This is the kind of honesty that we need.
Admit it. Just admit it. These are the choices you’re making, that we’re making. It’s not just about sexual assault; it’s about millions of dead in the Middle East and Asia, it’s about racist policies here at home. It’s about poverty and power and privilege.
There is always a Tara Reade. She puts a face to the millions impacted by the shit awful policies so many politicians support, the shit awful policies anyone of good conscience and moral sense must continually weigh when deciding who to vote for. It may be easier for you to pretend these victims don’t exist, to become desensitized to politically-sanctioned murder and apartheid, but to do so is to silence victims, or worse, call them liars.
This honesty is the first step. The next step is to ask yourself: is a system that forces these choices on me even worth saving? What the fuck is going on, and why are we all allowing this to continue?