Almost-RAW & Almost-INSTANT SUPER SWEET POTATO AVOCADO MASH | Vegan Steemit Exclusive Recipe

in recipe •  7 years ago  (edited)

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As a raw food health nut enthusiast I very rarely share my dirty cooked recipe secrets, ideas or information. I am usually perceived as the guy with many melons, fruits and smoothies, but today I am Steeming roots in a super special MashUP! It's possible to do the same with white potatoes, but I always give preference to organic sweet potato as this type of 'tatter is unmodified by mankind; sweet potato is in species family class of they're own and are untampered with; they cannot be modified, even if you wanted to mess with 'em. Sweet potato have links with testosterone and muscle gains. They come in their natural state, as nature intended. White potatoes however, are from the poisonous nightshade family, and have been cross bred by man to be edible when cooked. This is why they say "don't eat raw potato (they refer to white potato), where-as there's no worries munching raw sweet potato. Now we've had our little lesson on potatoes, let us begin by getting the pan of water boiling, while we chop.

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You see, I am a professionally impatient kinda guy. This is one of the reasons I loved the raw food concept when I discovered it; zero preparation time! Smoothies really are fast food, so we wont hang around cooking for hours, this meal can be rustled up in 15 - 20 minutes, if you don't spend the whole time taking photos for all your Steemit buddies!

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When I say this is a Steemit "exclusive" I really mean it. It's the first "recipe" I've ever posted, like, ever... in my entire life. To me it's nothing more complex than showing you what goes on "behind the scenes" in the kitchen at night. I only eat cooked at night. I drink smoothies all day, and then have a little cooked potato or rice as my final meal. This means that I am officially 86% raw. That was a joke. Raw vegans often get too hung up on "going 100% raw" as ego gets involved and we think that more raw means we are more better than "the others". So I like to joke a little about my %. The goal is to cook as little as possible, that's a good place to begin.

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Speaking of beginning, the water is boiling already because I have been waffling on a bit, so to reduce cook time (like I said, Im impatient, and it's a virtue;) we will slice the potato-of-choice as thin as possible, quickly. The thinner the slices, the quicker they'll cook. This technique is also handy for camping which is where I picked it up; attempting to save valuable gas stove fuel. Another tip, is put the lid on, that'll help everything hot up, faster. Remember, more faster, more better, more time to Steemit! I am timing you.

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The reason I call this Almost-Raw & Almost-Instant Mash is because nothing but potato (and the optional beans) will be cooked, so we reap the raw medicinal plant benefits of every ingredient, just as nature intended. While the potato bubbles away, we'll be preparing all the other stuff, utilising the time on the clock while we chop. Don't say that in hurry.

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As a sneaky side-dish-starter treat, I am also gonna nibble on a "raw sweet potato chips" with avocado dip. This could be the entire meal, if we were really going 100% raw, or the camp gas is done. Also, Im sneaking additional greens with a few stalks of fresh celery, dunked in peanut/almond butter. I don't even like celery, which is why I never add it to the meal, but disguised by these nut butters I seem to fool myself into enjoying these "treats" as Im also mega hungry at this point, so it goes down easily. Celery is high in natural sodium, 80mg per 100g; we'll return to this point later. Hang in there, keep slam dunking the peanut-butter!

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Oh yeah, while we're snacking "starters" during the cook-off, it's a great idea to eat your daily dose of Brazil Nuts. Approximately 3 - 5 of these special supernuts will provide your body with it's daily selenium needs. Selenium benefits for men & women could be a blog of it's very own, so Im only gonna quickly skim the surface and say that for male health, these nuts will boost your boner power, and sperm count. Many infertility and erectile dysfunction issues can be solved with 3 - 5 brazil nuts! No need to eat any more than that, as it's possible to have too much of a good thing.

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While we're going nutty with our celery, the potatoes are getting squishy, and we'll check them with a knife and see if they seem mashable yet. Notice Im using the absolute minimum amount of water; why? Because we don't wanna wash all those nutrients and minerals away. I usually prefer/suggest baked potato for this reason. So we're gonna drink the potato-water! Don't waste it. It will cool down before dinner is served, and you can pre-hydrate yourself. It's best to drink water before your meal, not with/after your meal. The water absorbs into your digestive system almost instantly; 10-15 minutes. We wanna avoid mixing food and fluids, as we're diluting our food.

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Okey pokey, whatever ingredients you have handy are gonna get chopped up and mixed in there. I have some courgette from the garden, and broccoli is always a good idea.

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I aim to have at least one head or broccoli per day. If you have beans available, now is the time to whoop em out. Whatever your beans of choice.

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Hopefully your beans have some natural beany juices, this will add some wet saucy consistency. Add tomato for the same reason; it adds some juices to hydrate the dry ingredients. Notice none of these are being cooked, they're only being added to the already warm potato pan. This is my warm raw food trick. We don't wanna boil everything to death. I kinda feel bad for the potatoes already. And now we're drinking their water and mashing 'em up!

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Turn off the gas before you burn the house down (note to self) and make space in the hot pan for the side ingredients, to get mixed in, and warm up.

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Another trick. Scissors! I scissor my salads, my spinach, my lettuce, I scissor my broccoli and my tomatoes, I find this system is much quicker, and there's no mess with chopping boards and knives. This is also a great technique you can take anywhere if you're camping, just cut over the bowl.

