Seeing Red #runningproject - Never Assume. Be Careful all PEDESTRIANS!

in safety •  6 years ago  (edited)

Today was run day. It was a hot 84 degrees which is a huge temperature increase for me - like double what I was accustomed to for months.
Other than the heat making things difficult, the run was going along rather swimmingly until I was at a 4 way traffic stop which usually isn't too much of problem for me in terms of driver courteous-ness.

As a runner for 15 years, I have seen the good, bad, & ugly in terms of drivers treating pedestrians right, or even paying attention to them.

Asides from INTERSTATES, the roads belong to the pedestrians too! There is no traffic light at this stop it is just a 4 way stop.

The circled portion of the graphic above is where the car seemed like it tried to plow into me!!! As you can see by my dots (which represent me), I had already made eye contact with this driver who I THOUGHT was stopping for me.

I was almost all the way across the road when the driver did this. I threw up my arms and yelled, "HELLO, don't you see me???"

They looked pissed kept driving. Appeared to be a male in the late 50s/ early 60s. Unfortunately they sped off too fast for me to catch a read on the license plates & as there is no traffic light there, there's no cameras.

In 15 years, this is the closest I felt to actually getting ran over. UGH!!!

The car was red and I felt like I was gonna get hit so I entitled this "seeing red. "

Generally, I don't even let drivers let me pass, I just run behind them to be extra safe. The fact I was within feet of being safely on the other side of this 4 way interection and the car did see me but got this close to me anyway is unsettling.

Anybody else have close calls?
What should you do about such a dangerous driver if you can't really report them?
Be safe out there runner's AND pedestrians.

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I don't know about you but sometimes I cross a busy road when I'm running and afterwards I think to myself that I really should have stopped and waited. I'm not sure why I do this seems like something impulsive.

It is really easy for this to happen unfortunately. Dont assume. I don't want to end up being a runner who has to wear a helmet☠

What a bastard...happy you are well

Thanks & yes that he/she/it is.

Being in a bike community, I was told this story of something that happened, supposedly in my home country of Mexico: a motorist just sped into a group of cyclists, knocking them over, making them fly in all directions... No accident there, basically a case of mass murder. They kept mentioning the video I didn't see, but supposedly the evidence is there. In a way I understand how Mexican pedestrians are reluctant to make use of their right of way... On the other hand it enrages me beyond anything, wanting to suggest you carry a sidearm (not that it would improve anything, on the contrary!)

Yeah its pretty nuts that motorists think they own the road. I was enraged and expected the person to stop or apologize even, didn't even tap the brake lights

Well, obviously they were in a bigger hurry than you were. Sheesh, don't you ever think of other people. 😁 Just kidding of course. I've got kids and it always aggravates me when people who are driving act like they own everything, including you're given right away. And then you have all the other drivers that have no clue what's going on because they're too busy texting or putting on makeup. But it looks like you had a pretty good run. So that's a win. I'll be seeing you around.☺

Yeah ik so inconsiderate =)