in politics •  7 years ago 

by SGT, SGT Report.com:

You Tube has PURGED several REAL NEWS channels that dares to question the "official" story regarding the recent Florida school shootings. The Ron Johnson You Tube channel was a CHRISTIAN truth news channel with 150,000 subscribers - and last week the channel was TERMINATED without warning. The same thing has happened to the Richie Allen You Tube channel and others.

Thank you for tuning in for this important interview.

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Sean, you could/should use these interviews to promote Steemit more as an alternative!

it is the NWO agenda.

Wow didn't realize Youtube censored the videos. I knew that regarding nudity but didn't realize they were sensoring political / news stories.

YouTube is no longer a place to share this type of information. Thank God for Steemit.

I seen they fully deleted david seamans account...have you had any trouble? Cheers resteemed...the truth will prevail

I still don’t understand how you people in the “TRUTH MEDIA”can’t acknowledge that we are WAY BEYOND TALKING⁉️The question really should be = What the hell is wrong with you , and have you started to practice with your local militia⁉️ ACT❗️stop sitting around like some savior is suppose to come and pull your head out of the water before your last breath ‼️🤦🏼‍♂️ Look at all the report pointing the finger at the BRITISH 🇬🇧❗️H I V E MIND . They have a QUEEN ❗️DO I HAVE TO HOLD YOUR DAM HAND AND WRITE IT ON THE CHALKBOARD BOARD‼️No one wants a revolution , but it is time to either shit or get off the pot❗️I had a total of a two day suspension from twitter for me calling the current governor of Illinois a communist . And for calling the current running candidate the same . I don’t care that they suspended me because they suck anyways , but the point is I shined the light on these MOBSTERS . The only way a bully has any power is when you don’t stand up to them . You all need to grow a set of BALLS❗️I’m a Veteran who has endured theft abuse , and threats agaisnt my life by HUD/VASH landlords here in COMMUNIST ILLINOIS and do you think I have representation from those POVERTY PIMPS in charge ⁉️NO . The local free legal assistance office called Prairie State Legal Services might as well be working for the landlords as they offer me NO HELP in recovering my stolen security deposited for made up reasons . The landlords and their property managers can do anything including trying to evict me before the end of my lease . When I called the cops and showed them my lease agreement he got mad that I was right and that he couldn’t help her throw me out for making maintenance calls about poor conditions . I’m working on my own investigation because I know you’ve heard about the HUD/DoD missing 21 trillion dollars , well I got tons of video showing WHY . And the Waukegan Police dept. started fallowing me and harassing me . Waukegan is FULL of FREEMASONS . With one of the oldest Halls in the country which is listed by them to be LANDMARK STATUS even though its abandoned and falling apart with a laughable FOR SALE sign ❓See and I told you all this before Sean and you did NOTHING❗️So it is all of you who BLAH BLAH BLAH NO ACTIONS just words . You have all forgotten that IT IS US who have to suit up and defend our REPUBLIC . NOT WHITE HATS . I keep saying it , and you recently had a guest that said it . “Americans aren’t brave❗️They keep their balls in a glass jar on top of the refrigerator , and only walk by to glance at them from time to time “ Your all a FUCKING JOKE to me now . Either get a militia started , or join one , train because I don’t want friendly fire incidents due to NO EXPERIENCE , and stop pretending that posting is going to solve everything❗️Open that jar , get your balls , and tell your local sheriff either organize us and lead us or get put in a cage . SIMPLE❗️I’m too dam old for war , but I’ll be DAMED if I let COMMUNIST take my republic without a fight ❗️Fight damed you FIGHT❗️

The founding fathers of America are looking down in disgust of what has happened. Freedom is long gone and lost. Taxation and a ruling overlord class in firmly entrenched.. The men who took up arms for a 1% tax total warned and were proven correct.

@sgtreport Thank You Sean I am going to listen to it now. I was @stokjockey just interacting with my commenters on my latest Silver Post I put UP earlier. I Still Say SILVER is one of the Cheapest Assets on Earth........

My account was terminated in 2016 because I was talking about things that didn't go along with the propaganda....but I'm grateful it happened,even if I lost a lot of invested time,effort and money (plus 30.000 subscribers),cos I wouldn't be on Steemit otherwise! :-)

what u can expect them youtube platform mostly controlled by leftist and globalist shill

YouTube is a private company - they can ban who they like. Knowing that, you should look for alternatives, instead of complaining about losing free speech.

Be smarter than YouTube, join creative forces with other like minds and invent a better, decentralised block-chain based social media platform.


Hello, CNN crisis actor David Hogg here. The Jewish bankers have not had their fill of stealing and looting and would like to steal more. Please turn in all your guns because it would be extremely inconvenient having an armed public to resist the stealing.

encouraging & captivating!

It is a spiritual war. I truly hope we can wake up more sheeple. The alternative scares the hell out of me. Thanks @sgtreport

fascinating & elated!

Everyone also needs to write to their "Congressman." Its needs to be an election issue.

We all knew this would happen. Ironically, the lack of an anti-trust suit over Facebook, Google and Twitter, might not matter in a few years anyway.

For a while now, I've been saying, "Someone, will figure out a better way to do what the legacy social media platforms do. And they will not only do it better, they will gain a loyal following by now censoring."

I admit, I had no idea how fast my statement would take hold. And in fact, I may have said it based on an intuition that something was already being done.

And who knew, that a way around YouTube's choke hold on video was going to be a blockchain fueled site like Dtube? Between Steemit, Dtube, and Busy, so far we have a pretty good replacement for these legacy systems.

Of course I hate to hear bad things happen to good people. Never heard of the Christian News channel you mention, but Richie Allen is a favorite.

Keep it up! Subscribed! About 3 months ago, I was censored by Facebook. And ever since, then I've been putting a lot of effort into building my Steemit channel.

It's alarming how quickly the elimination of free speech is moving.

@sgtreport - I don't know how much veracity is here...

A friend sent met this link...


If any of that is true it is pretty huge and constitutes a ton of additional problems in Broward County.

YOU could be a person that can help expose this. Since you are someone with a pretty sizeable reach and you are here on Steemit you are someone I can reach out to.

Other people and groups are not on steemit so the means of contacting them tend to be filtered.

I just read through that and my mouth dropped open a few times.

It explains a lot of the "fishy" things around the Parkland Shooting and WHY they may have been allowed to happen.

Good to see you throw in a shout out for Brian. He makes great content and he is getting hit hard. I notice your own numbers are down too.

And in addition Sean , you can contact me anytime for that evidence as I don’t have video editing skills but I will try to get the word out for YOU to help us vets too . I will go to your web site and relay that info.

I can't take the moaning and groaning of we were banned by a private company for terms that you agreed to. If the service is free, YOU ARE THE PRODUCT. There is alternatives to youtube (Dtube) and Facebook (Steemit) which you can voluntarily engage with. Why is the truth community calling for lawsuits (more government) or regulation (way more government) to solve this problem...... Stop and think about what the first 15mins of this interview is; it was bitching that we need government to come and lay down the law.... seems counter- intuitive to what the real answer is.. Real proper healthy change has nothing to do with government!!!

Advertisers must be told - if you advertise with YoutTube I WILL NOT BUY YOUR PRODUCTS.
Google, its shares price and its executives, must be destroyed.