in politics •  5 years ago 

from SGT Report:

Devin Nunes has laid it all out for the American people: The REAL story of the attempted coup against President Donald Trump and the REAL story of collusion. The only thing left now is criminal referrals and then indictments of the deep state co-conspirators.

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It was never designed to do anything but distract the public, now there will be something new created to keep everyone distracted. Did Trump declassify anything significant?

Key words "designed" & "distracted"

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm old enough to remember the 9,372 times that the Clinton's were on the brink of being arrested. In the old days this BS was propagated in news letters, then on VHS videos. I had a brother in law that would make a 100 copies and hand them out.

Today we have the internet to propagate this endless charade that someone will pay.

At some point you realize, no one pays. Sure an aid here or there will get nailed, and after serving 7 months of a 30 month sentence, it's free at past.

For perspective consider that Bill Ayers retired from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Further his comrade Kathy Boudin is presently an adjunct professor at Columbia.

Where's Anthony Weiner these days, oh that's right a free man. If you or I was caught with 1% of what was on his computer we would be in Guantanamo.

So in general post the evidence similar to Project Veritas or the results of a sentencing hearing, otherwise you are doing nothing.

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Thanks brother!! Appreciate your insights. You're right about Weiner, I meant to make a video about his early release but never got to it. And look at Jussie Smollett, total BS!!!!!!!!!!

Now with their most recent distraction gone , what will they do next ⁉️ This would be my biggest fear is that they would escalate things .