There's a reason I prefer to NOT
work with the General Public.
work with the General Public.

It's really quite sad how lazy and ignorant people can be.
You know the difference between someone that screams Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! and one that provides even moderate support? The ability to look, read or god forbid... use Google!! Few people have the fix for everything stored in their head...they just know how to look it up.
This may seem a bit crass, but it's the honest to god truth. I worked directly with the general public for many years and it's rather scary the amount of people who don't even think to try to look into it themselves. Sure...not everyone knows everything, but it truly seems that the Service Economy has made people honestly think they don't have the capability to at least try very basic things.
Ignorance can be helped with learning and effort. Lazy is doomed.

This is why we can't have nice things!

For decades I've thought on ways to setup an attempt of a Utopian society. Yes, yes...I know nothing can ever be perfect. However, that shouldn't ever keep us from trying to be better.
Regardless of what I came up with, I was never able to get around one major issue: Selective Population!
The more politically correct way to phrase this is "Who gets in?" While this may sound elitist, or reality it's the exact same thing we do when hiring people for jobs. You don't let every applicant start working for chose those with some skills, drive and ideally match well with the structure and people you have in place.
Now I really don't want to get into specifics on my "Utopian ideas" here. But this selective population issue really effects so many different ways that anyone could approach this. There's always going to be some limitation of (tangible and non-tangible) resources are your society's disposal. It's one reason why so many rail against Universal Basic Income (UBI,)paying everybody enough to get buy without working...driving people to be lazy, since they don't need to be working.
When starting anything new, getting impactful returns (monetary or not) on limited resources is extremely important. Just like a company looking to fill a position, the best candidates are sought after, with the lesser ones being given a rejection letter.
So tell me...if you were trying to apply to a "Utopian Society"...what would you put on your resume? How could you try to show your worth in an evaluation process? I bet if you didn't even bother to read the instructions provided to you, you won't get very far.

My Point out of all this...

The one nugget I'll give you from my own "Utopian" ideas is that:
People shouldn't HAVE to be told what to do! It's really their own job to figure this out.
Yes, this is a generality since we all have moments of frustration, lack of knowledge, etc. However, there's a HUGE difference between:
- the person that actually stores the information for next they can try to handle it themselves
- and those that are right back into "Fix it! Fix it! Fix it!" mode time after time, on the exact same issue
If we want a world where the population is free from governments, banks, or whatever...You HAVE to take some responsibility for yourself! At some point Lazy needs to be called out!
Show at least a little effort! Pay attention when someone shows or tells you the first instructions...maybe even try to research it yourself. Yes, I know we can't expect everybody to know everything...but they can't be afraid of a little failure.
Failure isn't the problem...lack of effort is!
Laziness is what's keeping you ignorant!
Laziness is what's keeping you ignorant!
Ask for help after that first failed attempt to read up or Google your problem. Get used to that slight feeling of's a good thing! Then you'll know at least one way to NOT go about it and ideally gain a better understanding when you are helped.
There's no room for those that Don't Even TRY in my Utopia!

Click HERE for a list of All my Guides!

