Sorry, I have no Russian keyboard, therefore, am writing in English.
Recently I watched this video
and, finally, realized why it was hard for me to understand some stories around here. They, seemingly, don’t start from the beginning and don’t end in the end, but present cut outs from the entire meaningfully composed narrative.
After listening to Dugin’s lecture, I realized that they are, in fact, works of post-modernistic art, which I judged from modernistic stand-point. According to professor Dugin, whom we can trust in doing due diligence in his research, the focus of post-modernistic art is everything marginal, something that previously been cast away by a modernistic artist as insignificant. In fact, the purpose of post-modernistic art is to destroy meaningful hierarchies, which I always a structural skeleton of my stories.
Anyhow, I guess I have to make a quantum leap and from now on keep in mind the post-modernistic frame of reference when evaluating a piece of writing and probably re-read and re-evaluate a number of stories that I deemed as being not up to par.