Yesterday, I read an article in Reason magazine on Bill Weld. To be fair to the writer, Matt Welch, it was not a glowing endorsement of Weld. In the article it points out that many in the Libertarian Party dislike the former Massachusetts Republican governor. In my opinion, that is an understatement. Let me be perfectly honest, I detest the guy, politically of course, and I did long before he was “vouching for Mrs. Clinton.” I barely voted for Gary Johnson because Weld was on the ticket. I am not a moderate Republican, I am a Radical Libertarian. After reading Mr. Welch's article which basically says that Weld is terrible but is all we have while minimizing Adam Kokesh, who is not only continuing to gain huge support but also is growing the party from his own vast following, I decided to give my opinion on why Bill Weld is running for president with an L beside his name. So, strap on your tin foil hats and follow me. Bill Weld is running to destroy the best chance that the people of this country have to vote for freedom, namely The Libertarian Party.

Many who support Weld like to say that he is running as a Libertarian because he cares about this country and the two major parties do not. I heard him, myself, make similar statements at the Texas LP convention. They say things like, “the former governor wants his reputation to help the party get ahead and win elections.” Other than Mitt Romney, and other members of the GOP from MA, who had ever heard of Weld before he was the LP VP? I sure had not. Exactly what attention would he bring to us?
The article by Welch answers that pretty nicely. He has lots of money and knows lots of people with lots of money. My ethics are not for sale. I find it offensive that Mr. Weld thinks he can buy our party.

We should not pick our candidates based on how much money they have. They should be picked because they share our opinions on issues. Last time I checked, that was how a representative republic worked. What are his opinions on issues? As with most lifetime politicians that depends on which day you ask him. That being said, these are his current opinions on issues that matter to most Libertarians.
War- I could not find any position on this laid out. He did seem to be a little against foreign intervention but this is the only quote I could find, “Don't intervene abroad when people are mean to each other.” This displays how unimportant this issue is for him.
Budget and the Economy- Like most Republicans he calls for fiscal responsibility.
Legalization of Marijuana and Drugs in General. This former criminal prosecutor says that he is for medical marijuana. As for other drugs he is against any legalization of anything including pot, he even has bragged about his throwing non-violent offenders in jail calling them, “drug thugs.” He also has said, in 2016, that he wants to “Tighten opioid prescription rules to keep them off streets.”
Foreign aid- He has supported bailing out countries such as Mexico while he was governor.
Guns- finally when he became the VP pick he said self defense was a right and that the 2nd amendment must be protected. That of course was after years of calling for gun control.
Taxes- Again, like most Republicans he says that he is for tax cuts and did cut taxes while governor. I personally have witnessed one of his surrogates saying, “the meme taxation is theft is a joke.” How does Weld himself weigh in “I think coercive taxation is theft, and government has a moral duty to keep it to a minimum.” How nice governor, how is that working out for us? I wonder if government also has a moral duty to keep murder to a minimum.
Marriage Equality- Glad to say that it appears he is for marriage equality.
Immigration- Again, it appears he is ok on this issue, I would point out that George Soros, a major donor to the Democrats, has also called for open borders.
So that covers many of the issues. Before I wrap up the introduction to Weld, I will include some great quotes from Mr. Weld.
“Government can contribute to a shared sense of purpose on the part of the citizenry; that's its highest and best application.”
“Government has a role as well in what is referred to as redistributive justice.”
“We absolutely have to restrain concentrations of wealth in industry from spoiling the situation for everybody.”
“So government acts as a safeguard of our property.”
“The courts are truly the least dangerous of the three branches of our government.”

