100 Article on Seigniorage & Economics Curated Publications List

in seigniorage •  6 years ago 

Seignorage is a concept important for economics, politics, and monetary policy. It is essentially the profit of a government for printing money. In the cryptocurrency world there is often little cost to produce cyrptocurrency and often no central authority, so this concept becomes interesting for comparison. Below are the top 100 most cited articles mentioning this term... and please note that you may also find this spelled seignorage or seigneurage.

Will this concept fade away as cryptocurrencies replace fiat currency over time? Is there always some value of money that will be attributable to production of it?

There are some interesting analyses produced which look at debt, sustainability, taxation and capital controls as well.

  1. "Seigniorage and political instability". A Cukierman, S Edwards, G Tabellini. 1989. nber.org . 994 cites.
  2. "Seigniorage and the Case for a National Money". S Fischer. 1982. journals.uchicago.edu Journal of political economy. 588 cites.
  3. "The optimal collection of seigniorage: Theory and evidence". NG Mankiw. 1987. nber.org . 461 cites.
  4. "Seigniorage, operating rules, and the high inflation trap". M Bruno, S Fischer. 1990. academic.oup.com The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 308 cites.
  5. "Seigniorage in Europe". VU Grilli. 1988. nber.org . 187 cites.
  6. "Money demand and seigniorage-maximizing inflation". WR Easterly, P Mauro, K Schmidt-Hebbel. 1992. books.google.com . 148 cites.
  7. "Seigniorage in a cross-section of countries". RW Click. 1998. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 143 cites.
  8. "Seigniorage: what is it and who gets it?". M Klein, MJM Neumann. 1990. Springer Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv. 140 cites.
  9. "Optimal seigniorage from money creation: An analysis in terms of the optimum balance of payments deficit problem". GA Calvo. 1978. ideas.repec.org Journal of Monetary Economics. 125 cites.
  10. "Seigniorage". WH Buiter. 2007. nber.org . 113 cites.
  11. "Public debt sustainability and endogenous seigniorage in Brazil: time-series evidence from 1947–1992". JV Issler, LR Lima. 2000. Elsevier Journal of development Economics. 103 cites.
  12. "Eurowinners and Eurolosers: The distribution of seigniorage wealth in EMU1". HW Sinn, H Feist. 1997. Elsevier European Journal of Political Economy. 101 cites.
  13. "Seigniorage and the welfare cost of inflation: Evidence from an intertemporal model of money and consumption". Z Eckstein, L Leiderman. 1992. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 95 cites.
  14. "Reserve requirements and optimal seigniorage". S Freeman. 1987. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 95 cites.
  15. "Monetary policy, capital controls and seigniorage in an open economy". A Drazen. 1989. books.google.com A European central bank. 92 cites.
  16. "Dynamic seigniorage theory: An exploration". M Obstfeld. 1989. nber.org . 90 cites.
  17. "Seigniorage and tax smoothing in the United States 1914–1986". B Trehan, CE Walsh. 1990. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 83 cites.
  18. "Seigniorage in the EC: the implications of the EMS and financial market integration". D Gros. 1989. papers.ssrn.com . 68 cites.
  19. "The best and worst of currencies: Seigniorage and currency policy in Spain, 1597–1650". A Motomura. 1994. cambridge.org The Journal of Economic History. 64 cites.
  20. "Liberalisation and seigniorage revenue in Kenya, Ghana and Tanzania". C Adam, B Ndulu, NK Sowa. 1996. Taylor & Francis The Journal of Development Studies. 64 cites.
  21. "Central banks and seigniorage: a study of three economies in transition". E Hochreiter, R Rovelli, G Winckler. 1996. Elsevier European Economic Review. 60 cites.
  22. "The political economy of seigniorage". A Aisen, FJ Veiga. 2008. Elsevier Journal of Development Economics. 59 cites.
  23. "Seigniorage in the United States: how much does the US government make from money production?". MJM Neumann. 1992. files.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review. 52 cites.
