Commodore World was one of the last magazines you could get that was dedicated to the Commodore 64, at least in North America. It lasted for a few years after Commodore went bankrupt. The June 1994 issue includes:
- Commodore Trivia - How well do you know your Commodore facts?
- Special Report: Commodore In Liquidation - Get up-to-date on this unfolding Commodore story
- Internet: Today's Information Superhighway? - A look at the Internet and the upcoming information revolution
- I Paint - Our staff reviewer checks out this powerful C-128 Interlaced drawing program
- I Port - Find out all about this C-128 graphics conversion utility
- SmartMouse - A first look at the new input device from CMD
- Just For Starters - Why our computers don't always understand us
- Foreign Exchange - Quick peeks at a couple of European programs for RAMLink users
- Graphic Interpretation - Steve gets sidetracked on his way to writing this issue's column on GEOS
- GeoProgrammist - Create your first GEOS program
- Basic Instincts - Last issue's BIG GUNS becomes the new STARSHIP CONQUEST
- Advanced Techniques - Applying relocatable machine language to create 'common code' 64/128 programs
- From The Editor
- Backtalk
- Just Asking
- On The Horizon
- The Connection
- User Group Connection
Read more: http://www.megalextoria.com/wordpress/index.php/2019/05/14/commodore-world-june-1994/