I could go on and on. Now that we can clearly see that he is not running in the LP because he is a Libertarian, why is he running?
I have heard that we should support Weld because he and Gary Johnson received more votes than previous Libertarian candidates. Am I the only one who noticed that the Democratic nominee was Hillary Clinton and the Republican candidate was Donald Trump? These two were the worst candidates that I have ever seen. I detested Bill Weld, sorry I mean Mitt Romney, it is so easy to confuse them, but he was better than Trump. Don't get me wrong I worked on Ron Paul's grassroots campaign for the primary and wound up voting for Johnson in the general. Sorry if I am not impressed by the LP receiving more votes against the two most corrupt people in the country. Johnson/Weld got 3.27% of the vote. I am supposed to cheer less than 5%, against those two idiots. Imagine what we could have done with a real alternative. If we had given the American people real Libertarian ideas we would have, at least, blown into double digits. Yet Weld wants us to choose him, someone further away from those ideas than Gary Johnson, I'll pass. So will many others.
Back to the reason that Weld is running. He is the definition of the status quo. He is the establishment that both the Trump supporters and Bernie Sanders supporters despised. That is the point. Bill Weld is a member of The Council on Foreign Relations. This is a huge globalist organization. I warned you, get out your foil. The CFR has been pushing us closer and closer to a bigger and more centralized government for years. In 2008 their plans were challenged by a mild mannered congressman from Texas.

The Ron Paul Revolution challenged this plan directly. People swarmed his campaign both in 2008 and 2012. He ran as a Republican but his policies were Libertarian. His popularity has done more for liberty than anyone else in my lifetime. His legacy has seen itself pushed out of the GOP. When Dr. Paul lost in 2012 and left congress the movement he had fueled wavered. Many of his former supporters found a welcoming home in the Libertarian Party.

It is my contention, that those who wish to control and enslave us with taxes and war without end see us as a threat. The LP grew with the help of Gary Johnson. He was no Ron Paul but supporters like me saw Gary on stage with Ron Paul and heard him admire the good doctor. He had our support. We knew he would lose but he would be a good place holder until a better candidate took the mantle and gave it to the people.
Bill Weld would crush all of that. The best chance we have in the political process is the Libertarian Party. Those who hold the strings in those banks, that Weld wants us to sell ourselves to, know that their empire of lies, theft, and murder is in danger of being exposed. It is there goal with Weld to divide us and make us irrelevant again. That is why Bill Weld is running for President as a Libertarian, to defeat us from the inside.

To be transparent, to those who do not know, I proudly work for Adam Kokesh. He is a Libertarian. Obviously I want him to win and I believe he is the next torch bearer for the Freedom Movement. That being said, this party has thousands of Libertarian leaders. The men and women of the Libertarian Party are amazing examples of ethical, good people.
We each sign a pledge that puts that into writing. It says, "I hereby certify that I do not believe in or advocate the initiation of force as a means of achieving political or social goals." We can do better than Bill Weld.

