Guess What I Am #4 -- SBD goes to winner

in riddle •  7 years ago  (edited)

I have watched you for ages. A prowler in the night. Sometimes you see me, sometimes not, but I ALWAYS see you. I take cover when I can, but it is not always possible. I am just not positioned well enough to do it every time. So I make due. And honestly, sometimes I'm just out there, for everyone to see, and I'm not shy about it. But I keep myself at a distance, and play harmless, so you all think I am.

But I know what it feels like to be invaded. You did it to me once. And I know you'll do it again. It is only a matter of time. I guess it is not the end of the world. I can recover...But I was left with a scar on my face last time. I am forever changed and will live out the rest of my life looking like this. Who is to say what is to become of my future. It hangs in the balance, which is partly why I watch you. It helps me feel like I have dominion over you, as opposed to the other way around.

Some think I am beautiful, others take me for granted, others don't notice me at all, and still others are plotting to take over me someday. I hope their intentions do not alter me beyond recognition, or render me changed for the worse, or destroy me altogether.

I hope someday we can work together to make things happen for good. For the both of us. Until then, I will watch over you and anticipate your every move, in preparation for whatever comes.

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A police scanner

Very clever guess...but no cigar. Upvote for you!

A bar of soap.

We all need a good scrubbing. Nice try. Upvote for you.


You win this contest and will receive SBD on payout. Congratulations and thanks for participating!

Thanks! I really liked this... reminded me of the riddle game in the Hobbit :)

Oh yeah! I totally loved that scene. I remember reading it when I was a kid. Then seeing the movie was classic. Especially when you've got Cumberbatch as the dragon. You can't lose.

I have a new riddle for you! Riddle Me This #2

Don't be blue, moon. We've got your orbit.

I didn't get here in time... lol, but this was trickier than the last one. I like this.

The MOON @littlescribe

Have you seen the new riddle yet? Riddle Me This #2

Yes, the moon.

Got a riddle this time. Riddle Me This #2

The moon

A new riddle for you: Riddle Me This #2

Wonderful post you wrote, thanks for sharing these nice staff, sometime visit my blog dear, i need your support to grow up in steemit bcz i'm new user ! @littlescribe

A mosquito.

I have a new riddle for you! Riddle Me This #2

Nice one dude!!
Did you made it?

Yes! I DID made it! You win the award below!


I tried to make it harder this time and you outsmarted me yet again! Shoot. OK, next time you'll see, I'll stump you all. Just you wait.....In the meantime, the winner for this post is @blakesmiles! And some upvotes for creativity.

Creativity , you mean by giving the same answer in different writing styles...! Lol

LOL. Although we did have "a bar of soap" and "a police scanner" on here.

Here's a new riddle for you to solve for free SBD! Riddle Me This #2

Today I was too late to the party, but enjoyed the read very much still! :D

You're an amazing human being for doing this for the community! :D

It's a blast. I love steemit FOR the community. You guys make it great.

You're one of us, you know, so props to you too! ;D

You're far too generous. But thanks. Right back atcha.

I've got a riddle for you this time Riddle Me This #2

I cheated and read the comments...

This one stumped me.

The Scar and Invasion threw me off.

Well, thanks for the kudos. ;o)

New riddle in town! Riddle Me This #2

The moooooooon!!!

Yesss! Good guess! Someone beat you to it, though. I'll make the next one harder.....mwa ha ha ha!

Here's a new riddle for you! Riddle Me This #2