Who are the real enemies of peaceful protestors?
1) Covid-19
2) Antifa and other inciters of violence
3) Looters
I support my fellow Americans in exercising our constitutionally protected rights “peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” But exercising those rights through mass protests in urban centers is particularly dangerous right now. Why? If there is any continued scientific validity to the lockdown idea and the avoidance of crowds so as not to further spread the coronavirus, then, for the next several weeks at least, we should stay the hell away from big groups of closely-packed-together, noisy, sweaty, angry people, regardless of our political persuasion.
Whether you believe the violent protesters and rioters come from the Left or the Right – anarchists, Antifas, white supremacists, or others – they are undermining the message of the nonviolent protesters who righteously seek justice for the death of George Floyd. In addition to that, rioters are endangering lives as well as destroying buildings, businesses, livelihoods, sources of affordable food, clothing, and other necessities. These violent, destructive bastards are tearing down America! And the shoplifters and looters and defacers of buildings and monuments are disrespecting America and the very idea of a society based on law rather than on brute force.
Excessive use of force by the police must be curtailed, condemned, and punished. Any use of non-defensive force by civilians must be curtailed, condemned, and punished.
Anarchy is the enemy of civilization, and civilization – even American civilization, perhaps especially American civilization – is worth saving.