The Title Of This One is The First And Last Sentence in The Opening Paragraph

in questions •  6 years ago 

It’s that thing again—the internet. The thing where someone like me can say whatever I want and potentially reach an unfathomable crowd at the speed of sight and someone like you can read whatever I say type. It’s that thing again—the internet.

The other day I said now go be a good wife to @lynncoyle1 and even typed a continuation in sub text directly beneath it (in parenthesis) that read ”(Piss off judgy readers—ya’all don’t know what we talk about on discord!)” and dang! As soon as I clicked the post button I lost two followers—gone, just like that! One and two—gone and gone. No, I’m not telling you this because I’m proud of losing two virtual strangers, in fact, I’d rather be here telling about you how I gained 10 but, as human as I am which means I’m just as good at stretching the #truth as you are, my thoughts are typically stretched enough and don’t require additional assistance.

You’re probably wondering where I’m going with this one—we’re almost there. The reason I’m telling you this is because if I’m going to lose two followers as quickly as I can click the send button simply by commenting an inside joke to a long time friend, whom I’ve only heard from consistently on discord for the past several months, what’s going to happen when I say “I had no idea England had so many...”



Who’s still with me—you there? Can I get a show of hands, please, how many of you are still here? Look, I’m only writing this article because I’m genuinely curious—don’t shoot the questioner. I got the above image from Pixabay, I wouldn’t dare try to snap a photo of the countless number of women I’m surrounded by who cover every square inch of flesh on their person minus a small fraction of fabric that allows only their eyes to be seen. I’ve heard contradicting theories—maybe you can set the record straight, that’s why I’m here, I’m all ears eyes.

Growing up in California, I’ve never seen a woman dressed like a ninja. I’m a foreigner, in a foreign land, it’s ok if I say stupid ish like “ninja,” don’t take it personal if you dress like a ninja. I know what a hijab is. I’ve seen plenty of those in California, I’ve worked in numerous states across the United States, visited at least 30 of the 50 states and even lived in six of them—I’ve seen plenty of women wear hijab’s. However, across all of those same states, regardless of living there, visiting, or working, I never knew niqāb was a wOrd until now and, not only is it a wOrd, niqāb’s are predominantly worn around here in Bradford, England.

It’s all in the name of #religion, that much I’m certain of. “My God’s cooler than yours” or vice versa—I get it. Islam attire is an essential preference based on that religion—noted. Same goes for the pope, he’s always wearing an off-white robe with a bedazzled cross, suspended from a necklace around his neck—it’s all in the name of religion. Mormons wear one-piece undergarments, Buddhists and Hindus wear mala’s or, mala beads and, with over 4,000 divisions religions across the world, there’s a lot of specific dress codes.

A couple of local English people, one man and one woman, both considerably older than I am and have lived in England their whole life, told me it isn’t the woman’s choice to cover everything but their eyes, it’s insisted by their husband. Man, I hope that’s not the case because, if so, it seems to me that religion is insecure—“don’t look at my wife!” I see these women in the restaurants, they don’t remove their mask even to eat. They have to keep their faces hidden and lift the spoon of food up from under their mask just to feed their self. By the way, these words are being typed by a fully tattooed, clean-cut white guy with a fohawk who says whatever he thinks, whenever he thinks it, and uses words like “dude” and “dope” casually in conversation—talk about one extreme to the next. I wonder what they’re writing on that thing again—the internet, while trying to figure me out?

I’ve also read online, on that thing again—the internet, that Muslim women who practice Islam have a choice and it’s their decision to wear either a hijab or a niqāb. Both are considered to be an outward expression of respect and love for their God, Allah. Who should I believe, the English people who have been surrounded by the Islam culture their entire life or that thing again—the internet?

