The Schteinn Science Report ~ A Color Challenge Retrospective: The Plants Of The Seven Planets Of Our Universe ~ The Past Week of Photography ~ In Space-Age ViviColor! ~

in schteinnsciencereport •  8 years ago  (edited)

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An Original Schteinn Science Report

~Fourth Edition~

Presented here for the first time, as a complete collection: Seven Plants Of The Seven Planets Of Our Universe. All displayed this past week in the Steemit Color Challenge on the Steemit Site, Planet Earth. Please peruse and enjoy at your viewing leisure. ~D.D.Schteinn, M.S.~

Photographs taken by the Deep Space Explorer Satellite - MrPeabody IV. Designed and built by the Engineering Department of the Schteinn College Of The Sophisticated Sciences
Editors Note: Enclosed with each photograph is the link to the Scientific Treatise on the originating planet and description of botanical biology that allows each plant to survive on the planet in question.


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Roseous indigovibrantus var. Mercuriplanetoidus

Common Name: Mercurial Disappearing Blueflower

Indigo Saturday -- Planet Mercury

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Floralroundisci mutedvioleticus var. Venusplanetoides

Common Name: Purple Satellite Dish Flower

Violet Sunday -- Planet Venus

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Florasanguinidae haboobtatteri var. Marsplanetoides

Common Name: Red Planet Dusty Wind-Flower

Red Monday -- Planet Mars

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Florathickgasus redspoti-pondweedus var. Jupiterplanetoides

Common Name: Jupiterian Thick-Gas Pond-Weed Flower

Orange Tuesday -- Planet Jupiter

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Floramoontitan petaljuliennefry var. Saturnplanetoides

Common Name: Moon Titan French-Fry Flower

Yellow Wednesday -- Planet Venus

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Florasubmergeus-anguli liquidichydrogenaseae var. Uranusplantetoides

Common Name: Gaseous Sea Angling-Flower of Uranus

Green Thursday -- Planet Uranus

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Florabioluminescis auroramagnetosphereus var. Neptuneplantetoides

Common Name: Aurora Neptunis Blue Glow-Flower

Blue Friday -- Planet Neptune

For More Detailed Deep Science About Each Of These Photographs

Seven Day Series -- Photos Of Cool Plants Of Our Solar System

Indigo Saturday -- Planet Mercury
Violet Sunday -- Planet Venus
Red Monday -- Planet Mars
Orange Tuesday -- Planet Jupiter
Yellow Wednesday -- Planet Venus
Green Thursday -- Planet Uranus
Blue Friday -- Planet Neptune

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[Official Science Press Credential Here]

A huge shout-out from the freelance Science Reporter's cardboard holler-horn goes out to the amazing @ocrdu for creating this marvy little identification credential for The Schteinn Science Report. Not only is it ultra-cool, but it allows me to poke about into databases and other places I'm probably not supposed to be. Though that IS the point of this on-the-edge, razor-sharp Science reportage.

Poste Script: These images may have received "just a wee bit" of manipulation by the author, to get the colors "just right" for this particular Deep Science Project.

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And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...

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Nice inter-planetary grouping, and I'm quite sure that a bouquet of them would last longer than the average human lifetime!!!

Now THAT would be a selling point...think you're onto something here. Get your lady one bouquet that would last until she's 95. Just root them out of the ashcan when she's not looking, re-arrange, and wait for the next holiday. Talk about a marketing ploy. Suppose that acquisition part might put a crimp in the profit margin.

Thanks, and glad you enjoyed the series. It was much fun to do. And a learning experience, things I never knew, or just plum forgot. Have a nice night.

Saturn's French fry flowers look pretty awesome!

Thank you. We're hoping to get them harvested and transferred here for consumption. McDonald's has shown interest...but to date the shipping costs are a bit of a snag.

Good collection! I like all of those beautiful flowers from the wonderful planets! I enjoyed the nice atmosphere of each planet reported by you! Great works!

Thank you. Glad you enjoyed our space collection. I've learned a lot about our planets of the universe doing the project. Things I may have known, but forgot. What fun. Thanks for the view and support. Have a wonderful day.

With my pleasure! Yes, I absolutely agree with you, it's a lot of fun to learn about our planets of the universe!
Have a nice night! ;)

I'm so glad you did a post with all of these together. I've really loved this series. They would look amazing hanging side by side in a gallery.

Have you ever thought about selling your stuff on a site like deviantart? I think they print on demand and ship to customers, so there isn't any work involved on your end. I don't know how easy it is for buyers to find stuff on there, but I know people would want these in their home if they saw them.

Behind again, naturally...(Think that's a song?..)
Thanks so much for the nice compliment. And glad you enjoyed the photos of the true flowers of the Universe. It was a lot of fun. I learned a whole bunch about the planets I either never knew, or forgot. What was really fun was that I printed all the pictures a week before, then tried to fit the planet info into the picture as I wrote each one each day. Sort of a puzzle. Anyway, I wax on babblerific here.

I've never really considered selling any of my photos. I should probably look into Deviantart. I do like that they do the work...not that I'm lazy, but keeping up on here is hard enough. Plus I never really considered my photos as anything anyone would actually want to buy, let alone put up on their wall.

These are great photos, I've enjoyed this romp through the solar system. Your staff or an intern may have slightly misspelled your name in the title, but their space research is marvelous!

Oops, heads will roll!! Thanks for the heads up. Somehow being a Shettin' loses some credibility in the halls of higher Science. How those things slip by is a mystery. Well, maybe not.
Thanks for the views and enjoyment of the content. Muchly appreciated. And fun to write, when you push the bounds of scientific knowledge.

Excellent post dear friend @ddschteinn, with the faithful seal of your work style, creativity present before all things, excellent selection of images, thank you very much for this beautiful weekend gift
I wish you a beautiful weekend
Greetings to all your loved ones

Thank you so much for your kind words and apprecition. I greatly appreciate it right back. And wish you a most marvelous weekend as well. And the best to your family as well. Tell them the Chicken of Science of Steemit says hello ( :

I think I will have to think about framing my shots. Very cool edit!

Thanks muchly, appreciate the appreciation. It does seem to add a bit of paazing to the photos. A bit time consuming, but then that's all part of the fun here in Steemville. Suppose it hearkens back to the days of film. (I don't know about Michigan, but it sounds like a war zone outside right now.....hard to concentrate)!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Jeez! I couldn't even said some of those planetarium flowers! I even bite my tongue! I think you shoulf head to NASA and apply for space flowertology!

It really helps, when you make up your own scientific names. Though each DOES have a meaning. Just maybe a bit...obscure? I should write to NASA, then again...

@ddschteinn Great clicks. Thanks for the post.
I have posted some Blue lotus here

Thanks (I'm way behind on here). Appreciate the view and comment. I went to your site, that is a gorgeous flower. Nice photography. Have a nice night.
