Roses Mean Summer Has Arrived/Las rosas significan que ha llegado el verano

in r2cornell •  last year 


Author: @r2cornell

Roses Mean Summer Has Arrived/Las rosas significan que ha llegado el verano

Around two months have elapsed since I last published. My eye surgery was moved up, and I am still adjusting to my new vision. Seeing distance is no problem, as both eyes are perfect. I have to wear reading glasses for anything close-up. When on the computer, I have a pair of reading glasses to read the print on the screen. I wear a pair of yellow-tinted sunglasses for driving and or outdoor activities. Anything close up is very blurry. I am still adjusting but happy to be able to see at a distance.

Han pasado unos dos meses desde mi última publicación. Mi operación ocular se adelantó, y aún estoy adaptándome a mi nueva visión. Ver de lejos no es ningún problema, ya que ambos ojos están perfectos. Tengo que llevar gafas de lectura para ver de cerca. Cuando estoy en el ordenador, tengo un par de gafas de lectura para leer la letra de la pantalla. Llevo unas gafas de sol amarillas para conducir o hacer actividades al aire libre. Todo lo que veo de cerca es muy borroso. Sigo adaptándome, pero estoy contento de poder ver de lejos

I had my plans for semi-retirement put on hold. It was difficult to accept because I am still tired from many work years. Working with the sick and disabled can drain you of energy. I have not given up and found a way to get 5 days of coverage to take some days off. I have things set up for the end of July. I also have a Social Worker looking at options so that I may still get to retire sooner. On the positive side of everything, I receive a significant increase in pay for care. First increase in 17 years.

Fue difícil aceptarlo porque todavía estoy cansada de muchos años de trabajo. Trabajar con enfermos y discapacitados puede dejarte sin energía, sobre todo cuando lo haces durante más de 50 años. En julio me darán 5 días de descanso. Tengo todo preparado para finales de julio. También tengo un asistente social que estudia las opciones para que pueda jubilarme antes. En el lado positivo de todo, recibo un aumento significativo en el pago de la atención. Primer aumento en 17 años.

Summer is now here, and with it, hot weather. The cover photo is a macro view of a miniature rose I gave my wife 4 or 5 years ago. I bring it into the garage each winter to keep it alive. It has had more blooms on it this year than ever before. As with many of the flowers I planted over the years, they were gifts for my wife. They help lift my mood now that she is gone. I have two new bushes growing. Per her long-standing wish, I placed her ashes from her cremation under the two roses. The yellow one is in bloom, and I am getting photos. The second one has many buds, so it is a waiting game. This is a nice lead-in to my flower photographs for this publication.

El verano ya está aquí, y con él, el calor. La foto de portada es una vista macro de una rosa en miniatura que regalé a mi mujer hace 4 o 5 años. Cada invierno la llevo al garaje para mantenerla viva. Este año ha florecido más que nunca. Como muchas de las flores que he plantado a lo largo de los años, eran regalos para mi mujer. Me ayudan a levantar el ánimo ahora que ella ya no está. Tengo dos nuevos arbustos. Según su antiguo deseo, coloqué las cenizas de su cremación bajo las dos rosas. La amarilla está en flor y estoy recibiendo fotos. La segunda tiene muchos capullos, así que habrá que esperar. Es una buena introducción a mis fotografías de flores para esta publicación.

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I have two more photos of the same rose at different stages. The first one is a bud, which is always full of promise. The second rose photo is when it is fully open.

Tengo dos fotos más de la misma rosa en diferentes etapas. La primera es un capullo, que siempre es prometedor. La segunda es una rosa completamente abierta.



The following photograph is of an iris. They bloom in early spring. I have many purple ones, but this light blue iris I found growing behind a juniper a couple of years ago. I have been giving it extra care to get some nice blooms. The extra work paid off, as you can see in this photo.

La siguiente fotografía es de un iris. Florecen a principios de primavera. Tengo muchos de color púrpura, pero este iris azul claro lo encontré creciendo detrás de un enebro hace un par de años. Lo he cuidado mucho para que florezca. El trabajo extra ha merecido la pena, como se puede ver en esta foto.


My last two photographs are of one of my Peonies. I have several varieties that bloom at different times. I find all my Peonies beautiful, and it is difficult to choose a favorite. This one is high on my list of favorites. I love the blend of pink and white. I hope you enjoy the photos.

Mis dos últimas fotografías son de una de mis peonías. Tengo varias variedades que florecen en diferentes épocas. Todas mis peonías me parecen hermosas y es difícil elegir una favorita. Esta es una de mis favoritas. Me encanta la mezcla de rosa y blanco. Espero que disfruten de las fotos.



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I use a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for most photographs except where noted. I do have an older PowerShot Canon camera that I use from time to time.

Estoy usando una Canon EOS Rebel T5 para la mayoría de las fotografías, excepto donde se indique. Tengo una vieja cámara PowerShot Canon que uso de vez en cuando.

