RE: It's True, Water is Level... Because We Live on a Sphere

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It's True, Water is Level... Because We Live on a Sphere

in science •  7 years ago  (edited)

Yes, I have. I've looked into it EXTENSIVELY, watched hundreds of their videos, and investigated EVERY SINGLE ONE of the claims. And they are all total bullshit. It's a cult for brain dead people who cannot understand basic science and seem to have a need to feel special by pretending they are smarter than every scientist in the past 1000 years and that they've uncovered the largest and longest conspiracy in the world involving millions of people, none of whom have spoken up.

It's literally the most bullshit theory I've ran across in my time on earth. And I'm an anarchist, and quit a lucrative career due to it being funded and directed by government.

My entire career is based on doing research that pulls the bullshit out of what is real. This flat earth think is such incredible bullshit that it takes the invention of, literally, the world's largest and longest onspiracy and denial of basic provable observations and entire continents to support.

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"all total bullshit" well id never say never knows certainty
.....this pathetic rant.your on is a angry man who has been lied to his it and look at evidence

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment