Surviving in the Smoky Mountains

in preppercookoff •  7 years ago  (edited)

It's only been a couple weeks without power, but the world seems to have fallen into pure chaos. Haven't decided if it was good or bad that this happened while we were camping. On one hand we have some basic supplies but on the other we are in one of the more unforgiving places to be trapped, the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee.

Right now the locals who have lived in these hills for generations and aren't showing any Southern Hospitality. Just this morning a group of marauders heavily armed stormed the campgrounds we had been staying at for the last couple weeks. Each morning we had been packing everything we could carry and practicing an emergency exit plan so unlike most we were ready for this attack and it paid off. We got out of there with almost everything, but we did forget the food bag.

As we escaped we took a cleared path for about a mile and then went straigh uphill and over the peak of the mountain to try and get away from anyone who might be following us. This was our personal plan as the others planned to run downhill as it was "easier" and we figured doing the exact opposite of what was easy would increase our chance of survival.

Luckily we stumbled onto a cabin that seems to be empty for the time being and a good place to spend a few days. Will be nice to sleep inside a cabin and not crammed into a small tent with 4 people. Need to find some food, seriously food seems to be the one thing that is always on our minds. Luckily there is plenty of streams for water around here so that isn't an issue. Keeping warm is starting to become an issue too. We weren't prepared for the colder nights that have crept in.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Source

Inside the cabin we take inventory of what we have and what we lost. We also quickly dig around the cabin to find any food that might be here or weapons. Luckily we found a can of beans that was stashed in the cabinet so we get to have lunch.

So glad we had brought the .22's for target shooting. Have been teaching the girls to shoot with rifles for a couple years now so they are fairly accurate up to around 30 yards. Wish I had more then the 248 rounds we have left as there is no way to know how long they will need to last. Nice that 22 rounds are light and fitting that many in my pack didn't change how much we can carry. Just wish we didn't have to leave behind the last of our food supplies this morning. Keeping my family safe and feed never seemed like such a challenge.

22 Long.jpg Original Photo

Leaving the girls with 1 rifle and taking the other with I'm going to look for dinner. The small amount of food we found in the cabin was good for a meal which gives me the energy needed to hunt, trap, or forage for our next meal...but it's not enough to keep us going for long. Food is now a priority that can't be ignored.

Know we passed some black walnut trees in our rush to get off the beaten path, but not sure I want to venture back towards the marauders. Sure they are still hanging around the campgrounds enjoying all the food they stole from everyone that was there. There was enough food to keep them satisfied for a while, but no reason to test going that direction right now. Need to make sure the wind in blowing the right way before making a fire too...hmm wonder if the smoke from everyone's fires the night before is how the marauders found us in the first place.

Food...dammit it's hard to stay focused when you haven't been getting full meals or more then a couple hours of sleep a day for weeks on end. Stop thinking of anything other then food, focus.

As I venture into the woods I mark my way by marking trees with my knife. Want the marks big enough I'll notice them, but small enough that they aren't to obvious to someone that isn't looking for them. Don't want to lead marauders right to my family.

Rabbit Food

While I set out hoping to find some small game I don't have the time to wait around and more I think about it firing off the 22 while not very loud compared to larger caliber guns it's still a distinct pop that can be heard from a distance in the woods. So when I ran into this clearing filled with Dandelions it was time to do some digging. Hate sitting out in this clearing, but this is an easy source of food that can't be ignored.


Yup, instead of eating a rabbit we will be eating like a rabbit. But we need some nuts or something to go with this. Why can't I find a nut tree? As I look around against the bright blue sky I notice pine cones and think back to the fun I would have tossing them into camp fires as a kid and then promptly getting yelled at...but wait the needles can be used to make a tea. Right about now any flavor other then plain water sounds great. Need to grab some of them as adding flavor to our water while gaining a large amount of vitamin C can be a life saver. Talk about an easy way to boost the immune system.

Added bonus pine trees inner bark is edible and will give us some much needed protein and fat! Need to cut only enough for the day and come back for more later. Don't want to harm the tree and need to try and keep my harvesting of bark on the side of the trees that people won't notice if they stumble upon this clearing. The layer of yellowish inner bark just beneath the dead layer of outer gray bark is what I need to collect for eating, but will bring the outer layer back to the cottage to let dry for a few days for a fire starter. Using everything I take will make resources last longer out here.


As I walk the rest of the clearing I notice something that will make the meal have a little more flavor, the local call them ramps but most people would call them spring onions. These are a pick and eat item or great in a salad. Only grabbing a handful and will return for more as needed. Walking 40 minutes each way in the woods to get tree bark, onions, and weeds Dandelions for dinner, who would think I'd be excited to know this was an option.

