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Thanks for the Report Sean.
Total bull sht YouTube ghosting Truthers.
Keep up the Resistance brother!

The alternative media needs to unite and start posting content to a single alternative decentralized platform like Bitchute. If you all do it then the rest of us will know where to find you. Right now they are scattered all over the place (dTube, Minds, Bitchute, Gab, etc). And start using to receive crypto donations for your content.

Although I agree with you, this will take YEARS. In the meantime, we all need to keep EXPOSING them and holding them ACCOUNTABLE for their crimes and nefarious doings, as if we don't it will only get worse.

Hey guys, thank you. If you're here, thank you. If you give this a UP-vote, THANK YOU. It's clear now more than ever that the establishment social media giants are aligned against truth, and humanity.

Thanks Sean, keep up the good fight, resteemed

I continue to listen to you on Steemit. We all must fight the good fight and never give up. Blessings Sean

We have to become more aggressive ‼️No more fucking games❗️

RE-STEEMED this very important message.

I am usually not a fan of Bix Weir, but have to admit he was quite rational and level-headed in this particular interview. Most of his comments really pinpointed the crux of the issues, mostly that those running YouTube are pure evil and must be exposed and have he light of truth beamed on their nefarious doings. I've recently made a post - YouTube promoting and monetizing Child Porn while censoring those trying to fight against it...Pure Evil - to do my part in this collective effort.

I agree with Bix that we must collectively continue to expose all the shit they are doing so they are forced to react and change their ways.