Pete Buttigieg to be the first gay president?

in politics •  5 years ago 


I don't particularly like Pete Buttigieg or agree with his policies, and I don't actually want him to be President. But the fact that an openly queer person can be a serious contender for the office is a pretty big deal for me. 10 years ago, it would've been extremely improbable. 20 years ago, it would've been impossible. 30 years ago, it would've been unthinkable. The fact that a gay man with a husband can be one of the top contenders in a national election really shows just how far we've come as a nation. It's truly an inspirational to me. It's proof that we can succeed in this society.

And if he does win, a part of me would be glad to see him make it. It wouldn't stop me from criticizing him the first time he decided to get the U.S. involved in yet another foreign conflict, but I could celebrate what his achievement represents for our society and culture without celebrating him.

In a roundabout way, this makes me sympathize more with the women and feminists who liked the idea of Hillary becoming President just because she was female, or with the people who were glad that Obama won in 2008 just because he was Black. I never got it before; having a Black or female President always seemed like a "when" and not an "if," so I didn't quite see what the big deal was. But having an LGBT President still seems like an "if," which is part of why seeing Pete on stage matters so much to me. And to a woman who grew up in the 50s being told that her place was in the kitchen, or a Black activist who witnessed the struggles of the civil rights era firsthand, maybe having any President who wasn't male or wasn't White seemed just as unlikely.

Maybe in 50 years, teenagers growing up won't get why having a gay President was such a big deal either. Here's hoping.

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Yeah, it's crazy how far we've come as a people since the 80's huh? We went from everyone being afraid to admit they were gay to it actually being a bit of an advantage in certain regards.

I don't like that it would be a defining characteristic of a person though. I wish it was just a non issue. It is pretty momentous that Pete is there though although I don't think there is any real chance of him getting nominated.