The third reason I was told was from a man who doesn’t claim to have affiliation with any religion. He actually told me “the only thing I believe in is #love.” He told me women who wear niqāb’s are extremists and that gentlemen is a Syrian native who doesn’t agree with any of the 4,000 plus divisions religions. There seems to be so many conflicting opinions and just because I read it on that thing again—the internet, doesn’t mean it’s true. So, what is true—anyone? Do you know why so many women around me in the Bradford area of West Yorkshire, England wear niqāb’s and nowhere else I’ve been? Not in Canada, the United States, Mexico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama or Colombia. Only in England—why is that?

Eh, I know one thing though, one thing I’ll never forget and I’ve been waiting for the perfect opportunity to share it with you—now is my opportunity. When we were just a few days into our journey here in the UK and were staying in London, one of several ladies wearing a niqāb was with two gentlemen who I believe share the same religion as her. She was standing right next to me at a crosswalk. All four of us crossed the street together and, for whatever reason, she called both of the guys she was with, in a loud and stern voice, “sawwy muddfukkaz!” (“sorry” with a British accent—“sawwy” and, well, you know, the ‘M-F’ word) Oh, man!! It was great! I’ll never forget it—I heard a ninja call two dudes “sawwy muddafukkaz!” It was dope!!


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Hello @dandays, how are you doing? Speaking of women who dress like ninjas, it's identical to Muslim women. Yes .. in our religion, women are required to cover their bodies, except the face and palms. Islam is very respectful of women. a woman's body can only be seen by her husband and siblings. Isn't a lot of rape that starts from a woman's body part that is seen by men? Islam also prohibits sex before marriage. Even though today many Muslims violate the rules of their religion .if you want to get a virgin wife, then marry a Muslim woman. Enjoy your day, sir


I’m so glad you responded to this one @elianaelisma, I hope you’ll come back and respond again to whatever’s about to come out of my thumbs.

I appreciate all religious beliefs, whatever helps US sleep at night! 👍🏿 The analogy about rape starting by looking at a woman, that’s extreme, don’t you think? Wouldn’t that be like the the unibomber, who murdered people by mailing letters to random people having a college university education, therefor, people should never receive an education? 🤔

About Muslims violating rules, don’t worry, we all do. I’m a Christian and I sin all the time—I can’t help it! It comes with the territory called being alive. Mormons drink coffee, Catholic priests touch... well, you know. Jehovah’s judge people who celebrate Christmas—it’s all in the name of religion so, really, Muslims who violate rules are just being human in my opinion.

I have many questions about women who wear the niqāb, I’ll await a response from you before I continue just in case I’m typing to myself.

Thanks for stopping by @elianaelisma.

My thoughts are typically stretched enough and don’t require additional assistance. This one line supplied enough amusement in itself to garner my attention.
It is good to hear that @lynncoyle1 keeps in touch with you and visa-versa. I have been wondering how her and Brian have been doing as I have kept them in my prayers.
As I'm writing this reply I clicked on her link and see she has just recently posted, will get back to her update following this reply. What a wonderful soul she is.
All too many people beat around the bush all too often and are afraid to say what they really think, or are afraid that they may offend someone in so doing. Talking out of both sides of one's mouth is so irritating that I literally avoid conversation with people. Hidden agendas are present with almost every spoken word.
It is always refreshing to hear someone say what they think, whether I agree with them or not.
Now, to the countless ways humans revere the almighty, and the masquerade of costumes that come along with each charade being innumerable, I for one feel that what ever floats your boat is fine with me.
A lot of it I don't get and never will, but the one thing that I do believe should be at the very core of everyone's convictions is respect for life.
No one person is better than the next, they may be better off but not superior.
Submissive to the degree that one needs to hide their mouth while eating in public is over the top.
When you take a look at the way people behave, and under the guise of religion, none of it really makes any sense. Each sect thinks that their way is the way that the guy/girl/who really knows, perched above us all, wants them to display their reverence.

Live and let live, respect and be respected, have faith and be faithful, and one day we may come to see what it is that we all have been at odds with since the dawn of mankind.

