RE: Let’s talk about social isolation

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Let’s talk about social isolation

in psychology •  7 years ago 

Damn.. Yes this is a serious problem especially in the United States where society is so built around isolation. People can live completely lonely lives with no interactions at all.. even perfectly socially healthy people. For example moving to a small, suburban sprawl type town. If people don't take the step of say.. joining groups or taking classes.. it's just work, home, shopping, repeat... Pretty sad. For folks with poor social skills this is even tougher. The vicious cycle is very true as well, with each rejection or choice to isolate the views become reinforced until they consume the individual. Thanks for bringing some light to this very important subject

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For folks with poor social skills this is even tougher

This is true, even though we are tons of options when it comes to social applications, this doesn't necessarily means people are having more social engagement as it should be.

Thanks for dropping by mate.