RE: Question of the Day - Did NASA Really Land on the Moon or Not? [qod][conspiracytheory]

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Question of the Day - Did NASA Really Land on the Moon or Not? [qod][conspiracytheory]

in qod •  7 years ago  (edited)

The point of the going to the moon and the space program was to beat the Soviets, we defeated them. What's the point now?

BTW It's easier to turn bismuth into gold, some guy says he did it, he says he could do lead too.

do you believe he did it?

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The propaganda sounding saying that "we defeated them" is another reason why I wonder if NASA really did land on the Moon. It was more of an us against them race than a race for the advancement of science and mankind which leads us back to the ideals and motives of such actions.
And yes, I have read where a professor at UCI is turning lead into gold, as other scientist have also done in other labs and experiments. The problem here is that it cost millions for a highly radioactive ounce of gold. Does it mean no one should ever again attempt to turn lead or any other element into gold? Of course it doesn't, it means that many more experiments must be done, especially to prove the validity of such results. Hence, NASA has only gone once to the moon, never again and no one else has either puts into question whether they ever did at all.
Another aspect to think about while on this theme is that the smartphone in your pocket probably has much more computing power than all of NASA's computers combined during those lunar missions and yet with all these technological advancemenst, no one has sent a robot to the Moon and back yet? This should be a piece of cake but yet hasn't been done, well at least not in the past 3 decades if ever.
So I know that NASA and other space agencies can get them there (the Moon and Mars), just not sure if they can get them back.
Again, I am not saying they did or didn't. Bottom line, I am saying to NASA 'Prove it!'

It was more of an us against them race than a race for the advancement of science and mankind

How does one win a cold war?

By bankrupting one's enemy. It's not propaganda, the Soviet Union no longer exists. They couldn't keep up with us.

The real scientific advancement of the space program was to create better intercontinental ballistic missiles. We did that too. Mission accomplished. If you have any doubts about whether the space program was real or possible I suggest reading the Wikipedia or any biography of Robert Goddard. When you are done you will wonder why it took so long to get to the moon. Mostly it seems like it was because of fake news at the time, like the NYT, targeting Goddard.

Basically Goddard invented everything needed. Liquid fuel rockets, multi stage rockets, the concept of gyroscopic control of rockets (at a time when practical gyroscopes were just first being invented), solar power units, ion thrusters, advanced vacuum tubes, he also worked out all the math for determining the how high rockets would go given the fuel and weight and such. In his spare time he invented the Bazooka. He proved that rockets would work in the vacuum of space, but the fake news NYT claimed he was wrong.