Hello world! Meet Webcom.

in science •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hey guys, I'm Webcom. I'm 20 years old and I'm a fiction writer, blogger, a full fledge geek and basically an all out nerd.tmp-cam--817195530.jpg I also seriously watch anime and cartoons considering them as a valid source of reference often comparing them with channels like National Geographic, BBC, or History channel.25594238_1691305444241506_8595201857141404634_n.jpg I read comics and books on my free time, breed various species of reptiles, freshwater fishes and invertebrates, make homemade diy gadgets and other cool stuff, experiment with common household items just to see how they would react, and make use of what people consider as garbage, exquisitely cook exotic dishes, draw and paint on canvas or in a computer while watching YouTube videos of just about anything. I graduated as an Associate on IT so I might share my knowledge on computers as well as show you how to create your own programs. I forgot to mention my day job as an Air Conditioning Technicianskies-clouds-blue.jpg and I'm also a part-time photographer/electrician/plumber/landscape artist/gardener and self-proclaimed engineer. I used to be a dancer but I had to quit because of an accident with a motorcycle two years ago.25659725_948936531936372_1075803690258008669_n.jpg Honestly I just like to keep myself busy.tmp-cam-846611349.jpg Please enjoy yourself and ready your brains with all the knowledge you can assimilate. I'll be writing articles real soon. ;)

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welcome here wish you have a good time