This clearing would be a great spot to set up early morning to hunt and maybe tomorrow that will be the plan, but for now I will have to live with eating what I always considered pesky weeds as I really want to get back to the cabin and check on the girls. Been away long enough to find what I have and mark the trail to get here. Tomorrow it will go much faster to get back here, but still not sure about firing the rifle. Going to need to see what there is in the cabin that can be used to rig up some traps. Would be much safer this way.

Back at the cabin everyone is safe and they tell me they have been busy setting up some warning systems. Smart girls, with some fishing line they tied off to a couple trees with some metal cans tied together to act like a bell if the line is kicked. They only had enough to cover the most likely ways someone would come to the cabin, but it's better then nothing. Might have to take that line for snares tomorrow, but for tonight it will be nice to have some warning if someone comes towards the house. So glad the kids had a book from the library about living in the woods. We have been reading it daily learning as much as possible like making a snare.

With water already boiled and bottles all filled the packs are ready in case we need to escape quickly. Looks like the entire time I was gone my Wife an Girls were busy getting ready in case we need to run again and at the same time trying to make the cabin a safer location in case we can stay for a little while.

For the next few days I know there is enough rabbit food in that clearing to keep us fed. Not that the bitter taste of Dandelions is what I want to be eating for days it's better then going hungry. As this was our first day in this location we kept things simple and just rinsed the Dandelions and Onions and made a simple salad with some pepper which was in the cabinet. As for the bark we just ate it fresh with salt (it really needed something) and put some in a pan over the fire we used to boil more water for our pine needle tea. What we fried up in the pan will be our "bark jerky", which won't taste good but holds most of the nutritional value of the fresh bark. Want to store at least a few weeks worth of this to make sure we have something for winter.

Think tomorrow I will take a trip back towards camp and get some walnuts. We really need some food items which taste good that can be stored for future days, the winter is hard up in the mountains but seems safer then heading towards the city. Can't imagine the chaos down there without I think finding a way to survive up here on the mountain is going to be best.

So I was reading @el-nailul's entry into @canadianrenegade's Prepper Cook-Off Challenge #3 and I decided to do something I haven't in a long time. A creative writing session and while I'm guessing it won't qualify for the contest it is what inspired my story. It's partly based on the challenge, partly based on some facts, and loosely based on some creative ideas that got tossed around the campfire by the family last week. Mixing it all together to have a little fun.

If this is a valid entry I'd like to ask any and all funds be sent to @pifc if that is allowed, if not know that they will all be donated to @pifc to help support the Pay It Forward Curation Contest.

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Well, this was a fine way to call in and catch up with you @thedarkhorse I started reading and was being very hard on myself for leaving it so long. I had no idea you'd been away camping with your family. I know your wife had recently returned home from a holiday and was pleased to hear you and your girls were spending some quality time together. Then I became very concerned.......and of course, was compeled to hear every tiny detail to make sure you all came out of this situation with out injury .......or worse.

You certainly are living up to your name as I didn't know you were an a ccomplished story teller. Well done! Good luck with the contest!

save them .22 shells for squirrels, grouse, groundhogs:
hell in that situation i'd even eat a racoon, opossum,
maybe even a porcupine...
Well, probably not a porcupine;
i heard they taste awful!!

That would be what I'd be going after with the 22, but lets be honest if it comes down to true survival I'd be happy with just about any meat that isn't going to make me sick.

i love the survival mind set.. it makes full use of our faculties; gives purpose, like no other predicament..

I was totally sucked into the story, not knowing it was a story! (I was kinda wondering, in a back corner of my mind, how you were posting this while stuck way out in the woods, but figured you'd reveal at the end that it all happened a little while ago and you're now back in civilization.)

Anyway, it was riveting. You're a very good, creative writer. Keep it up!

Thank you very much! Haven't done any creative writing in a long time so this was fun. Will have to write another installment or two of the story to wrap it up.

I'll be watching for it, to see how y'all make it out of the dark mountains.

Wow, this is good @thedarkhorse! I didn't know you had this in you :)

When I lived in northern British Columbia, I had a neighbor who was a native, and one day I stopped by his place and he was boiling tree bark to make tea and siad that is was so good for you. I'd never heard of it before then, until now :)

Many tree barks can be eaten, but one of the safest is Pine and it's pretty easy to identify for almost anyone. The pine needles for tea is something that is supposed to actually taste good and be very healthy for you. More then a daily dose of vitamin C.

Apparently, most needled trees are good sources of Vitamin C - just make sure you know a yew as that's deadly!

Or let someone you don't care much about drink it first ;)

lol - yeah.
Actually, there is exactly one part of the yew that is not deadly and is actually nutritious - and that's the fleshy part of the berries. Unfortunately, the big seed inside it is poisonous! (I've seen this in multiple places now - but I've not been brave enough to try it.)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

They sell pine needle drinks here in Korea! 😝Tastes aweful!

What is wrong with people...yuck. I mean I ate it once because it was part of thing we were doing and I was the brave one that raised my hand to volunteer. But no way I would be paying for it on purpose.

