Thank you for 1000 followers and giveaways

in sbdgiveaways •  7 years ago 

I am ridiculously humbled by your show of love and support for my everyday journey on this platform. Words are priceless, yet they cannot express how i feel.


Through steemit my life have received a tremendous change and i have been able to affect some few lives positively through this platform. Since joining steemit in June 2017, it has been a great adventure and a blessing beyond words.

I want to thank @ejemai for introducing me to steemit and how he has empowered many Nigerians via @stach initiative. I am grateful immensely to @donkeypong who has contributed massively in making this journey fruitful. @damarth's initiative of community development and a meal a day impacted my work positive and his constant support for the work has been amazing. @analisa, @kevinwong, @stach, @ejemai, @redfishpillar, in fact @everyone thank you for the undying support and love.

Though there are so many things i am thankful for and would love to write about but first i want us to share; and i will be giving some SBDs to celebrate this.

What you are expected to do is tell us your best moment yet on Steemit. What are you thankful for?

-Write your response as a comment to this post no fewer than 50words

-Resteem this post

-Follow @outhori5ed

-Upvote this post

The best 5 comments as judged by @lucyomoz and @ebij will receive 2SBD each.
5 mentions will receive 1SBD each

Contest is open until payout of this post.

It is with Love from @outhori5ed and I SteemIT for a living!

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Sorry, the comment have come in multiple times

This is really nice @outhori5ed thanks for this great opportunity and congratulations

Steemit is truly a great platform. Before I joined steemit I wasn't so good in writing, with steemit I have being able to improve my writing skills. I am very thankful to @marvel1206 for introducing me to steemit and guiding me on how the platform works and also @tosyne2much who also taught me the basis I need to know about steemit. It also gives me great joy to be able to share my views, thoughts with a wide range of audience. I'm also grateful that steemit is a platform where users gets paid for their hardwork unlike other platforms where users don't. Through steemit I have being able to relate and make friends with different personalities @simaoatb @ammyluv @liltom. Joining steemit is one of the best things that has happened to me cos I have being able to increase my knowledge base on articles I read here and I have also being privileged to interact with other people from different parts of the globe and I have being able to learn more things like cultures, politics, weather and way of life of other countries even when I have not being there physically. Thank you steemit.

Exactly. I can relate with all what you said.

Yeah steemit is truly a great platform. Thanks

You are spot on


So correct

Yeah, thank you

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


That's a really great achievement @outhiru5ed. Indeed, there is power in community, and that helps us grow. @ejemai has really been a Steem Patriot in Naija and I hope others will rise to emulate him. Happy Steeming man and wishing you more achievements here.

Congrats on getting 1000 followers. @outhori5ed.

My best moment on steemit...

It was the day I got a whales vote.

It was my first post, it took me 3 days to write.
I still thought my writing was whack. I was in shock that day.

It taught me to believe in myself more, that's all we need to succeed in life.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

My best moment on steemit was when I wake up one morning to see $32 upvote by dmania on my meme post, Before then I have been working hard to get dmania upvote but all my effort was in vain, my mentor used to say we must to promote the post so it can get to trending, have wasted all my sbd in promoting but still no upvote, I was already losing interest, but this particular night, I just created the meme and posted it, I didn't promote because I have no sbd, so I was not expecting any upvote, but in the morning, God surprised me in a miraculous way, I was so damn happy that I didn't know when I knelt down and started praising was an unforgettable day..
thanks @outhori5ed

It was my first month been on board this steemit ship, and am already discouraged, sbd was low, to earn a single 0.01 total Upvote is very rare and it's like am wasting my time here, I bumped into a whatsapp group, steemnaira by name and they helped me and told me to take time and write quality content, I did in a week I was curated by @curie himself and got featured on people's blog as one of the best post of the week, that week I still can't forget, all thanks to @dante31 and all @steemnaira group members.

I feel so helped by the existence of Steemit, from not having any income before, after getting to know Steemit I am very grateful for making money for everyday needs so no need to ask again to parents whose lives are very lacking ...

My best moment on steemit was when I first joined, damn I was so excited, firstly, in Nigeria we don't really have sites that actually reward creativity and freelancing and when I got to know about steemit on instagram I immediately joined, it's been like 2 months here and I'm especially grateful to @seesladen for explaining things to me and showing me more ways to make money on steemit, I still have a lot to learn here and I'm willing to take it one day at a time. @adenijiadeshina @mathson @siralex @zeldam @dip

The pleasure is all mine dear... Make me proud 👍

After a lot of works you finally get 1k followers many many congrats brothers . keep it up

I am thankful steemit for reward system. I am starting again learn English, take photos, draw and solve puzzles. And I earn my first crypto

Hello! I find your post valuable for the wafrica community! Thanks for the great post! @wafrica is now following you! ALWAYs follow @wafrica and use the wafrica tag!

Your achievements are incredible, as well as what you've gotten from Steemit, it's really a passion for others to get success like you ..

Though I have not been too long on this Platform, but I have felt so many benefits from him ... Hopefully I can follow your lead to success in Steemit ..
Thank you..

my best moment on steemit is when i see my first payout. eventough it was very tiny, but still i am grateful for it. I am not really an active stemian because I am not a good content creater, lack of time for building relation, my language barrier, and a lot of other factor, but I am happy to be part of a social media which give incentives anf rewards for its users. A very good way to spend our time online.
anyway, congrats for your achivement, I hope i can get into whete you are now, in the future. 😃

Congratulations!,@outhori5ed Your post has been upvoted by @reachout via the wafrica tag

Our goal is to support Minnows on Steemit. Join our discord group
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## Also,We'd like invite you to the @eoscafe discord community , be part of something great

I am really glad for you to have seen such success. I am yet very very new to this platform, but I do have a great moment, which was when I saw my third post reach $1.00, since I am not quite sure how steem dollars are raised.

hey @outhori5ed many many congratulation to you... keep posting..


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I still remember that day, it was Jan 18. When I woke up, I saw a mail that my Steemit account was approved. I finalized the account, and as soon as I sign in, I saw the trending posts. Luckily, I saw the post by @acidiyo, it was about the Steem Fantasy Premier League(SFPL), and the post had prediction result for that week and SFPL league table. Being a Premier League fan, and a regular FPL player, I was interested in that post. I had played FPL for 8 years now. The entry on the league was closed in GW 2, and if I had played the league, I would be a top 10 position there. I commented the screenshot of my FPL points and wrote "I missed the entry in here, if I had played from the start, I would be on top 10". Acidiyo and a couple of whale voted my comment, that comment paid me nearly $3, and my reputation rose from 25 to 29 with that single comment. I had no idea about whales, minnows at that time, but that comment taught me a lot, and I explored a lot about Steemit afterward. I would say this incident to be my best moment on this platform.
I am thankful for this lovely Steemit community, where I am exploring the world of decentralization and digitalization, and my girlfriend, whom I asked to join Steemit, and now she helps me in my every step in Steemit and my growth here.

Congratulations @outhori5ed on reaching 1003 followers in only 295 days!

I wish you continued success!

@Introbot is hosted and managed with donations from @byColeman in an effort to help others achieve the success you have!

I have followed and upvoted you.

my best moment on steemit was when I participated in a highest number of votes winning contest, it wasn't easy to win the contest as the other contestant were putting in their very best too, I had to put more effort, seeking up votes from everyone I see, and it was fun, I met many steemians, some telling me about what they were facing on the platform and I also made more friends, at the end of the contest, I took second position and I was so happy...

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

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