Sensitivity without Reactivity - part 2 Resonance

in resonance •  7 years ago 


Hello everyone, good morning is not really appropriate as I have no idea what time it is where you are reading. Hope it is Good anyhow. (hope you like today's picture also? I sort of wasted my artwork on yesterdays crap post)

For me it is nearly 9:00am, my day started about 3 hours ago, but this, right now, is one of my favorite parts of it. I get a big smile and hug from my daughter in the evening, that is also a highlight. Funny that adult relationships have a different quality, with lots of wasted time when one or the other is tense about something. Children, (and irresponsible fools like me) do seem to enjoy life more than adults. They have brand new bodies, great imaginations and worry less.

So lets dive into it.
Sensitivity, I define as the data streaming in through our nose, eyes, ears skin,(and other membranes) and mouths. In other words, reality.

Reactivity, is when we have a knee jerk reaction, to either that sensory data or to a thought it triggered. To keep it simple, lets look at a thought as any image or words that come to mind, this would include dreams. Reactivity is the triggering of a response.

The response could be the slight dilation or contraction of the smooth muscles lining our arteries, the release of dopamine, adrenaline or the swift kick in the balls to a perceived adversary. It could be sharply spoken words, change in posture, or facial expression, it may even be a huge beaming grin.

It will either be a tension or a relaxation.
Tension is movement, but holding tension is not.

Stand-by another big un-substantialised generalisation and sweeping statement coming right up!

"We sense
Via resonance"

To validate that statement we would need to go deep into quantum biology - because this stuff is happening at the infinitesimally small level, the level of electrons and waves of energy. Just because something is small does not mean it has zero influence, events cascade. That may be a blog for another day however, for now I will try to stay on track, (change is good right?).

Our ear-drums resonate to sound waves, the cones and rods in our retina to variations in light, our nerve endings to mechanical pressure, smell and taste are even more complicated, and beyond the scope of this post. They are also “moved” by relationship with environment.

When it comes to music, I love to listen, sway and jerk around like an electrocuted monkey. Other people can play instruments, sing and dance, but I cant be good at everything lol.
I did notice that the tension on a guitar string or drum skin changes the way it vibrates, changes the way it both receives and transmits - perhaps it is one?

Hmmm....yes...resonance knows no separation, how could it? For that we need a mind to divide and decide, but does it indeed truly separate or merely alter the tune?

That is the point I guess. We love to think, even when we dont, we cant stop, so thinking is changing the tension in our bodies. Altering the signal so that we change the music flowing through us. When we change it, how can we know what it was doing before we altered it? If we are constantly changing our reality with our intention, how can we read what was happening before or what will happen next?

That is why it is always now - this moment is being generated - reacting to it, alters it, both in perception and through physical interaction. We are always in relationship.
Ah but know what is happening, to truly understand it.
To appreciate it before we alter it.

That would require that we resonate freely, without adding any tension, or at least no tension that was disharmonious to the rhythm. How would we know the rhythm? Why by paying attention. How would we not interrupt? Why by not adding any disharmony to the music, to the wave-form, to what simply is.

So there are 2 kinds of tension,(sorry no warning this time)
1 - tension that is flowing in time, in rhythm, in relationship with the waves of incoming energy or sensation.
2 - tension that is disruptive, chaotic, turbulent, disharmonious, random, even violent.

How do we know what is graceful or harmonious movement and what is not?
By paying attention as we apply tension?

What is fear? Is it the loss of trust?
Is it what happens when we no longer understand what is happening?
When we feel “buffeted”, “forced” or trapped?

What is the fastest way to return to trust, to understanding, to resonance?
Could it be as simple as returning attention to our sensitivity and being careful not hold an tension that is not allowing that signal to move us, sway us, in-“form” us?

This is not where I expected to arrive,(it's way more fun to be surprised than to live with expectations and disappointments anyhow) - Thats probably enough for today - thank you, I hope it was fun!

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Yes, today your article is fun, and complicated, and diverse :)) The person, in principle, is always in some kind of tension: physical, emotional. There is a state of relaxation, but I can not get in that state. Maybe it's more for single people who care only about themselves - they are more relaxed. But, when a person lives not alone, has a family, children - it is impossible to be at rest. He constantly thinks, is in suspense, because this man has many worries. Even in a pleasant, comfortable state, we have a tension - as you write in your article, when we listen, for example, to pleasant music or consider a beautiful picture. We strain emotionally and our body tenses. My conclusion is that man's life is a constant tension.