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Now we're pretty much there, still drinking potato-juice, and you may want to add garlic to keep the vampires away. The official advice the fruitarian @SebCam is to live a bulb free life. Lightbulbs are ok, to see in the dark, but avoid onions and garlic. They make you cry for a start. They also irritate the digestive tract.

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However, having said that; garlic has so many amazing benefits so it's a tricky one! The most medicinal benefits seem to come with approx 4 cloves of garlic daily. What I tend to do is have a season of garlic munching, a kind of flush, cleanse, parasite and blood clean up, then I stop it. I wont have garlic for months, then I'll return to it again, in kind of waves. This way we're reaping the rewards, but it's not a regular habit as I think over time the body would become immune, and you'd find yourself needing more and more for the same effect. Always pay that little extra for organic garlic too, it contains more potent allicin per bite.

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Using a spoon I slice n scoop half an avocado on top, this is like the cherry on the cake. Have a whole avocado if you wish, especially if you're new to vegan, and craving meat fats. An avocado a day keeps the dead bodies away. After years of fruits n roots I have found I feel and look best on low fat, and high carbohydrate. Im talking 80-90% carbs, that means unlimited fruit, rice and potatoes, while minimising the nuts and seeds right down to 3 brazil nuts and half an avocado per day. One of the most common mistakes for newbie vegans is that they over eat on nuts. Over eat on carbs, and you cant go wrong. Think about it, how fat are those poor people who only eat rice and bananas? There's a clue.

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Finally, pepper. Pepper has many anti-parasite benefits, and it will add some flavour. Salt however, is a different matter. We already got our salts from the celery. One of the greatest health challenges to people today is they are too salty. They look fat and bloated because they retain water; to dilute the salt. I know it may blow your mind, but no only do I suggest HIGH CARB, I also suggest NO SALT, and NO OIL. Oil simply does not exist in nature. Leave the olives alone. Olives are natures gift, perfectly wrapped and ready, but once you make them into oil, whether it sounds fancy like "extra virgin whatever", it's fat in disguise. Fat will make you fat.

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Before your internal dialogue conjures up images of all those "healthy" countries that are swimming in their own olive oil I'd encourage you to look again, do a double take and see if they have a visible six pack or can run 100 miles? You drink oil, and I'll drink banana smoothies and let's see who gets there first. NO SALT. NO OIL. Get your head around that. At the very very most I would say a single teaspoon of olive oil could be acceptable, but who uses that little?! Usually we drown our garlic gluten breads in the stuff and tell ourselves it's healthy. Clever marketing, that's all. Im not selling you anything. I am eager for you to keep up with me. Your vitality, and wellbeing is my goal.

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So now we're ready with our Almost-raw, warm-broccoli and beans, which having been mixed in with the hot-potato have balanced to find a temperature that is pleasantly edible. And taa-daa. Serve it up for Steemit to see. To make you laugh a little more, I thought rather than fake it and plate it, presented like some kind of fancy pants raw foodist restaurant, Im instead gonna show you my actual-real-reality; @SebCam serving suggestion....

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Yup. Just eat it directly outta the pan. Easy. No washing up. We have used one spoon, one knife, cooking pan, and a pair of scissors. You go ahead and waste time washing all those dishes and chopping boards if you wish, I'd prefer to spend my time focusing on making a decent blog for ya'll.

Bless you all, carb up. Carbs are where the happiness is. Someone once asked me the "secret" to my happiness, and without hesitation I said; CARBS. Take my carbs away, and I wont be so pleasant to be around. Unfortunately most of our society have been fooled into LOW CARB behaviours, and this is dangerous. Many an undercarbed person has turned to alcohol for their sugar fix, or hurt themselves and others in their low carb over-caffeinated mindset. Did I mention that I have not used the drinkable drug caffeine for 10 years, since going high carb vegan? That is another story, for another time. For now, go get your fruits and roots out! CARB-UP. I am rooting for you!!

My name is Seb, this is the Cam. This is @SebCam. Peace be with you...

of Fruit


Starring @SebCam, as himself.
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Thanks for a light-hearted look at your first secret recipe.

I live in a winter climate, and crave the warmth of cooked sweet potatoes and squash. Summer time, I spiralize them, but winter, bring on some warm food - soups and yams.

Your recipe looks delicious.

Yam ONNN!!!

Fantastic post! Thanks for sharing. Followed, Upvoted & Resteemed :)

Thanks so much for the support, dinner took 3x longer sharing it all! Fun tho, and will continue sharing smoothies & desserts etc!

You are welcome! Look forward to seeing some further recipes from you :)

Yikes, now I have to take my pictures of my dinner. Doh. What I began?! :P HA! Thanks for sharing/resteeming it!

of Potato

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Yep, I heard you the third time ;)

haha! There seems to be some glitching in the steemit matrix at the moment. Seeing this a lot.

Wow! Great job here. Upped & resteemed for more action ;)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Knowledge is not the same as wisdom.
Wisdom is Steeming it.

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Nice looks tasty. I get all my veg from Riverford you should look it up, try and steer clear of the supermarkets :)

Riverford MtherFCkers.

Whats wrong with them ?

hmmmmmmmmm healthy @sebcam. looks delicious. I will try this recipe. Thanks for sharing!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Yum! My kind of recipe. Thanks for sharing. Have a beautiful day my vegan friend!