in politics •  6 years ago 

from SGT Report.com:

As President Trump's war against human trafficking shifts into high gear, the CEO of Backpage.com has been arrested and his website shut down. Q has repeatedly said, these people are 'PURE EVIL'. I wanted to take this opportunity to illustrate that "these people" includes the most powerful people on earth - and the atrocities they have committed FOR DECADES are so hellish in nature that if it was not all documented, it would be too hard to believe. The horror described in this mirco-documentary is systemic - and global. And the thing they fear most is... the public awakening.

"So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known." Matthew 10:26

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Hi Sean, thanks a lot for highlighting the pedo takedowns that have happened. I absolutely agree that this WOULD NOT have happened under Hellary. I have to say however, that the consistent "trust the plan" mantra from Q while Trump has paraded around completely unhinged about Syria, "animal Assad", and his new shiny smart bombs has not been comforting at all. And now, he and the other Western muppet leaders in Britain and France have done it again. They have attacked Syria and risk starting WW3 over a clearly fake gas attack that the Russians are pointing to MI6 as having organized.

Let's make one thing very clear. In order to get elected Trump cut a deal with another faction of the Zionists, otherwise do you think he would be taking money from and acting constantly chummy with Sheldon Adelson and Bibi Netanyahu? In fact, Trump is totally in bed with Zionists - from family, to friends, and to colleagues that are all dual-citizens and/or Israel-firsters. Trump will continue to be asked to "pay the piper" and complete their plan for the third temple and Eretz Israel, and you know exactly where this will lead. It will end with an anti-christ sitting on the throne of Jerusalem. This has always been their end game regardless of the faction involved. By bombing Syria, he has publicly renewed his commitment towards this goal once more.

Sure, Trump has done some right things, and we know that Hellary would never have done any of these things. I have no doubt of this. The effort to go after human traffickers is one of these things, but it all now smells horribly like an ongoing "Q" distraction on the road to the final Luciferian goal in Jerusalem. You know very well that the evil running this world is ready to throw ANYONE under the bus as long as they get to the end game. This is what Trump appears to offer. He may throw the worst of the worst in DC under the bus, but only in exchange for implementing the ultimate Luciferian goal. This is why he recently confirmed his full support for Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and why he has now bombed Syria once again.

(Have a read here to get some insight on Trump's Mossad controllers, and remember that Jeffrey Epstein is running a Mossad operation.)


You put up a great interview on "The Phaser" that makes this all pretty clear (see below.) Trump is surrounded by both old and new Zionist "fixers" (with their own serious perversions like Roger Stone and John Bolton), and they are all whispering in his ear to commit to their end plan. In addition, "chief Q interpreter" Jerome Corsi is also an Israel-firster that worked for years in Israel for B'nai B'rith as well as closely with Eddie Bernays, the father of modern propaganda and mass brainwashing. All this evidence points to my above conclusion. This can't have passed you by unnoticed, correct?

Thank You, For all the work you have done, I can see why Q thinks the public should see 60/40 or so, It is hard to believe people can be so evil. Just reading about it I was very upset. Hopefully they will be tried for there crimes.

Thank you Sean

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