Hi Dani, such a clever and thoughtful answer as usual :)
Life is incredibly rich, because this stuff is so tricky.
I have noticed that "caring" is both the key and the lock, the freedom and the trap.
when we care about others, or even other things - such as the beautiful picture, music or our surroundings - our attention is full of that and we "forget" our selves. This kind of caring or appreciating frees us. We cant be scared if we are not in the equation - much of pain dissapears when we focus outside of our self.

Conversely, (opposite) is caring about self - which really comes down to caring about the way we think things should or should not be. You see reality is what it is at any moment - if we disagree with that, then we are at war with the whole universe - we tense and everything crashes into us instead of waving we become "jerks". We get knocked around and then we get even more up-set.

I am simplifying the most difficult thing in the world - being human :)
The most fun thing in the known universe - being human
Being human, I think I can control...ha ha what a joke :)

Control or allow
one is suffering and conflict
the other is joy and gratitude
Humans...we are so funny.. no?

Hey. Thank you :)) My name is Olga :)) Max and Dani are my children :))
To be honest, I can not think only of myself. I have a lot of thoughts all the time about my children, my family. I, of course, think about myself. I know that my emotional state affects my children, my spouse, my parents, my friends. Sometimes it's difficult to control yourself, because there are so many emotions, like an answer to an event, an especially unpleasant event. I am a person who is constantly at war with the world. I defend my opinion, my principles. But when I see that everything is fine in my family, my children are happy and cheerful, I am in a pleasant emotional state. Man - an amazing and complex creation :))

Pleased to meet you Olga - a great Mom, I can tell.
I justify my opinions by saying, " I care about the earth, I care about people freedom, I are about the how this or that is unfair". I care about my families health...and so on and on.

when I wake up, I just live by example and stop trying to control everyone.... it does not work anyway, people can feel the difference between control and caring.

Leaders who use threats and punishment are also in a kind of hell.
Anyhow, one day the fool, the next the fall lol...
Thank goodness for the circuit breaker - the loop - the wheel - the karma - a fresh day awaits :)

I, too, am glad to meet you :)) Thanks for your positive :)) You are an emotionally open person, you do not hide your emotions. Therefore, you are an easy person to communicate with - you understand me :)) I do not accept emotional or physical violence against people. Controlling people means humiliating them. Even children do not like control, because man by nature is a free creature. Better to remain big children - it's easier to live :)) We need to take an example from our children - they still have the correct, not distorted perception of the world.

yes what you say about children and adults is so true, exactly.
Very pleased to meet you also - my name is Craig by the way.

being open is scary, and dodging scary feelings can make me act like a jerk sometimes, but my friends are patient lol...
We just do our best, I guess, some days are magical, others best to be alone, if we have the luxury - not so easy for mothers huh?

You guys made my day with this beautiful conversation.

Glad to meet you both : )

Agree with you! We have no any stress about things and no have tension cause its destroy you entirely and we have no idea about it. Well tension is a part of life but we are need away from this and feel free of any difficulties!
AwxOme Picture man in abot lOoks wonderful!

Yes it is so simple, yet the most difficult thing
When I take things personally I become offended - defensive - contracted - tense
When I cant move properly, I am blind and get even more confused
any incoming energy will knock me over because I can not balance if I am stiff.
So it gets worse and worse until, I let go, give up, allow my story to be less important.
stop clinging to my version of how things should be, stop caring about my own agenda
start to notice what is happening in the world of my senses
Then I am happy again
How hard is that, how soft is that lol...
Hard or soft
Control or allow
resonate or be a jerk hee hee.
Thanks for your comment Sanach, your very welcome here :)

thankyOu!! Agree!
nice your thoughts :)

When I cant move properly, I am blind and get even more confused
any incoming energy will knock me over because I can not balance if I am stiff...

So beautiful...

its simple as an experience and complicated as a concept.
The only texture, the only context a thought can have is emotion
which may be 9/10ths tension and 1/10 sensitivity
Very cool that you get it, feeling is intelligence
Especially in healthy natural environment, it is just buzzing with information
our best technology is often biomimicry
So why not just suck it all up, words are slow anyhow
Have a great day!

The only texture, the only context a thought can have is emotion
which may be 9/10ths tension and 1/10 sensitivity

It's interesting how much can emotion affect one's body.
No wonder we can often read people by their looks... It's like a window to one's mind.

