RE: Just another day in the neighborhood.

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Just another day in the neighborhood.

in rulebyforce •  6 years ago 

Under the definition of anarchy there would be no government and no laws against murder.
Animals have anarchy and can kill each other with no consequences.
Good luck if a gang of armed thugs attacks you which would be completely legal under anarchy.

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Yes, but will you sit still while your wife gets raped, or your best friend gets murdered, because of an absence of paper, robes, and uniforms?

I say freedom, and the panopticon, end crime, mostly.

'Legal' is bs to keep the slaves on the plantation.
Look how it causes you to embrace your slavery.
You cant even contemplate life outside of its confines, and you think you are free?
Falsely. The perfect slave.

Have you driven to the store without your seatbelt, yet?
You know, because you are free?

I guess it was legal to rape and murder women more of them would be married or live with their relatives but I think our current system is better although it needs a LOT of improvement.
Is some places where there is a lot of freedom warlords form. I think limited government is the best option.
I do support seatbelt usage but I don't think we should fine people for not doing it unless they don't buckle up their children.

unless they don't buckle up their children.

Dont rebel against slavery, its for the children?

For legal rape just look at muslims, girls are married by twelve and dont leave home without a male relative.

I support protecting children. I'm not saying police should spend all day looking for unbuckled children though but perhaps a $20 fine.

Under anarchy that would be legal.

Nobody would force them, that would be to enslave them.
Darwin awards keep the gene pool stronger.

If it wasn't for USA tax slaves extremist Muslims would probably have control of the entire Middle East right now and more. I disagree with a lot of extremist Islam but they don't believe in usury which is very powerful so in general Christians might qualify more for Darwinian awards than the extremist Muslims who would probably already have thousands of Christian slaves if not for USA tax slaves.

Under anarchy I think Muslims would currently be the big winners. I guess if you're Ok with sharia law then it would be good to support "anarchy" but sharia law is not anarchy.

Rule by force doesnt fly with anarchists.
If christians get so dumbed down that they let others rule them by force they want to be enslaved.
Free people fight for their freedom.
My bet is if the bush/clinton crime family hadnt ruled the united snakes since they killed kennedy we wouldnt be having these problems.
The cia funds radical islam for a variety of reasons, no rational society would have anything to do with them.
Most folks just want to live in peace.

So anarchists would band together like a quasi government?
It's hard to keep track of everything the CIA does but I think extremist Islam would have had a shot even without the CIA. Some of the leaders we supported like Saddam and the Saudis were not as extreme.