I like trying new things but this was the first and the last time for me! Elderly folks make it a hot seller, however.

at some point taste isn't as important as the health benefits. Maybe that is where they are at.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Lyn, Dark, you guys ever notice how all good-for-your-health things taste unbearably bad while the sweet and delicious stuff tend to deteriate our health to a degree? Lol you know what I mean? Name me one thing that's irresistable to our taste buds yet is not damaging to our health.

Well, the tea that this guy was making tasted like sh*t, but he claimed it was very good for you 😎

i did a few survival posts quite awhile back, here's one...

Love this little story man. It could use a little minor editing but it was very creative and had a nice flow to it. Look forward to reading your future content. Resteemed, upvoted, and followed. I’m a writer as well.

Thank you for that. I always know there are things to edit, but that is not my strong point so I fix the obvious things and move on. If I was thinking of being a professional I'd hire someone to proofread my work as it's the only way it would be done correctly.

It is a "Wowww" story my friend, I I weren't in this challenge, i would think it is real one...great to have you joint this challenge and so @canadianrenegade. Really big thank for your participation @thedarkhorse

Thank you very much. Your story was what motivated me to write this so thank you for the inspiration.

I am glad if my story inspire people like you, are you from military or has a military training previously?

Well done @thedarkhorse! I was riveted. Such a fun write (eating rabbit food). Nice to see a different side of you

I am a meatetarian so rabbit food isn't normally on my But if end of days ever comes I'll do whatever is needed to survive, even eat like a rabbit.

Well you know that beef, lamb and chickens (mostly) are vegetarian so I guess that makes you one too?! ;)

Uhmm.. in case you'll find the rabbit, make sure you already knew about "earth fridge" and you supposed to ask @viking-ventures who has survived while lived off grid and perhaps you can find her treasure food somewhere near to the stream😉

Whoaa.. @thedarkhorse👏👏 really enjoy the story and I wish I could see the process in this post too. Good luck with the challenge.

Yeah, great story, @thedarkhorse!
An earth fridge is an easy concept - a simple hole in the ground and a "door" to go over it. Keep it moist. But it's good to about 85F and that was in full sun. I suspect it would do better in shade. I was able to keep packaged meat and dairy for a few days without any trouble (except varmints...)

In the mountains getting deep enough into the ground might prove to be challenging. Bet if you covered the top with the grass you cut away it would stay even colder.

As for the unwanted guests, that might take some glass jars to pack in.

I was in the mountains. ;-)
But it doesn't take a big hole - just enough to fit what you want. Deeper is good, but mine was only 18-24 inches, I would have thought. If you can prevent the unwanted guests coming in around the edges it's good enough. I wasn't off-grid long enough to correct mistakes and make it better (and in winter, it's cold enough outside to not need it for 6 months.)

Good to know. Will incorporate this into a future edition of my TN story. Feel like it needs a conclusion.

Interesting, need to look more into the earth fridge.

This may or may not be a good time to draw your attention to this collaborative story that I was invited to participate in... but seeing that you're in a cabin, you might appreciate it!
(Links to the other chapters included.)

Ok now this is kind of a fun idea. Get a few more weeks into this and it will become a chore to go back and read all the previous weeks. Is there a limit on total chapters?

It ends at Chapter 10. I already nominated @mirrors for the 9th chapter because she does a lot of writing, but I don't know if she's doing it or not.

But yeah, it was a great idea - I'm grateful for @blacklux for starting it.

I wanna read chapter 9 so I can do chapter 10 and start another story!!

Ah, I didn't realize that you did Chapter 10 - I might have missed that part in the instructions though - hopefully @mirrors sees this then.

Sounds like you'll have another opportunity, @thedarkhorse!

You know @blacklux, you might have to have an option to include the writers from the last one - so, you might have alternate stories going on, but I definitely want to do another one.

Yeah, Im trying to make this like a fun thing. Different stories, each one 10 chapters. Every time one ends, we start another

Actually, would you like to do Chapter 9? @mirrors doesn't think she can get it done in time (GINA didn't give her the notification that I'd tagged her.)

I wish I had time, but don't think I will. Have a show this weekend plus other work and trying to squeeze in some time with the kids before school starts up.

That was pretty good, I was working on an entry but just couldn't get everything done. The funny part is the location is about the same and part of the meal was Dandelions and Plantain.

Thank you! The first time I had a salad served to me at a steak house with Dandelions I couldn't believe it. The weed that homeowners all around the neighborhood spend so much time and money trying to kill off and you are serving it to me to eat...truly was shocked. Still not a fan of the taste and try to avoid salads with it.

To bad you didn't find time to enter. Sure it would have been good.

Well, I might still be able to pull it off, I just don't see it happening with everything else I need to get done.
You're right it does taste awful and plantain is considered a weed here as well.
Dandelion and Plantain.jpg

You could always write the post just because. Sounds like you have already thought it out.

You got a 32.65% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @thedarkhorse!