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This brings us to the end of this publication. I hope you find something in it that you enjoy. I will continue to update you as I move toward my semi-retirement, which will lead to more blogging. I may focus my efforts on blogging on the platforms where I get the most comments and the platforms where I get the best support. To me, the support is twofold. First the number of comments, and the second is the amount of earnings on the publication.

Con esto llegamos al final de esta publicación. Espero que encuentren algo que les guste. Seguiré informándoles a medida que avance hacia mi semi jubilación, lo que me llevará a escribir más en el blog. Puede que centre mis esfuerzos en bloguear en las plataformas en las que recibo más comentarios y en las que recibo mejor apoyo. Para mí, el apoyo tiene dos vertientes. Primero el número de comentarios, y el segundo es la cantidad de ganancias en la publicación.


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  ·  last year (edited)

It is a great joy to see this beautiful publication, it immediately transports me to my beginnings in Steemit, your writings always bring happiness and hope to my soul. I think it's from seeing live how God's creation can bring happiness to someone who works hard caring for sick people.
May our loving Father continue to provide you with what is necessary, and take care of you, your health and that of your affections.
I think the #r2cornell community is still very much alive.
Happy and long life @r2cornell
P.S. I am sorry to know that your wife passed away, that the hope in the resurrection gives you strength and comfort.
(Acts 24:15; Philippians 3:11; Revelation 20:5, 6; Jn 5:28, 29; 11:25).

Es una gran alegría ver esta hermosa publicación, de inmediato me transporta a mis inicios en Steemit, tus escritos siempre traen alegría y esperanza a mi alma. Creo que es de ver en vivo como la creación de Dios puede traer felicidad a alguien que se esfuerza por cuidar a los enfermos.
Que nuestro Padre amoroso les siga brindando lo necesario, y cuide de ustedes, de su salud y la de sus afectos.
Creo que la comunidad #r2cornell todavía está muy viva.
Feliz y larga vida @r2cornell
Lamento saber que tu esposa falleció, que la esperanza en la resurrección te da fuerza y consuelo.
(Hechos 24:15; Filipenses 3:11; Apocalipsis 20:5, 6; Jn 5:28, 29; 11:25).

Thank you.

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"Working with the sick and disabled can drain you of energy"
Yes indeed and I can feel it getting worse every day

Thank you for your comment. I have put in over 53 years working with the sick and disabled. I have no regrets. I have helped many people over those years, yet it is time for me to care for myself. My wife had worried about me for a couple of years because I was getting tired. I wish I could have retired while she was alive so we could have had the time without me having to care for others. Unfortunately, the cost of her medical care meant I had to work a little longer.

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Hola amigo, que bueno que la cirugia salió bien, seguro ya se adaptará a su nueva visión, mi madre le ha ido muy bien, aunque solo se operó un ojo, pero quiere programar para dentro de un mes o dos el otro ojo Dios mediante, ya se siente mas segura.
Las flores están hermosas, las reinas siempre son las rosas, pero las peonias están muy bellas, me encantaron.
Saludos amigo, que siga recuperandose, feliz noche.


Me encanta poder ver de lejos. Antes de la operación utilizaba gafas de lectura. Ahora es más necesario que antes.

Flowers are one of the natural beauties of nature and roses are one of them. Which is a symbol of love and loved by all. You have beautifully photographed the flowers which look really nice.

Thank you very much. I am glad you enjoyed the flowers.

@r2cornell your publications are always wonderful.
Thank you for giving us beautiful and creative content everytime.
And I love the flowers.

Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed them.

Hermosas fotografías @r2cornell, un gran aporte.

Muchas gracias.

Seeing the spontaneous flowers made me feel very refreshed. Thank you very much sir for sharing such beautiful flower pictures with us.

You're welcome, and thank you. Flowers and photos of flowers can always lift one's spirits.

Same to you sir

after retirement what do you want Do and tell us what you want to be photography as here. but your art of photography is very cool, I like red roses..

Once I retire, I will have more time for my photography. I also will spend time in my woodshop. I have been preparing it for my retirement years. I also have a lot of wood stored for my many projects.

the two photos of her roses look beautiful. one is still not perfect, and one is already blooming. both seem to have their respective roles

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

Thank you. You are correct on the stages of the rose blooms.

Nice photographs and content sir.

Fantastic mind blowing blmooing rose photography.

Glad you like them

Your photographs are all very well done. Flowers are nature's gift; they provide us with a welcoming environment and a heart-warming scent. I too enjoy spending time near the flower beds.

Thank you. It is calming working with flowers, even if only photographing them

Yes, I totally agree with you.

According to what I read in your post, the vision problems are improving, some adaptation is missing and that's all, patience is paramount here, what you say about my first increase in 17 years catches my attention, and I'm talking about being patient, but hey, money can be used at any time.
I wish you a happy day and I hope you recover and adapt, luckily you have the different glasses that always help

Thank you very much

hi @r2cornell
I shared lots of post about my target which is to reach 100K Steem Power..

Can you help me to reach my target?

Maybe you can delegate some Steem for me to grow my account. I need more curation rewards.

Maybe you can add me your curation trail...

If you do this I will be very happy.