I couldn't agree with you more @thebigsweed! And thank you for thinking of us too :)

The comment champion strikes again! I’ve always prided myself on my comment leaving skills, sir, I don’t mess around when it comes to sharing my opinion with authors who are authentic. I’m here to tell you, it’s my pleasure to be in your rear view mirror, sir, you’re a comment leaving king. What’s up Bob?! How’s it goin my man? Happy Friday to you and the farm. 👍🏿 Thank you for this response. Man! Where do I start?? Did I say thank you? “Thank you!”

About Lynn. Yeah, although we’re all just a basket full of virtual strangers, we get to know some better than others and, just like reality, we know the tight-knit group we can count on who we know are genuinely good people. Whatever it is they possess in our own opinion, we know we can always count on them for that. Lynn and Brian are two of them as are you. I’m proud to say I’m friends with each of you. I can confidently say ‘each of you are surrounded in prayer.’

I find myself avoiding conversation too dude—absolutely. Remember that article I did called Buttholes And Liars? I bring it up because I like the way you said talking out of both sides of their mouth. I’ll take it a little further, speaking of “Buttholes.” The same people who talk out the side of their mouth also have a butthole and I can’t always tell which one they’re talking out of. 🤔

Religion. “Whatever floats your boat,” as you say—I love that terminology. I sometimes say “whatever helps us sleep at night” because you and I both know we have no right to judge but that doesn’t mean we don’t have the right to question. So, I have a question for you—with all of the division, indifference, slayings (this list could go forever), judgments, and.. and.. we live with in these times, who’s happy? The objective is to please our maker, right? That’s what I believe anyway and I believe you’ll agree with me when I say we’re all his children. Man, wouldn’t that mean he’s frikkin pissed?! Dude, he’s gotta be furious, right? Since the beginning of the wOrd, Moses in the desert, Caesar at Golgotha, to current times with wars, corruption, imprisonment, abandonment, and, here we are, no more ahead of the curve than we were B.C. all in the name of division Religion. He’s gotta be pissed, right??

Thanks for stopping by @thebigsweed, you always draw winded replies from me—I look forward to reading what you have to say every time.

PS—no stretching here either, sir—nope! 😉

Ninjas. LOL. You kill me. And it's a good thing what we say on discord doesn't make it's way here ... I may lose a few followers that way too :) I read through the comments here; priests touch ... still killin' me!

Have I told you lately I’m glad we met? Good morning from England, Lynn, I’m glad you got to see this one—thanks for sticking around! Eh, could you imagine the irony if you ishcanned me over this one?? Ha!!! You even read the comments.... man, that blows me away. Not like the people who still give their money to feed that church, though, that makes wanna vomit—the one with under the rug sweeping brooms who touch, well, you know...

We all have friends in reality we can count on for various reasons, right? Same goes for virtually in my opinion. It’s comforting to know you have my back on this platform, Lynn, I hope you know equal my sincerity is for you and Mr. Courteau—he’s such a gangster.

That article you wrote was amazing! You don’t wear your heart on your sleeve, it’s not big enough (the sleeve). Your sleeve is on your heart and I think you guys are amazing. Please give Brian a big kiss right on the face for me—now go be a good wife! 😉

Thanks for stopping by @lynncoyle1, happy Friday. I’m really glad you got to see this one—I’ll chat to you soon.

I've always got yer back buddy ... you can count on that one! Those dirly ol' touchin', under the rug sweepin' peeps ... I'm with you on that one! I'd like to show them my broom (handle); know what I'm saying?

Mr. Gangster and I more than appreciate you and your girl's virtual friendship. I do believe that one day, we'll meet in person. Knucks in person. Imagine that?!

My show of hands 🙌🙌👏👏👏

That is the most awesome thing I've heard all day! Haha! I would have loved to have seen that. What happened after that??

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Well if it isn’t my favorite tattoo gettin Canadian! What’s happenin, miss Foxy? Thanks for sticking around and reading this one—I’m glad I didn’t lose you.

