Trump Whines Judge’s Ruling Means He Can’t Attend Barron’s Graduation

in politics •  6 months ago  (edited)

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Its being reported Donald Trump was heard loudly ranting in the courthouse hallway on the first day of his Stormy Daniels hush money trial, complaining that Manhattan Judge Juan Merchan’s order insisting he must be present every day of his trial proceedings - will mean he will not be able to attend his son Barron's high school graduation. Trump then went on and on about how much he had looked forward to being at Barron’s graduation.

Huh? You’re saying the guy who ordered immigrant kids separated from their parents at the border said what? The guy who was banging a porn star while his wife was home with their newborn baby “Barron,” said what? The guy who actually stole money from a children's cancer charity that he ran - is whining about what? Of course, the truth is Trump is just blowing smoke up everyone’s asses here. That’s because the judge hasn’t even ruled as yet on whether or not Trump may attend Barron’s graduation.

Now, in his defense, I suppose Trump could always make the argument that he’s being treated differently than everyone else, which is true. Of course, the primary reason that is true is that most parents hadn’t committed crimes and were, therefore, not on trial. Besides all that, is there any real evidence that Barron even wants him there? The thing is, if Barron is graduating, that also implies he must know how to read, which means there’s a fairly decent chance Barron knows the reason why his old pappy has to be in court, to begin with.

I mean, it isn’t exactly like Donald Trump was ever considered a candidate for “Father of the Year.” It isn’t like he and Barron spent countless nights together at the kitchen table burning the midnight oil, pouring over Barron’s homework. Hell, cheer up, Donald! You’ll get used to missing things. In fact, once you’re incarcerated, you’re gonna miss a hell of a lot of things. Even so, all isn’t lost. Why, should that mean Judge Merchan eventually rule that you can’t miss court to attend Barron’s graduation, you can always reach across the aisle and ask Joe and Jill Biden to attend Barron’s graduation for you. I’m sure they’d be more than happy to do a person like you a big favor. Problem solved!

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