  24. "Seigniorage, inflation, and reputation". HI Grossman, JB Van Huyck. 1986. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 49 cites.
  25. "Optimal seigniorage and financial liberalization". P Bacchetta, R Caminal. 1992. Elsevier Journal of International Money and Finance. 49 cites.
  26. "Reserve ratio, seigniorage and growth". P Basu. 2001. Elsevier Journal of Macroeconomics. 48 cites.
  27. "Seigniorage and inflation: the case of Argentina". MA Kiguel, PA Neumeyer. 1995. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 47 cites.
  28. "Hyperinflations and moral hazard in the appropriation of seigniorage: an empirical implementation with a calibration approach". CE Zarazaga. 1995. researchgate.net . 46 cites.
  29. "Money, deflation and seigniorage in the fifteenth century: A review essay". MD Bordo. 1986. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 45 cites.
  30. "Part I: Seigniorage of fiat money and the maqasid al-Shari'ah: the unattainableness of the maqasid". A Kameel Mydin Meera, M Larbani. 2006. emeraldinsight.com Humanomics. 45 cites.
  31. "Seigniorage or sovereignty?". LR Wray. 2003. books.google.com Modern theories of money. 45 cites.
  32. "The seigniorage gain of an international currency: an empirical test". BJ Cohen. 1971. academic.oup.com The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 43 cites.
  33. "Seigniorage and EMU: the fiscal implications of price stability and financial market integration". D Gros. 1993. Elsevier European Journal of Political Economy. 43 cites.
  34. "Seigniorage as a tax: a quantitative evaluation". A İmrohoroğlu, EC Prescott. 1991. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 43 cites.
  35. "Time consistent collection of optimal seigniorage: A unifying framework". B Herrendorf. 1997. Wiley Online Library Journal of Economic Surveys. 43 cites.
  36. "The distribution of seigniorage from international liquidity creation". HG Grubel. 1969. University of Chicago Press Chicago Monetary problems of the …. 39 cites.
  37. "Seigniorage, banking, and the optimal quantity of money". E Baltensperger, TJ Jordan. 1997. Elsevier Journal of Banking & Finance. 37 cites.
  38. "Exchange rates and seigniorage". V Grilli. 1989. ideas.repec.org European Economic Review. 37 cites.
  39. "Fiscal deficits, seigniorage and external debt: the case of Greece". G Alogoskoufis, N Christodoulakis. 1991. books.google.com External constraints on …. 37 cites.
  40. "Inflation, bank profits, and government seigniorage". JJ Siegel. 1981. JSTOR The American Economic Review. 36 cites.
  41. "Seigniorage and EMU: the fiscal implications of price stability and financial market integration". D Gros, GUYVANDILLE. 1995. Wiley Online Library JCMS: Journal of Common Market …. 36 cites.
  42. "Money creation, reserve requirements, and seigniorage". JH Haslag, ER Young. 1998. people.virginia.edu Review of Economic Dynamics. 36 cites.
  43. "The allocation of seigniorage in a common currency area". A Sibert. 1994. Elsevier Journal of International Economics. 35 cites.
  44. "A comparative study of seigniorage: Japan and Germany". NJM Manfred, N NEUMAN. 1996. piketty.pse.ens.fr Bank of Japan Monetary and Econ …. 34 cites.
  45. "Seigniorage, currency substitution, and inflation in Turkey". F Selçuk. 2001. JSTOR Russian & East European Finance and Trade. 31 cites.
  46. "Seigniorage and EMS discipline". D Gros. 1990. chapter. 29 cites.
  47. "Does it matter how seigniorage is measured?". P Honohan. 1996. Taylor & Francis Applied Financial Economics. 29 cites.
  48. "Seigniorage: an argument for a national currency?". F Schobert. 2002. books.google.com . 29 cites.
  49. "A note on seigniorage and the social saving from substituting credit for commodity money". HG Johnson. 1968. JSTOR The Punjab University Economist. 28 cites.
