Retro Gaming... A Historical Homage to (Family Friendly) Digital Entertainment at It's Finest!

in retrogames •  4 years ago  (edited)

Growing up from my primary school days right up to a fully fledged university student, console gaming had always been high on my list of extracurricular activities. Owning almost every games machine from the Atari 2600 upwards into the mid 2000's, my love of pixelated joypad bashing (does that sound right?) provided for some genuinely treasured memories when looking back.


However, for what ever reason, I got into other things and missed out on a whole back catalog of incredible titles from yesteryear that I never got around to playing. And this all resurfaced because of Capcom! Last year, they released the phenomenally received Resident Evil 2, a ground-up remake of the Playstation One classic. And the thing was, I'd never played any of the others apart from the first game. I wrote about my nostalgic trip down this particular memory lane a few days ago. So given how amazing the new game looks, I played the original two for the very first time. And damn, I'm I glad I did!

The first Resident Evil 2 is an absolute masterpiece! I had no idea how much fun it is and have already clocked it twice to get all the different endings. So screw it, I thought. Why not try some of the other games I'd not checked out back then when I had the chance. After all, because I worked my way up through almost every era of gaming, I can appreciate the graphics of old too. And before I knew it, I'm neck high in a plethora of great titles that are about to be given the justice they deserve. I'll tell you what, it certainly eases the strain of the current lockdown we're all in!

I'm currently playing Resdient Evil 3, which is also really good and right after that project is done and dusted, RPG madness is about to kick in hard. I've got all those gems in queue and gonna make my way through them all. Some of the titles include Final Fantasy VIII, IX, X... Chrono Trigger, the original Xenogears and Vagrant Story, to name but a few. I'm done with movies and TV for now (except for maybe checking out "Tiger King" at some point).

The only problem is the wife. She's fast becoming my real life nemesis when it comes to letting me play this shit in peace, lol. Oh well, let all the battles commence. I'm ready for whatever entertaining challenges come my way. Enjoy the weekend and try to remain positive. Such as looking at the current Hive price, for example. :)


Hope you enjoyed this post, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)

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Good job , Well Done !!