RE: Simple serious question: What has Donald Trump actually done wrong?

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Simple serious question: What has Donald Trump actually done wrong?

in politics •  7 years ago 

You were just given the facts. This is the incontrovertible truth. Pretending you need more facts doesn't change this. The truth is the truth! Barack Obama and the incompetent Democrats did enormous harm to America and the world.

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That doesn't answer my question.

I didn't ask what he did right.

I asked what he did wrong.

No one has provided me that answer. So you are providing facts to a different question.


This is not needed. It doesn't help to try to ram things down people's minds like you are the only one with wisdom and a brain. It certainly is controvertable or it'd be clear.

Yet I am not one that is ATTACKING anything you shared. It didn't have anything to do with the question I asked. Had I asked what he has done right then that information would be relevant.

I haven't seen anything with evidence that he has done wrong. They call for impeachment, yet I haven't seen grounds for impeachment. How much you do right does not negate crimes. Yet I've seen no crimes. So I am asking what are they? What is the evidence?

Because she is a liar! We don't need liars in power. It's not about her sexual preferences, it's about Jan Schakowsky lying to the voter, deceiveing the public, getting compromised, and betraying Americans.

Go back and READ. I didn't disagree with that. I questioned why you felt the need to mention she is a Lesbian. Being a Lesbian doesn't have anything to do with being a liar. The rest I get.

Her lesbianality is at the heart of the matter. She lied and betrayed her country and constituents.

It is only at the heart of the matter for homophobes and bigots. Her sexual preference is her issue. None of our business.

People can be corrupt and have nothing to do with that.

One of my daughters is a Lesbian, my boss is gay, and I have had other gay friends.

They don't all suddenly become corrupt and liars.

Using loaded words that have nothing to do with the issue might get a positive reaction from homophobes and bigots, but it sticks out like a sore thumb to other people.

Like I said I don't like bigotry. I don't care what kind. I see no reason her sexual preferences have a damn thing to do with anyone but her and her sexual partners. If you are spying on her and don't like what you see then perhaps it offends you, but then we'd have to question how creepy it is that you'd be spying on her. Since I doubt you're spying on her or anyone else then it shouldn't matter.

The other types of corruption though. I agree with you.

I am not particularly religious so your statements elsewhere that you decided to call people Satanists. Being not religious that is another loaded word that smacks of "heretic", "heresy", etc. It doesn't cause me to be more inflamed by your information in the way you want. It just makes me shake my head.

Your boss is an honest man. He says openly that he is homosexual.

Jan Schakowsky on the other hand is a liar who betrayed America. Her concealing her lesbianism is at the heart of her deceit and betrayal.

People conceal their lesbianism frequently due to homophobes and bigots. In fact most Homosexuals DID conceal it at some point. It's NONE OF OUR BUSINESS.

If that is the thing that makes her corrupt in that she concealed that then that is petty and I could care less.

However, you say it is at the HEART of the matter but the video you shared didn't have to mention it ONE TIME. Didn't mention her sexual preferences anywhere. Though they also did not really go into much in the way of specifics. I assume he was treating it as though his target audience already knew all of the information.

If that is the HEART of her corruption then I don't really care about that. Yet, I also didn't give a shit about Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky... I thought that issue was between Bill, Hillary, and Monica and none of our business. His mistake was lying to congress about it, but in reality I don't believe congress should have been asking him about it anyway. NONE of their business.

The only people that had a right to complain and act on it were Bill, Hillary, and Monica. Though I know some women HAVE come out against him, and they have that right.

The rest of us... none of our business even though the media shoves it in our faces.

Oh God, let's just forget about all of Bill Clinton's rapes and trips to pedophile island, right?

Elect liars who then get compromised and blackmailed, so they can betray you?