Image Sources:
Fix it meme
People Clipart
Edison Quote
I'll never make it in a utopian society. I'm a free thinker. I can. If not, I can learn and will. I like work, the more physical and complicated the better. Forget lazy. I'm old - keep up with me if you can. Now that I think about it forget society too. People suck, I'd rather hang out with the wildlife and run around naked.
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You sound like you'd make it just fine in my utopia!
When people no longer have to enslave themselves in exchange for the freedom to live, they will be free to do whatever they like. This is the argument for a Universal Basic Income, and though there are a lot of things I disagree with about it (including the fact that it appears to necessitate government force, which I am against), I can say that I have always loved the idea of people being free to pursue whichever things make them happy.
Count me among those who believe labour and joy are not mutually exclusive. You love to work with your body. Some people, like myself, love to work with their mind. In a post-scarcity utopia, we would all simply be free to do whatever we'd like.
I like that idea. I just don't want it run by a centralised power prone to corruption.
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Well spoken, I'd probably enjoy your company when the day is done and we are glutton with wild boar and fresh pressed wine around a nice fire. Hell who knows maybe we can both take up basket weaving then.
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Sometimes what appears to be laziness is lack of confidence, but that doesn't excuse rudeness when asking help!
I see a paradox in applying to be in a Utopia because the process involves judging and grading people. Sadly, sociopaths and narcissists tend to be the best at promoting themselves!
I would therefore hang out in the real Utopia with the rejects and the wise people who refused to apply.
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Hahah...I'd totally be ok with those that got 'rejected' actually being the ones to get in.
However, if you watch people that don't know that they're being get a much better idea of the real self. But to get into'd require a whole post of it's own. Lol
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I'd put "Lazy and useless" on my resume and if I'm accepted then I know it's not Utopian. An entity is only as good as it treats the least of its kind, you can tell a lot by how someone treats those who have nothing to offer in return. Compassion should truly be a core tenant of any utopia, imo.
Laziness should be valued more than it is, it's the modern society of global, interconnected trade that re-teaches us to value productivity over permanence and sustainability, what we make now takes from our future, and our world is already past a tipping point because of our greed and want for more.
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It's in people's nature to do the minimum work required unless they are incentivized.. .
Make sure to check out my blog for cool visualizations and follow back :)
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Nice flower ya people steemit
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So, I am promoting steemit in Nigeria where I am from. I have introduced over 20 new steemians.
Most of them are lacking motivation and desire to succeed. Steemit I'd more rewarding than the jobs they could get outside, but they're just too lazy to get a real job or to put their minds to use.
These are young people in their early twenties. I am getting fed up with their laziness.
I have decided to focus more attention to help the serious ones to develop faster. Maybe this will motivate the lazy ones to be more hardworking and committed.
How some humans can decode to jot just want to better their lives but rather stay lazy and contented with whatever life throws at them baffles me.
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It is really encouraging....
Thanks for sharing dear
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thanks for sharing @sykochica
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People got to learn to use that lump of meat inside their head!
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Wow what a motivation words true people should not be told what to do all the time it's becoming and habit for some people
Always love your post and always they to resteemed and upvote it thank you
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Lazy people really want everything and they do not do anything
I hate laziness I love to work actively
Thank you Ali Manshirk
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Lazy poeple dnt want to work but they want exensive things and they also work with another persons time. Thnks for posting.
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I will say what you dont say out of fear
Kill the lazy and dumb people, leave just wise alive, and when those wise become dumb kill them too, and repeat
This is so fucking incorrect i could go to jail lmao, but is the only way to make a utopian society works, that's why i dont think about it, dream about really impossible fantasies is not productive at all
Is better to focus in the reality, some persons are wise, people is ignorant and lazy, or lets call it "Unfamiliar and efficient"
And the wise must make a good society for all, based on the reality, not in dreams that drives a country to mass starvation I.E communism
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Once automation comes in full-force there will be very few jobs left. Almost everyone will be considered inefficient and inferior to the capabilities that machines will have. It's already started in some sectors and will only continue to happen to others. Artificial super intelligence isn't even out yet, but look how successful companies have been when they use the AI available to them now. Be careful what you wish for.
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Thats the point where humanity must decide what to do, to say what is next? if we run out of challenges, we run out of humans
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How do we decide who is not worthy though?
I find your ideas pretty scary, to be honest. I think you'll find I would probably make your cut, but many of the people I care about would not. I think that is a pretty sad way to live.
People have value beyond their intelligence. Some of the wisest people in the world have also been the most worthless. Think of the sociopaths who run today's centralised governments. Constantly exploiting their fellow human for personal gain. Those people are far more worthless to society than a person with Down syndrome who volunteers at the soup kitchen every Friday, feeding the hungry.
There's a word for what you're proposing. It's not utopia. It's dystopia.
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This thread is reminding me that I never finished watching that Brazilian Netflix show was pretty good!
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You took the words straight out of my mouth!
Funny how almost everyone thinks that they are wise. How often does anyone say, "I'm a completely gullible fool, not a wise bone in my body!"
Let's just hope that it's youth talking and he's not just a straight up sociopath.
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I’m not telling I’m wise, i am far from it, and i am lazy as fuck, the point is that we all are humans, and humans are far from perfect, we can’t build a perfect society with elements that are imperfect, and dreaming about it is stupid and cause pain and hunger, and living in a communist country i know what I’m talking about
Have you read books like The Republic where a perfect society is described ignoring all the human nature? It’s because the only perfect society would be the society of the machines. Obviously i don’t want anyone to die, far from that, i am tired to see death every day in my country and people eating garbage, what i say was a way to explain why a perfect society is impossible and doesn't even worth to think in something like that
For some, a Utopia would be a society where people is intelligent, for others the society where the goverment control every single aspect of ones life, and for other is one filled with kindness, but all of this is just impossible
Btw, Utopia and Dystopia are really the same thing