  50. "Seigniorage: Old and new policy issues Introduction". L Spaventa. 1989. Elsevier European Economic Review. 27 cites.
  51. "New data on minting, seigniorage, and the money supply in Spain (Castile), 1597–1643". A Motomura. 1997. Elsevier Explorations in Economic History. 27 cites.
  52. "The political economy of seigniorage". MA Aisen, MFJ Veiga. 2005. books.google.com . 27 cites.
  53. "Is currency seigniorage exogenous for inflation tax in Turkey?". E Ozmen. 1998. Taylor & Francis Applied Economics. 26 cites.
  54. "Spending seigniorage: do central banks have a governance problem?". A Ize. 2007. Springer IMF Staff Papers. 26 cites.
  55. "Dynamic seigniorage theory: an exploration". M Obstfeld. 1997. cambridge.org Macroeconomic Dynamics. 26 cites.
  56. "Corruption, seigniorage and growth: theory and evidence". K Blackburn, KC Neanidis, ME Haque. 2008. papers.ssrn.com . 26 cites.
  57. "Seigniorage, Dollarization and Public Debt: The Lebanese Civil War and Recovery Experience, 1982–97". AA Bolbol. 1999. Elsevier World Development. 25 cites.
  58. "Spending seigniorage: do central banks have a governance problem?". MA Ize. 2006. books.google.com . 25 cites.
  59. "Seigniorage and fixed exchange rates: An optimal inflation tax analysis". S Fischer. 1981. nber.org . 23 cites.
  60. "Seigniorage and the welfare cost of inflation in Colombia". M López. 2000. researchgate.net . 23 cites.
  61. "The generation and distribution of central bank seigniorage in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland". E Hochreiter, R Rovelli. 1999. papers.ssrn.com . 23 cites.
  62. "Financing budget deficits by seigniorage and implicit taxation: the cases of Spain and Portugal". R Repullo. 1992. Springer Fiscal Policy, Taxation and the Financial System in an …. 23 cites.
  63. "Welfare costs of inflation, seigniorage, and financial innovation". J De Gregorio. 1991. Springer Staff Papers. 23 cites.
  64. "Multicointegration, seigniorage and fiscal sustainability. Spain 1857–2000". R Escario, MD Gadea, M Sabate. 2012. Elsevier Journal of Policy Modeling. 23 cites.
  65. "Seigniorage". S Black. 1989. Springer Money. 22 cites.
  66. "Seigniorage payments for use of the dollar: 1977–1995". PN Jefferson. 1998. Elsevier Economics Letters. 22 cites.
  67. "Seigniorage in developing countries". J Haan, D Zelhorst, O Roukens. 1993. Taylor & Francis Applied Financial Economics. 22 cites.
  68. "Castilian Seigniorage and coinage in the Reign of Philip II". M Ulloa. 1975. search.proquest.com Journal of European Economic History. 22 cites.
  69. "Inflation and seigniorage in Argentina". MA Kiguel, PA Neumeyer, B Mundial. 1989. documents.worldbank.org . 22 cites.
  70. "Principles of seigniorage". E Baltensperger, TJ Jordan. 1997. ideas.repec.org Swiss Journal of Economics and …. 21 cites.
  71. "Seigniorage, taxation, and weak government". T Andrabi. 1997. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking. 21 cites.
  72. "Seigniorage revenue and monetary policy". JH Haslag. 1998. search.proquest.com Economic Review-Federal Reserve Bank of …. 21 cites.
  73. "Profiting from the euro? Seigniorage gains from euro area accession". D Gros. 2004. Wiley Online Library JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies. 20 cites.
  74. "Dollarization in Latin America: seigniorage costs and policy implications". C Lange, C Sauer. 2005. Elsevier The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. 20 cites.
  75. "Optimal seigniorage, the gold standard, and central bank financing". BL Goff, M Toma. 1993. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 20 cites.
  76. "Seigniorage and the transfer of central bank profits to the government". E Baltensperger, TJ Jordan. 1998. Wiley Online Library Kyklos. 20 cites.
