Not By Bread Alone: A Few Thoughts On The Election

in politics •  8 years ago 

The last election was about a lot more than electing a new president... It was about values. All of the hue and cry over the results by protesters and rioters wasn't that they don't like Donald Trump per se...they find what he stands for threatening to the hegemony that they thought they had imposed on society. It was a social rather than a political election. The Democrats have for years been the party of Hollywood, the MSM, and groups of "intellectual" elites that have sought to use movies, TV and other media to reshape American values. Last November, America said ENOUGH.

Very few of the voters that supported Trump know very much about him, outside what they've seen on TV. He is for all intents and purposes, an unknown quantity. What they do know is that they've had enough of American values being eroded by a group of politicians and Hollywood elites whose values are inimical to their own. Trump has given Americans the courage to stand up and say so. He has become their voice...Or so they hope.

America was founded on Christian principles that have been eroded over the years. Freedom of religion has been replaced by freedom from religion. The Supreme Court has consistently found in favor of people who sue those that would hold Christian values. Bakeries sued for refusing to bake gay wedding cakes. Businesses have the right to do business with whom they choose. In a bold move, Sunbeam Bread has brought back their retro Christmas wrapper. I applaud them and wonder how long it will take the American Snivel Liberties Union to file suit!

I only hope other businesses follow suit. There are a lot more decent Americans than there are New Age fuck-ups. They may have the means to voice their opinions via MSM, but we have the vote (and most of the money). This is just the first salvo in what I believe to be a new culture war. The Hollywood elites have tried to sway the Electoral College with a letter and video. What they don't seem to realize is that nobody believes them anymore...or just don't care. Moreover, if their effort is successful, they will find that they've done their cause more damage than good. The Silent Majority has spoken and will be silenced no more.

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christian principles were derived from inherent principles..

It will be interesting to see how many Supreme Court justices Trump gets to appoint. That will be his lasting legacy.