Earthing sheets.

in reflection •  3 years ago 


This is just some late night BS: I actually am looking forward to going to bed, but just not tired yet. I spent some time today, laundering all my bedding, including finally putting aside, after washing, the quilt my mother made for my partner and I after we were married. It's all wilted and frayed now, so time for a rest.

I pulled out another quilt from a closet that I had bought at Walmart, cheap but in amazingly good condition, after we split, in a closet all these years. Laundered it, and put it on my bed. I also put on an "earthing" sheet that I recently decided to purchase, just "because". My dreams are already pretty "vivid" so will be interesting what this night of dreams will bring.

So, sometimes just simple pleasures and trying new things, and old things, just to take care of ourselves, can make us feel better.

After all, what a narcissist I am to think I can change the trajectory of this world by railing against all of its injustices? Well, fuck, yes, I'll keep railing, but will be sleeping in very clean and "earthing" sheets tonight!

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