Bill Weld is to Libertarianism as Neocons are to Republicans. He is an infiltrator trying to enter the party to destroy it.
If he does consider himself a libertarian, it is relative to the politics of Massachusetts. He's libertarian relative to communists.
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Excellent post, I can't stand Weld either. Last year I was pulling for Peterson and McAfee (lulz).
I also like Kokesh. I don't know who I'll vote for next election. I did vote for Trump and Ron Paul before him. Man, do I miss Dr. Paul... Favorite politician ever.
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“RESISTANCE to Government can contribute to a shared sense of purpose on the part of the citizenry; that's its highest and best application.”
I fixed it for you.
I think you might be onto something here. Weld and Johnson are puppet saboteurs sent to derail the Libertarian movement from within. They are both detestable to freedom. I got turned onto Kokesh about a year ago from a friend. The more I see the more I like. Keep speaking truth. People are waking up.
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Thank you for updating the quote, Maybe Weld will update as well, and maybe monkeys will fly out my ass
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I think they are far more likely to fly out of Weld's ass. Just sayin
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Looks to me like he's the globalist's choice to mislead the Libertarian Party.
The best way to control a movement is to lead it.
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Hey hey someone is looking at his actions instead of what he's said. Now that's just a ridiculous way to find out what someone is truly about. Please excuse my sarcasm. This is great information.
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Bill Weld seems to be present for the sole purpose of trying to discredit the libertarian movement. It's great to be able to read and connect with people like yourselves who are actually committed to the cause. Thanks
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It seems to me the Libertarian Part has been infiltrated by shills. As much as I think the word shill is over used it has a purpose and I think it's appropriate for many claiming to be Libertarian. Especially politicians. I don't care what people say, I want them to show what they do to prove they are of the same mindset. Say what you want, show me. Sadly, it is a commonly accepted practice these days for campaigners to promise all sorts of things and then not follow through. They do it all the time and the safest part is that we expect them to do so and are understanding of it. Makes me sick. @adamkokesh I hope you get elected and do infact dissolve the Federal Government. How great life would be.
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The LP seems more crooked than even the DNC which claimed to have impartial primaries and took a ton of donations from the public while being super biased against Sanders. I really don't know if the LP is worth working through as it is so full of "constitutionalists" at best who will do everything they can to undermine liberty. I haven't researched Bill Weld on Drugs or at all but if he is for any drug criminalization that pretty heavily implies the LP should just be ended. I think a Voluntarist party would be way better, or something that could organize coalitions with other minor parties. Hopefully we are free someday.
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I agree with you on most points. The Lp largely was a Voluntaryist party until it was seen as a threat. What our campaign is aatempting to do is give it back to its principled members, the Libertarian wing of the Libertarian Party. Yes it does have lots of corruption, I believe it can be salvaged and that is easier than starting over. The ballot access they have alone is a step ahead.
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Weld is just a piece of shit opportunist, he will flip flop as easy as the wind blows.
Nah, it does not really matter who it is or what their ideas are, whoever it is will be portrayed by the media, when not totally ignored, as a kooky idiot. They killed Gary Johnson with a single lepo. Without access to the debates, which are controlled by the two parties and designed to exclude third parties, a third party can never be a real contender in the presidential race.
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We won the court case to be on the stage.
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if you meet what criteria?
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Weld is the establishment stalking horse in the Libertarian camp. It's embarassingly easy to spot. It's boring even. When will people wake up? Answer: never.
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Thats quite interesting, thank you for bringing this to light and for being transparent about who you work for.
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And let's give a tip of the cap to Bill Weld who is still running on a ticket for President for stepping out to speak the truth.
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I wonder what will be the next show in Politics. It might get really fun.
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The clown car is filling up fast with potential hopefuls....lol.
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Yea maybe it will be the "Kick down your door with scary men with masks to hurt you and kidnap you from your family to put you in a cage" show. Whether it be for your fire arms or money that you earned or what have you.
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It seems to me the Libertarian Part has been infiltrated by shills. As much as I think the word shill is over used it has a purpose and I think it's appropriate for many claiming to be Libertarian. Especially politicians. I don't care what people say, I want them to show what they do to prove they are of the same mindset. Say what you want, show me. Sadly, it is a commonly accepted practice these days for campaigners to promise all sorts of things and then not follow through. They do it all the time and the safest part is that we expect them to do so and are understanding of it. Makes me sick. @adamkokesh I hope you get elected and do infact dissolve the Federal Government. How great life would be.
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Bill Weld seemed smart, thoughtful and even keeled during media appearances before the 2016 election. I think he’s a better candidate that Johnson. John McAffee is also an intriguing libertarian potential candidate.
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but the problem with Weld is that he is pro gun control and pro prohibition and pro Hillary Clinton, he may as well be a establishment Democrat. McAffee is batshit crazy and his lifestyle choices and things he has said in public would prevent him from ever being elected.
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Sadly, he's pro gun control. That's not Libertarian. In which case, not only is he not a Libertarian but, being that he claims to be this makes him a fraud. Hillary Clinton has seemed even keeled at times. They are politicians, to look that way is their job. To be a politician automatically implies you have low moral judgement, being that government in itself is a violation of the non-aggression principal which is the foundation of all moral standard. Government implies force, anyone that takes part in government, or is endorsing government and it's actions is endorsing the use of violence and therefore has low moral standards if any. Or is ignorant to ethical and universal law. In which case, is far more excusable.
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Weld's been ousted by his own party that's why he's looking for a new way in. The libertarians got themselves some notice by having has beens joining they gleefully jumped on the bandwagon.
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it's a great news.
and you described so well.
great post.
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I followed a similar liberty path (I supported both RP and GJ). However, as much as that 2012 election influenced me, I cannot help but appreciate Larken Rose's argument to stay at home on election day (and maybe persuade others to as well). Bill Weld as the LP nominee makes staying at home on election day an easy decision.
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If Weld is the nominee, I will stay home as well. When Adam Kokesh is, hopefully you will consider voting one last time.
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