I can not understand why we do not profile our leaders to examine the motivations they have for embodying the beliefs that will determine their actions. Than again, each time I choose control, I am coming from fear, rather than fun. So I let this go also :)

Good information..thanks for shared it

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reaction when I use drops to the ear, my throat immediately felt bitter. it indicates a reaction and relationship between all the nerves in the body

Hellooo good morning 😊
You are right said all words about tension. Tension and over thoughts makes man oldest, thats why man looks elder than reall age. So i think dont take tension am I right ?

Ha ha Hello!
I used to try hard to be "right".
still do, but it never ends well.

so much more fun, to allow others to be right
Then I can stay lose and young
have fun!

Haha, cool yeah you always makes fun 😃

I tried the opposite and it really sucked :)


oh sorry,
I mean, I have had a lot of practice at being too serious
trying to hard
never works
fun is better, but I still mess it up, like everyone else
so lots of experience at doin it the hard way
the fun way, still requires respect and humility - phew
its fun, but its not "That Much" fun lol.
its easy to get over excited

Yeah you are right.
Beside this, What are you doing in daily routine life?

I have been running a small family business with my wife on the beach in Thailand for 14 years. Before that I was an electrical contractor in Sydney. Now I am 47 and if my crypto investments dont disappear, I am taking some time to myself to write this blog. I have been trying to express this for decades, but always took everything too personally - so it never really connected. It is such a joy to be able to share it and have it not really matter than much. Though I do really appreciate your bright words. (even if we cant see your smile yet) ha ha

This touches many concepts actually. The obvious thing is that you were in a state of flow. not interrupted by what is rational or what is to be written.
Good for you. :)

This is what I want most to do. I used to strive for it, and only push it away. I used to do it to earn respect, that was just horrible. lately its just for fun, and finally the real gift is in sharing with other people who also see it and help to remind me when I get lost in mind again. Thank you so much for dropping in and reading. Your words (that I have found so far), reveal a depth of understanding that warm me. I still have much fear when not in flow.

Any time, the pleasure is mine for sure.

I studied about these topics ( sensitivity, reactivity etc) during my studies in science subject. While reading your post I reminded my college days. Thank you.

We love to think, even when we dont, we cant stop, so thinking is changing the tension in our bodies.
The birth of overthinking, yes, and that's so true, even with the most minute of details where we would want to be non-reactive, when we feel just the tiniest of tensions, we even start thinking about it.

ah yes over thinking...hee hee
that is my mastery lol..
only surpassed by over talking

We're living in a strange time... where trust is more important than truth...

do we think because we do not trust?
nature does its thing
If we do not like what we are experiencing, what nature is bringing with its cycles
Then we move to alter that, or our position relative to the unfolding
if we trust nature, there is little need to move more than the minimum
If we do not like or understand what is coming
Much work is required to alter natures course
Many hands are needed to aid such endeavours
many other hands who do not trust what nature was doing
or no longer pay attention to their senses
so can not feel the rhythms
can not feel, so are blind
in blindness comes fear and in fear,
our world is smaller, resources are scarce
trust is a distant memory
until kindness returns
until tensions ease
until sense prevails.
anyway that is just my story lol...far from perfect.. and full of reactivity and resistance
Best no story, just feel

if we trust nature, there is little need to move more than the minimum

trust is a distant memory
until kindness returns
until tensions ease
until sense prevails.

My mind is adopting these teachings. Thank you.

ah, perhaps I see what you mean now.
belief or faith in story more important than reality?
that is agenda, wrapped up carefully to look superior
is that sort of what you meant?

belief or faith in story more important than reality?

yes. many believe blindly what they're told because of trust/faith/belief without furthermore questioning or investigating.

The tragedy of strategy
keeps us looking to our minds
belief is a piece of code we insert into our operating system to take advantage or avoid pain
It has no substance, our tissues would never believe it
that is why it needs the tension of emotion to trick our bodies into "buying" it as an experience to be learned from.

I can barely post something because of your posts and comments :))

Discussing with you is far more intriguing : )

Intriguing, what great word
its for of like conspiring lol
co - spiralling

The comments alter and steer the direction of the next posts
so I both enjoy and appreciate sharing the mystery
thank you!

Thanks for posting such good posts and to correct my word: I'd say "mind-engaging".

that was half of my book right there :)
but concepts, they cost more than they can ever bring
the more we let go
the more we receive
tension is only useful when it is applied with skill and released ASAP
back to resonance

oh theres the other half of my book...
guess I can retire now
job done lol...

Wooooow amazing post thanks..