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in politics •  8 years ago  (edited)

Actually, after my intense psychedelic trip with ayahuasca earlier this year, I've concluded that Trump is a manifestation of universal love.

According to The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz, fear is the opposite of love. If you fear Thiel’s recent endorsement of Trump, then you must increase the love in your own heart to overcome this obstacle. Once you have found self-love, you will recognize that Thiel has in fact achieved Zen Buddhist enlightenment in supporting Trump. He has weighed in many factors that average people do not notice and came to the conclusion that supporting Trump will do the greatest good in this world.

This post is a must read: Asa Idoni - Teal Hillary VS. Indigo Trump

If that post is too crazy for you, then you will love this post which is far more logical but still conveys the same opinion: Climate Change and Trump by Scott Adams

I had previously discussed why Thiel might support Trump here: Why is Peter Thiel supporting Donald Trump?
Based on my analysis, Trump is by far the best candidate for innovation, especially in green energy, because he makes the world more psychedelic. Trump’s loudest advocate is Milo Yiannopoulos, a gay Greek-British immigrant who invited Pence to join the biggest gay party ever held at a major party convention.

This proves that Trump is the most socially progressive candidate too. Thiel, Milo, and Gavin McInnes are a few of the only people who realize this.

How trippy is this experience? Forget microdosing LSD for creativity. Trump embodies the DMT experience. Dimethytryptomine? More like Donald Madman Trump! Unlock your 3rd eye chakra and become 9001% more N I M B L E !

Trump is also very good on immigration policy, and I explain it here: Immigration Policy: Using Salad Bowls and Smart Contracts to Create an Antifragile Society

Mike Cernovich, another enlightened meditator and psychedelic explorer, has also endorse Trump, citing his Harambe Mindset as the primary reason. Trump will the be first president who can inspire entrepreneurial thinking in people around the world.

Still think Trump is scary and want to move to another country if he gets elected? Then I recommend moving to India or China and meditating with Buddhist/Hindu sages to discover your inner love and conquer your fears. Don’t just hypocritically move to another rich, white country.

However, note that I simply endorse Trump to be contrarian. I will not vote for anyone personally, because voting reduces my objective rationality, and I seek to be a superforecaster.

If you think this post makes perfect sense and you want to be up to date on my nuggets of wisdom, then you should follow me at
If you think this post is ridiculous bullshit, but you are still entertained, then you should follow me at

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@limitless Thank you for your reply. I think that your approach and views are very interesting, and furthermore I really appreciate and respect your approach to debating those that you may not agree with. I may not agree with you on political opinions, but I agree with you on spreading the love, so thank you for doing that with your respectful posts.

I believe that over the next few months, Trump will slowly shift his message more to that of love and peace. He needed to make his previous statements as a way to persuade the frustrated masses. If you keep on keeping an openmind, you will become a Trump supporter by the time the elections come if my prediction turns out to be correct. If I'm wrong, then I will admit my mistake and endorse Jill Stein or Gary Johnson.

Thanks for speaking some sense into these fucking idiots for me. This post should be at the top.

Thanks my friend, but remember that if you call them idiots, you lose.