What happened, actually, is both guys she was with, they both just kinda bowed their heads, hands in their pockets and kept walking. I was under the impression that whatever it was about, whatever happened that got her to say that—she was right and they knew it.

Thanks for stopping by @foxyspirit, it’s always a pleasure hearing from you.

It would take a lot more than that to lose me 😁

Good for her for sticking up for herself. I would have thought that she has to bow her head for whatever crap they would be allowed to give and keep her mouth shut. This is great! You go girl!

And it's not a problem! My time is limited even more this summer as I keep the kids occupied with different activities. So I like to at least catch up with the great ones 😉 say hello to Pura for me please. Hope she is well 🙂

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We have them around here to - the ninjas. Well, there are states you will travel to and see them, and there are states that you won't. I grew up not knowing the niqab too, until i moved to another state.

As for the reasons, i think the second you came across on the internet is the one i am most conversant with, well, the first also does happen when the husband becomes insecure and wants his wife "hidden" from people's eyes, because he thinks she is "too beautiful", i guess. And most times, the women oblige because well, they are supposed to be (submissive?) To their husbands.

I have actually seen many unmarried ladies use it, actually, most of the people i have come across using the niqab are unmarried, and maybe one or two newly married ladies.

Well, you found it strange that she was eating like that? Most of the ladies you will find wearing niqab here hardly ever eat in public places...🤫

England must have been fun so far, right?😊

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Well, well, well, if it isn’t my favorite face showin, writer extraordinaire, quality comment leaving, Nigerian beauty-queen! Good morning, miss Audrey, I sure do appreciate this response—I’m glad I didn’t lose you with this one. 😉

Yeah, I assume it’s most certainly for love and respect to their God, I totally understand that and, if that’s all it was, I would’ve answered my own question. But you and I are smarter than that—well, at least you are! The one about the husband being insecure, I’d love to ask those specific women a few questions. “Do you feel degraded? Can you use a gym? What do you tell your children? Do you believe that’s a good example to teach your daughters? Have you ever felt equal to a man? Do you have self esteem? Do you know what self esteem is? Do you feel your only purpose in life is to serve?” Stuff like that.

“Too beautiful.” Good point, what’s your opinion on that, Audrey? I, personally, believe we’re all just a scribble of God’s fingerprint and there’s no such thing as “too beautiful” and, if that’s the case, I almost feel sorry for that husband—it would suck to be him.

About the not eating in public at all—fascinating! I never even considered it but now that you mentioned it, that makes perfect sense. Hence the reason there’s so many ninjas on the streets and a random one here and there in a restaurant. Man, all of that in the name of religion?! Here I go again, Audrey, saying what I think.. that’s ridiculous.

Lastly, you know what? The part about unmarried women covering their face actually makes more sense to me than anything else and I didn’t consider it until now. I actually wouldn’t mind wearing a mask from time to time myself. 👍🏿 Thumbs up on that one.

Thanks a lot for stopping by @audreybits, you know I love it when you do.

😊 Good morning! Nah, you didn't and i don't you ever will...

I guess some of them might get offended by your questions, and a few actually wouldn't mind, and will excitedly answer them. If you find the open-minded ones, you wouldn't have issues asking...

Well, not exactly "too beautiful" but maybe more appealing than others, or has a feature that easily attracts people...

The devotion sometimes, isn't something we can easily comprehend, it fascinates me sometimes. I have grew up in a place where there is quite alot, like alot of the, so i have been able to see it (actually, my Mum was a Muslim, at a point, eherm before i was born) Well, sometimes, some of them use the tag "devotion" to actually do things they shouldn't or shouldn't be done in totality.

A mask? Lol! Well, mask has cool designs so it definitely will look cool! Or you want to use their type of mask?

My pleasure! I love it too when i do

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Dude, brah... that was dope tehe. Divisions lol.

Edit: oh yeah, sorry for the 2 followers loss.

Yoooo! <— I say that too. What’s up man, how’s it?