To clarify for some people, i don't want anyone to die, i'm not a socipath, maybe my way to explain was too loud, but i did it like that to keep it short
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@manuelmendez Dont worry, it has been said (and done) before, e.g. by Nazis in 1933. Didn't work as you know.
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Good and lovel
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Sometimes when I see someone's blog and have a question about something they mentioned, I always wonder if I should even ask; since I can always just google it (if it's something google-able) :P
Anyone can learn anything from the internet; people are just lazy and want the answer given to them. Couldn't agree more with "Laziness is what's keeping you ignorant." It's like they're overwhelmed with the idea of pressing buttons on a qwerty keyboard that's right in front of them. Sighh
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great ur article and i like ur says for Ignorant and Lazy People , but what the soluation.
good luck my dear friend @sykochica
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Good read. For me, the laziness that lies in modern people (especially men) is just hidden lack of motivation. We lack vision and enthusiasm which is mainly caused by overuse of technologies. For all who would be interested how laziness and lack of motivation could be connected with technology, I can suggest a great book: Man Disconnected: How technology has sabotaged what it means to be male
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Yes it sounds harsh, but sometimes solutions have to be harsh to be effective.
I don't believe all people need to be incentivized to do work. Some people will work regardless, simply because it's what they love to do. Some love to garden, or write, or build things, or solve problems's a huge list. These are the people you'd want in your "Utopian Society" I'd imagine.
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I chose to blog instead of do other things myself because I was tired of bosses that bagged on me and hours that didn't work well for me and all that stuff. Now that I blog my life flexibility seems a lot better and I choose when I do and don't do it. It really is amazing and I hope that for anybody wanting to be a full time blogger that it can pay off in the long run.
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Hey @sykochica. Love your post today. As someone who knows a lot about computers when compared against the average human, I get a lot of computer questions, even from co-workers who are supposed to know how to do the things they're asking me how to do. I get asked at least once a week to essentially do someone else's job for them.
Will I be welcome on @sykochica's Ark? :)
One of the most frustrating things I hear people complaining about with regard to cryptocurrency is that "it's too hard." I hear varations of this all the time:
This pisses me off, because the reason everyone is always panicking about the latest world-ending exploit in whatever technology is that they were not required to understand first in order to use it. Cryptocurrency is not the first widespread technology where you have to actually understand, or risk losing your shit. The Internet was here first, and idiots are all over it, getting their shit stolen, infected, tracked, and hijacked every single day. It's just the first time in a long time where this narrative is being pushed with a new technology.
Yes, you have to put some effort into using crypto. Apparently this is too much for some people. Intelligent, driven people will once again have to bend over backwards to cater to people who are not too stupid to understand (the blockchain and cryptography are both actually remarkably elementary concepts to understand if you just try), but simply can't be bothered. And the success of our movement depends upon us doing this.
Luckily, we've made some pretty great advances in that so far. Steem is actually the first blockchain I've seen with the kind of permission hierarchy it has. It's really cool, because you can keep your owner key offline in a safe place. Used in conjunction with the "savings" feature and/or simply powering up, you have three days to a week to act before you get cleaned out. If SBD ever stabilises against the dollar and we start earning interest on it again, I see a lot of people starting to take advantage of that. It would, from what I can tell, become the most idiot-proof way for risk-averse folks to store a large amount of money on a blockchain.
Sorry for rambling a bit.
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In the age of digital information there is no valid excuse to be ignorant. You can literally research anything from the comfort of your own couch with a device smaller than a billfold.
Nowhere is this more painfully apparent than in crypto space. Everybody is so starstruck by profits and fomo that they are unwilling to take the time to research even the slightest bit what they are throwing money at.
I give information to those who I love and think could benefit from it. I.e. friends and family. But you really only get out what you put in and that is true in any discipline.
The "Tide Pod" generation is going to inherit the exponential explosion of technology unlike the world has never seen.
...............I just hope we retain enough humanity to survive it.
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Hmmm, at first I was like hell yeah have you seen the site Let Me Google That For You? And I have done help desk stuff in the past so I know how people can be. Sheesh.
That said, I'm not sure where to go from there. I think resources might not be as scarce if we all used them differently. And actually, even though I used to be very anti-UBI my partner has kind of turned me around on it. I do believe everyone has a basic right to life, even if they are lazy or I don't like them or whatever and there would be plenty of people who would do nothing if they could. But I think there would still be many people who would do amazing things even if a UBI were available.
Firstly, a UBI would be just that, BASIC. You'd have to work, and be good at what you do, to lead more than a subsistence life and I think that would be appealing to many if not most people.
Secondly, with the pressure of just sustaining your life off certain people, say for example someone who currently works two minimum wage jobs to take care of their family might be more free to pursue art or science or something they couldn't dream of now.
I do think it likely that technological progress could slow in this instance but I am not totally convinced that is all bad. I currently get a new phone about once every 2 years in order to keep up but if technology progressed slightly slower and I only felt the need to get a new phone every 4 years I don't think that would make my life less good necessarily. I mean there's a lot of variables here so I could be convinced otherwise but sometimes I think the pace of things feels too fast.
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excuses don't work only the effort work
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Yes getting lazy is sure the easy part while overcoming the obstacle and getting to realize that phase is a curse in a way will sure make many ways to come in front of the people!
Love the quotes !
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I have spent over 30 years trying to dream up some utopian society, and come to the conclusion time and time again, not everyone wants that, not everyone even knows what the word means, and I am not willing to drag people into what I want, until everyone sees big brother and government for the thieves they are, the nanny warfare state will march right on, I have made my own sort of Utopia 1800 miles, and 4 countries past my home land, I had even thought about building wood cabins and letting people live here for free, if they mucked in and helped farm and grow food, fix fences and look after each other, then I got inundated with enquiries from people with drug habits, people running from the law, and people that simply wanted somewhere to be for free. So I have no answer for anyone else, only for me. (for now)
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YES!!! If you really can't figure it out, ok, get help. But please just try. If I had a penny (or SBD LOL) for every time I've said that at work....
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