  77. "Seigniorage and tax smoothing: Testing the extended tax-smoothing model". JL Evans, MC Amey. 1996. Elsevier Journal of Macroeconomics. 19 cites.
  78. "International currency substitution and seigniorage in a simple model of money". S Imrohoroglu. 1996. Wiley Online Library Economic Inquiry. 19 cites.
  79. "Seigniorage of fiat money and the Maqasid al-Shari'ah: The compatibility of the gold dinar with the Maqasid". A Kameel, M Meera, M Larbani. 2006. emeraldinsight.com Humanomics. 19 cites.
  80. "Seigniorage, reserve requirements and bank spreads in Brazil". E Cardoso. 2003. books.google.com Taxation of Financial Intermediation: Theory and …. 19 cites.
  81. "The enlargement of the European Union and the redistribution of seigniorage wealth". H Feist. 2001. Wiley Online Library Kyklos. 18 cites.
  82. "A theory of international currency and seigniorage competition". Y Li, A Matsui. 2005. core.ac.uk CIRJE, discussion paper n. F–363. 18 cites.
  83. "Credibility and seigniorage in a common currency area". L Bottazzi, P Manasse. 2002. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 17 cites.
  84. "Money demand and seigniorage in transition". N Budina, J Hanousek, Z Tůma. 1995. Taylor & Francis Eastern European Economics. 17 cites.
  85. "Hegemony and seigniorage: the planned spontaneity of the US current account deficit". MN Ivanova. 2010. Taylor & Francis International Journal of Political Economy. 17 cites.
  86. "On the optimal seigniorage hypothesis". RA Amano. 1998. Elsevier Journal of Macroeconomics. 16 cites.
  87. "Seigniorage and official dollarization". S Fischer. 1993. INOR PUBLICATIES WORLD BANK DISCUSSION PAPERS. 16 cites.
  88. "Distributing Seigniorage under EMU". D Gros. 1998. ideas.repec.org ifo Schnelldienst. 15 cites.
  89. "Seigniorage, electronic money and financial independence of central banks". H Groeneveld, A Visser. 2013. laboratoriocritico.uniroma1.it PSL Quarterly Review. 15 cites.
  90. "Reserve requirements, seigniorage and the financing of the government in an economic and monetary union". R Rovelli. 1994. European Economy-Notes and Reports. 14 cites.
  91. "Optimal seigniorage versus interest rate smoothing". RT Froyen, RN Waud. 1995. Elsevier Journal of Macroeconomics. 14 cites.
  92. "The non‐monotonic relationship between seigniorage and inequality". J Bhattacharya, H Bunzel…. 2005. Wiley Online Library Canadian Journal of …. 14 cites.
  93. "The American external seigniorage: Origin, cost to Europe, and possible defences". ES Kirschen. 1974. Elsevier European economic review. 14 cites.
  94. "Estimating an Intertemporal Model of Consumption, Money Demand, and Seigniorage". Z Eckstein, L Leiderman. 1989. Workine Pawr Nn. 14 cites.
  95. "Seigniorage sharing under dollarization". Z Bogetic. 2000. Central Banking. 14 cites.
  96. "Monetary policy, seigniorage, and capital controls in an open economy". A Drazen. 1989. Cambridge: Cambridge University … An European Central Bank. 14 cites.
  97. "Seigniorage and tax smoothing in developing countries". J Ashworth, L Evans. 1998. emeraldinsight.com Journal of Economic Studies. 13 cites.
  98. "Seigniorage‐Maximizing Inflation under Sticky Prices". T Damjanovic, C Nolan. 2010. Wiley Online Library Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 13 cites.
  99. "The demand for money and inflation in Mexico 1980–1999: implications for stability and real seigniorage revenues". P Turner, G Benavides. 2001. Taylor & Francis Applied Economics Letters. 13 cites.
  100. "The role of tax bases and collections costs in the determination of income tax rates, seigniorage and inflation". LW Kenny, M Toma. 1997. Springer Public Choice. 13 cites.


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