RE: Does 'Reverse Discrimination' Exist?

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Does 'Reverse Discrimination' Exist?

in racism •  8 years ago 

It doesn't exist because "reverse racism", is just racism.
Anyone can be a racist. It's a natural thing and a fundamental part of human nature. (see my comments to@diamondlou in the link)

No, it’s not. As I explained in the article.

Here's how this works. You make any sort of judgement about a person by the color of their skin, you're being a racist. That's ANY sort of judgement. Good or bad. Doesn't matter who you are, or how oppressed you feel or what your heritage is or even if they are the same color as you.
You make a judgement about a person based on skin tone, you're a racist.
Own it, cuz it's all on you!

Racism doesn’t = judgement.
What you are thinking of is prejudice.

Again, as I already explained, those are two different things.

Your posting shows a shocking amount of bigotry. Then you try to justify your own bigotry by appealing to the words of other bigots. Doesn't matter who they were or what they did or what magazine hailed their brilliance. Being stupid is just being stupid and bigotry is a state of mind.

Understanding bigotry and being a bigot are two different things.

No need to mince words here, no need to split hairs. Bigotry is when you think you are better than someone. That someone "needs your help", based on some value judgement you've made about some quality in their life. A life that frankly is none of your business and shouldn't be any of your concern unless they are reaching out to you directly.

I never expressed thinking I was better than anyone, so I fail to see your point as to how my post was bigotry.

Only when you stop judging people, will you actually stop being a bigot.
I know it feels like a slap in the face, but yes that's what you're doing here, you're being a bigot. You're saying
"Oh no dem poor colored folk can't stand up for themselves, they're a minority"
They're only 75% of the population!

Bigotry doesn’t = judgement.
Racism doesn’t = judgement.

You're also saying
"Oh noes! Dem poor womyn folk, can't get ahead cuz da evil menz!"
Allow me to introduce you to Hillary Clinton, Carly Fiorina, Marissa Meyer, Mia Love, literally this list is endless.
You down play their accomplishments and insult all of them by saying that somehow they didn't have the power to take charge of their own lives. That somehow this was handed to them. That the men folk, lowered the bar a bit so they could hop over it.

I don’t think you have read any of my articles, because I never said that.

I even mentioned Hillary in one of my articles. Do I think her power was “handed” to her? Fuck no. Do I think she had to overcome many hurdles that a man wouldn’t have to? Absolutely.

We have blacks, asians, latinos and yes even whites in all places and all ranks of power. They come in all shapes and sizes, all colors and all genders (hint to feminists, there's more than two genders).
You know what got them there? It wasn't the color of their skin. It was that they worked their asses off to get what they've got.

That is correct. I never implied that minorities get where they are because of their gender or the color of their skin. That’s actually the opposite of what I’m saying.

When you tell us, that they can't do it because "oh no they're being oppressed by mean white males", you're telling everyone that they're just a victim of the system.

Everyone is a victim of the system, because we’re all apart of it.
So, yes, I am saying that.

She's the rule and she's the right example to follow, but you need to give people the right message.

“Understanding who the dominant and subjugated groups are is necessary for us to deconstruct systems of oppression and seek to equalize them.”

That was my closing message.

How is that the wrong message?

Again this all comes down to a dialog based on fear. Stop the fear mongering, stop the divisiveness, stop your own bigotry and quit trying to make others feel like they should feel guilty for getting what they earned through their own blood sweat and tears. Most of all quit trying to put your own irrational self resentment on everyone else. You're only calling out as "bad" in others what you fear about yourself.

Your arguments about racism being judgement, and saying my ideals are divisive is actually problematic. It seems you are implying that you “don’t see color.” You’re removing people’s diversities and identities.

There is incredible power in choosing not to be a victim, a power that only you have. But it's a choice you have to make. You act like a victim, you are going to get victimized.
Why would anyone choose to be a victim of oppression?
No one chooses that. It’s systematic.

I would like to agree with what you are saying about how everyone should empowered, but that isn’t how this works. While minorities can be empowered, there are many roadblocks. Roadblocks politically, economically, and more abundantly, socially.

You’re partially correct thinking that power isn’t something that is given to you.

For most of us, it isn’t. For those that are privileged, it is.

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you really need to look up the dictionary descriptions of racism and prejudices......

As you were continuing your "only white people can be racist" circle jerk this went on in black-majority/Democrat-controlled Milwaukee (where now, apparently, police shooting a black thug brandishing a gun at them is evidence of 'racism' which justifies burning down the shops/homes of innocent people as well as targeting random white people for retaliation)...

‘BLM’ Call for “Burning Down” White Suburbs

And of course the continuing black-on-black killing which continues to go on daily is totally ignored by the Left and the self-destructive black community people are just awful...