seductive text messages will quickly get the Taliban back to the negotiating table.

  3. Weiner has extensive experience with cybersecurity issues. Very important in the current security environment.

  4. Unlike H.R. McMaster, Weiner won't annoy Trump by using big words and charts that the president has trouble understanding. His communications style is clear, succinct, and quickly gets to the point! And Trump won't have any difficulty understanding the visual aids Weiner uses in his presentations.

  5. Establishment naysayers might worry that Weiner would have trouble getting confirmed by the Senate. But, fortunately, the position of National Security Adviser doesn't require Senate confirmation.

In sum, it's clear that Anthony Weiner is the right man to make Trump's National Security Council great again. Only a low-energy loser could possibly doubt it!

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This is the guy with the inside track:

Unless Trump actually hated Bolton's policies and not just his personality.

Frederick H. Fleitz
Frederick H. Fleitz (born 1962) is an American government official, analyst, and commentator. He is the President and CEO of the Center for Security Policy, serving since January 2019. He previously served as the Chief of Staff and Executive Secretary of the National Security Council from May through October 2018, during the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump. Fleitz is a former CIA analyst, and news commentator.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment