Warren and the American criminal justice system.

in politics •  5 years ago 

When you say insane shit like “I also oppose [the death penalty] because I think that people who have committed heinous crimes should die in prison...I think that is how we give them the maximum, maximum punishment that we can," you're literally admitting that the American prison system is a fate worse than death.

I've never been the world's biggest Elizabeth Warren fan, but this just goes to show that her "progressivism" is skin deep. She doesn't have any actual attachment to leftist principles or beliefs, anymore than Trump has any actual attachment to notions of limited government or a free market. They're just campaign buzzwords, which will just so happen to have resoundingly terrible implications for the millions of people (mostly male) currently trapped in what passes for a justice system.

I know plenty of men and women who have endured the prison system for many, many years. I promise you: the horror they endured there did nothing to make anyone safer. Our prison system exists to give jobs to poor rural areas and to provide enforcement agencies with an excuse for their absurdly bloated budgets. It has nothing to do with justice or rehabilitation. It's a job program, built on countless broken lives, and deserves to be reviled and opposed at every opportunity.

Is there anything more perfect, more beautiful, more absolutely sublime, than the thought of taking some unfeeling, murderous piece of moral filth, and providing them every opportunity to change? To have remorse? To know that they were wrong? Death and punishment makes these men martyrs to their wicked community, but redemption, true, honest, intentional change...that shows the entire movement for the lie it is.

The most heinous members of our society deserve mercy, rehabilitation, and community reintegration. That Warren would rather have them waste away in a jail cell somewhere tells me everything I need to know about her as a candidate, and as a person.

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