Religions are know longer true to their deity

in religion •  6 years ago  (edited)

When you except religion into your heart you are excepting an unknown force into the deepest part of your soul which to me is something I want to stay away from. Personally I believe there is cosmic forces out there that are entirely beyond our comprehension so when you accept a god you really don't know what you are excepting but that's by the by. To me the intention of many religious deities seem very unjust and cruel which firstly makes me believe that religious texts are entirely human constructs as humans have always sold ideas through fear. It is hard to find the truth in religion as it seems to have been built by many corrupt individuals throughout time who have know interest in some kind of cosmic being but rather are interested in making as much money as they can.

The corruption in religion in many cases isn't even hidden well, not to say religion could not have truth behind it as the gods many believe in could well exist but if you look throughout human history there have been millions of different gods, even if we look back to ancient Greeks or Romans we look at their religions as far fetched fairy tales but what makes modern religions any different. If any religions god truly did exist why did they only show themselves a few thousand years ago, why not at the beginning of human society, this is one of the main roadblocks in religion in my opinion, if your god was truly real why would they not be one of the first gods humans believed in?

Even to say your god is real and another is fake just seems like a misguided notion, though I would assume that people believe that other religions are just different interpretations of their god? I'm not to sure on this one so if you are religious let me know how you see other religions in the comments.

Human corruption:

In most every religion the deity is seen as all powerful, so why does an all powerful being have the need to create subjects purely to worship him/her/it? A god would also not need workers as it would be for an all powerful being to just get jobs done themselves. Love is an emotion that comes without judgment, if someone you truly love does something it is not loving to judge them it would be loving to help them understand why what they did was bad and help them improve, judging others is based on ego not love.

These emotions of power, control and judgment seem like very human emotions not that of a god. If there was a god from any religion why would they care if you followed them or not, wanting to be followed is purely an egotistical emotion and thought process, so does it not seems cheap and insulting to say your god is so egocentric and needy that they will condemn someone to an awful fiat if they don't do as they are told. Again seems like a very human reaction.

Even if you are to argue with the standpoint of humans being created in gods image and that is why your good is like this, why would you even want to follow a being that is capable of committing the worst acts in human history, because if you see Hitler as awful surely god is a lot worse because he doesn't just kill people he stops them from ever being able to die and tortures them in the most horrific ways imaginable, for ever and only lets the people he likes into his abode.

To me that sound purely evil, and it can not be out of love because if god was all powerful, as gods are often shown to be, why would they not be able to just show a person the error of their ways and fix them rather than torturing them forever. As with an unlimited amount of power and knowledge the only reason you would torture someone is for some sick kind of pleasure, is it not?

If a god or deity was truly all loving and all powerful they would allow us to live in any which way we pleased and when we die let us into their kingdom know matter what we do or how we act, and they would have know need to be worshiped and constantly given gifts and offerings.

Where I stand:

It truly saddens me that something that can be so beautiful has been taken and completely sullied by human corruption and it astonishes me that so many people blindly follow these contradictions that blatantly go against the base natures of deities. Religion is something that is not pure and I don't know if it ever has been because humans have been there using it for their benefit since god knows how long.

So many people who have true kind intentions of faith have that taken away from them and their image of an all loving all powerful god gets twisted into some hateful, egotistical, vile being spewing putrid hate as far as the eye can see. Religion needs to be stripped back to following a god that loves and is kind not following books that have blatantly been tampered with for generations on generations by power hungry humans.

Religion is something as a child I always loved and admired because I was not from a religious home but the religious people I knew were all very kind, accepting people and it is frustrating to know that so many people are being indoctrinated with false knowledge.

I would love to hear as many religious peoples opinions on this topic, from any religion, let me know in the comments and feel free to share this with any religious people you think may be interested, kindly upvote, and follow for more.

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I ain't a religious person, but I do believe in them to just some extent. Religion doesn't give people superpowers but indeed it fills their mind with positivity. Perhaps I believe more in meditation than in prayers!!!!

I'm of a similar stand point, I'm not religious but to some extend I do believe and I think meditation and prayer are relatively similar and quite interchangeable.

yes man!! I agree :)

what do you think of 'the truth' religion?

I understand your stance, I used to be the same basic way!
But now, I actually believe I understand how the Youniverse works. I somewhat delved into it with my last post, I could/should do another and be more specific though. 🙂😅 Check it out!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I gave the post a quick read and I think you should follow up with some more details on how you see things.

I get the basic idea of what you believe but I would like to better understand your view before I comment and make assumptions.

Awesome, thanks for checking it out!
I was wondering what kind of post to make next, maybe my next one will get deeper on what it is I truly believe.
Thanks for the suggestion- hopefully I can deliver. 😁
Maybe you can follow me, just to be sure you see the post when it comes?!

ok i will take a look

I was never religious until about 5 years ago when i had to start believing in what i thought was true, i call my religion 'the truth' and i would love to hear your opinion on it, here's the link to my post about it if you want to take a look:-

ye I will be happy to take a look :)

thanks man!