Yeah, I would say piss on’em but I wouldn’t want them to come here and see that I said piss on’em and do something like follow me only to unfollow me again and give me a reason to mention them in an article or, in a response to a buddy of mine, where I say something like piss on’em! Dude, that wouldn’t be dope.

Thanks for stopping by @weirdheadaches, I hope you’re pain free today my brother.

Yoooo' 😁!

Piss on em/ gang signs 🤞🏿✌🏿🖕🏿👇🏿🖖🏿🤙🏿👍🏿🤟🏿🤜🏿

haha! howdy sir dandays! wow...telling someone to go be a good wife doesn't sound like any kind of put down to me. What would they want you to say..go be a witch? I don't get it. That seems like they were looking for something to take offense to because that sounds like an encouraging statement to me.

When you were crossing the street with that lady, who was she saying that to, the men who were with her? I don't get that either.

I did not know that Mormons wear one-piece undergarments either. I wonder what the reason for that is, since it can't be for modesty because no one can see their undergarments anyway.

Strange. But then I've heard that sir dandays has some strange traditions and quirks too.

Coolest Texan strikes again—how’s it going Janton? I get to respond to two in one night, that’s when you know things are good. Thanks for checking this one out, sir!

The three of them were together, they were friends, is my guess. The guys were probably in there 20’s, most likely college students, so I assume all three were. I think they were just talking ish back n forth with each other and, forever reason, she dropped “sawwy muddfukkaz” on’em.

The Mormon things are called Temple garments. Click in that and let me know what you think. It’s that religion thing again, the thing some apps don’t want their writers to talk about.

Oh man, you ain’t kiddin! The weirdest guy you know just ended this sentence with two periods..

Thanks for stopping by @janton.

Howdy sir dandays! Very interesting about the under garments. Symbolic OR LITERAL protection from the evils of the world. I think you need more than underwear to protect you from the evils of the world. Even in England they have terrorists attacks..hey are you in London?

What is the comparison between England and Costa Rica? England is expensive and colder with less sunshine. anything else? lol.

We spent our first week in London, now we’re in West Yorkshire for another two weeks.

Weather wise is very different. The sun doesn’t shine here, it always looks like it gonna rain. It’s sweater weather in July or whatever month it is.

The market and groceries are less here than the states, we weren’t expecting that. London, everything is more expensive, as expected, 100 miles outside, markets are actually cheaper. Grocery in CR is about four times the normal prices.

Hey, how many articles do you think you read in a day? Do you comment on everything you read?

Howdy again sir dandays! "whatever month it is!" lol.. That must be nice to not even have to know what month it is. So where does your mail go to since you switched countries? I couldn't handle the cloudy weather there and neither can you guys. I assume, so that isn't your final destination, you're just getting warmed up on your world tour. Right?

You guys are going to see alot more of the country, like the little villages and things?

How many articles? I don't have any idea. Less than before because I've reduced my hours from 14-16 hours 7 days a week down to 10-12 seven days a week. I do comment on everything I read unless I don't understand it like too technical or so far into stats that it's hard to follow, then I just vote on it but don't try to fake it like I understood it. lol.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Dang that’s impressive! No wonder you’ve got such a dedicated following—you’ve earned it!

Oh yeah, we’ll keep venturing around here for a little while. I think the next place we stay will be in the North where we can catch an easy boat ride into Ireland. We’re making great progress with pura’s documents and we’re still thinking of parking in Spain for at least 6 months. <—whatever month that’ll be. 😉

It’s a process but we’re making great progress. We’re still “all business” at the moment.

10 hours?! Man, I’m impressed. You’ve got to be the most dedicated person I follow.

Howdy again sir dandays! I just figured my normal hours, what I've been spending on here, and it's usually 14 hours, that's with spending 3 or 4 outside working. I gotta cut my hours down to 8 to 10 though. Thanks for making me curious enough to check myself.

Your plans sound wonderful! Six months in Spain sounds like a dream!

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  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment